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Connect iPhone to stereo??!



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T4 PopTop
Hi All, have Cali Westy 2002 lhd with the old cd sat nav, radio, 6 cd changer. I’d like to know if anyone out there has been able to find a way of hooking up their iPhone to play music through the speakers? I have tried a number of blue tooth options without any joy. I’d like to keep the old system in place if I sell as its all original. Can this what appears to be simple procedure be done without removing the old or putting a new one in? ie a wire connected somewhere?? My expertise is zilch. Any help much appreciated
Hi All, have Cali Westy 2002 lhd with the old cd sat nav, radio, 6 cd changer. I’d like to know if anyone out there has been able to find a way of hooking up their iPhone to play music through the speakers? I have tried a number of blue tooth options without any joy. I’d like to keep the old system in place if I sell as its all original. Can this what appears to be simple procedure be done without removing the old or putting a new one in? ie a wire connected somewhere?? My expertise is zilch. Any help much appreciated

To be honest I think you’re wasting your energy trying to connect your phone via Bluetooth to such an old head unit. You won’t get any of the functionality available if you just fitted something new. Assuming budget would allow there are a lot of affordable single and double DIN units out there. You can always box the original unit for the time being and dust it off when/if you decide to sell at any point.

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I think the the only way will be an iPhone to FM transmitter with this set up - it's a naff way of doing things though. Just replace the standard unit with a brand new Sony DIN unit or similar (£75 or so) and you will get all modern functionality and connectivity. Just pop the old unit back in when you sell.
Thanks Guys, sounds like the only way forward. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a similar design that will be comparable and fit preferably a used unit, you mention a new Sony Din at £75? Any other sugggestions?
Thanks Guys, sounds like the only way forward. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a similar design that will be comparable and fit preferably a used unit, you mention a new Sony Din at £75? Any other sugggestions?

You’ll need a double DIN unit to replace the Blaupunkt Satnav installed in your dash. Something like this should do the trick. Google search for a price I found one for £110 from Car Audio Direct.

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There is a device called an X-car link, I think it plugs in instead of the cd changer, it allows a connection of an iPod or iPhone. Worth checking out.
But as others mentioned, by simply changing the head unit, you can have many modern conveniences such as Bluetooth calls, DVD player, sat nav etc
Thank you Guys for all the suggestions. If I have to replace I will but I have a Tom Tom now I’m happy with that, the radio and cd changer on the original I’m happy with it’s just the ability to play my playlists on iPhone especially when I drive to Spain in September. If all else fails I’ll have to get the Kenwood. Is that plug and play? Is it something a novice could do?
Thank you Guys for all the suggestions. If I have to replace I will but I have a Tom Tom now I’m happy with that, the radio and cd changer on the original I’m happy with it’s just the ability to play my playlists on iPhone especially when I drive to Spain in September. If all else fails I’ll have to get the Kenwood. Is that plug and play? Is it something a novice could do?

I wouldn’t think installing the Kenwood would be too difficult. It’s not DAB so your existing aerial can be used and the wiring for them is pretty much standardised so nothing requiring specialist tools or skills to do the job. They always come with pretty comprehensive instructions, just give yourself plenty of time and read them carefully. Is the CD changer a separate to the satnav?

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If you’re going Double Din, get something with Apple CarPlay, they are not expensive and it’s the best way of playing iPhone based music by far, plus it does loads more. Light years ahead of all the CD changer port / Bluetooth / FM modulators, non CarPlay units.

£200 for a second hand Pioneer one.
You can buy a cheap device that plugs into the back of your unit to provide an 'aux' port. It uses the source allocated to an external CD player. You can then wire in a very small and tasteful bluetooth button (that you wire in to that aux socket....all hidden behind the dash) that will allow you to stream music and skip tracks forward and backward, once you select the CD source. It will also do hands free calls when using the CD source (or quickly pressing that button when your phone goes and you were listening to the radio).

I had this set up in a previous life and it was very good. My T6 has carplay / android auto and can be a f'ing pain if it chooses to not connect to my phone (which has to be tethered by USB for full integration).

With a good phone mount (easy using the T4 ashtray) it can be a good solution, for about £60. All you see is a small 1.5" diameter stick on grey button. I'll provide links (will take time to find) if you are seriously tempted with this route.
Doesn't have to be double din if you don't want it. Just fit a cradle with single din and cubbyhole or whatever.
Hi All, have Cali Westy 2002 lhd with the old cd sat nav, radio, 6 cd changer. I’d like to know if anyone out there has been able to find a way of hooking up their iPhone to play music through the speakers? I have tried a number of blue tooth options without any joy. I’d like to keep the old system in place if I sell as its all original. Can this what appears to be simple procedure be done without removing the old or putting a new one in? ie a wire connected somewhere?? My expertise is zilch. Any help much appreciated
Do you have an Aux in on your existing head unit?
Hi Skewif, yes I have an Auxilary on the system it shows up in the Manuel that you can connect an optional extra at the time for camera, video/audio
Haven’t had the unit out yet and I’m not sure what to look for??
I wouldn’t think installing the Kenwood would be too difficult. It’s not DAB so your existing aerial can be used and the wiring for them is pretty much standardised so nothing requiring specialist tools or skills to do the job. They always come with pretty comprehensive instructions, just give yourself plenty of time and read them carefully. Is the CD changer a separate to the satnav?

