Stale Odour



I know this has been a well 'worn thread' in the past but i have a persistent stale odour which reminds me of our dog's feet for some months now. I've had A.C. serviced (twice) and used a couple of fresh air 'bombs' but it has not really gone away. I've checked the sink and the water tank, put my fairly large nose over the carpets, seats, bed and bellows, but can I find its source - No. Anyone have any bright ideas?
I know this has been a well 'worn thread' in the past but i have a persistent stale odour which reminds me of our dog's feet for some months now. I've had A.C. serviced (twice) and used a couple of fresh air 'bombs' but it has not really gone away. I've checked the sink and the water tank, put my fairly large nose over the carpets, seats, bed and bellows, but can I find its source - No. Anyone have any bright ideas?
Have you