Not sure! The CD changer mechanism sits below near the floor just next to the gear shift, the actual unit is in a separate compartment. Although you operate it from the main system.
The second two pictures show where the CD Changer livesC5AA9398-5115-4D13-958F-00EE57DA0404.jpeg F4DAAD27-4CB8-47C9-B98E-9EAF7FA616B9.jpeg 63C8E663-BFBA-4573-BB2D-7D42801D7649.jpeg D054492A-AF4B-4CEA-A398-036DED99B200.jpeg 0F2E3445-9694-4D2C-A204-398EF4F92E33.jpeg D5D69C39-929D-4CE1-B870-CD27C6E175E8.jpeg 844D58AF-8720-4421-8BA7-992FD1853176.jpeg 851124A9-1355-498D-BF5E-9073A2234E84.jpeg CC9D5A91-85F1-4680-AE69-1856114BF00A.jpeg A2F2FF8C-17A1-4ABF-93C5-DF00B61D218E.jpeg A2F2FF8C-17A1-4ABF-93C5-DF00B61D218E.jpeg
Do you have an Aux in on your existing head unit?
Hi Skywif, here are some pics hope they help

Morning @qyouquestion. This may be a cheaper solution to your iPhone connection problem. There are a couple of things to consider though. Firstly an Aux In won’t give you any phone functionality. You would also have to select any music via the phone interface - the MFD head unit isn’t new enough to know how to do this. And secondly - do you want to keep the CD changer functionality? The cable to give you an Aux In will basically replace the connection used by the CD Changer. This cable is what our be after I think, the retailer would be able to confirm for sure though.

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I replaced my MFD1 but I still have it. I’m sure there is an input on the rear for a 3.5mm jack.

I’ll check when I get Croatia at the mo.
So a quick Google shows this. Shot of the rear of your MFD1 plus the cable you need. As Skewit says, this will only give you audio in with no control.


Hi Skewif, yes I have an Auxilary on the system it shows up in the Manuel that you can connect an optional extra at the time for camera, video/audio
Haven’t had the unit out yet and I’m not sure what to look for??
So if the only aux in is to loose the CD changer then IMO not a big loss as could put thousands of tracks on the phone instead. You could then plug the adapter mrcheesbrough mentioned into a bluetooth receiver like this: Besign BK01 Bluetooth 4.1 Car Kit Hands-Free Wireless Talking & Music Streaming Receiver with Dual Port USB Car Charger and Ground Loop Noise Isolator for Car with 3.5mm AUX input Port: Electronics. This way you can play your music, make and receive calls and skip tracks without needing to ever plug phone in. An auto electrician could easily hide the wires and the usb supply for this inside the dash so you will only see the button / controller.

Just an idea but if you have one of the new iPhones can I also recommend getting a wireless charging cradle like the one in the picture. Just jump in, drop phone into holder, say "Hey Siri play music" and off you go. Also great for all the Apps CarPlay won't let you use.
phone holder.jpg
.....obvs this is only a solution for iPhone 6 and older as the 7 does away with the 3.5mm jack. Sweet move Apple.
On the subject of CD changers, the sensible option is to chuck it in the long grass and free up the space for the standard cubby hole thing. Much better use of space.

Good luck sourcing the part(s). I tracked one down on

There is a list on here quoting part numbers.
Although all these suggestions of Aux In and Bluetooth adapters are useful I’m still of the thinking that simply replacing the head unit with the Kenwood in the earlier post will make life more bearable. Adapters and cradles are no substitute for a system developed specifically for the purpose and it’s not that pricey either. By the time you’ve bought all the various adapters you’re well on the way to covering the cost of the replacement unit and that’ll only require the power/speaker cable and aerial plugging in before it’s good to go. No messing about routing this and that behind the dash.

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Although all these suggestions of Aux In and Bluetooth adapters are useful I’m still of the thinking that simply replacing the head unit with the Kenwood in the earlier post will make life more bearable. Adapters and cradles are no substitute for a system developed specifically for the purpose and it’s not that pricey either. By the time you’ve bought all the various adapters you’re well on the way to covering the cost of the replacement unit and that’ll only require the power/speaker cable and aerial plugging in before it’s good to go. No messing about routing this and that behind the dash.

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Yes but the OP stated wanting to keep original head unit and be able to play music from phone. For £40 and 1/2 hour of messing it can be done and gets hands free calling as a bonus.

Cradle is not necessary just makes the setup wire free and places phone where it can be seen and operated without taking a hand off the steering wheel.

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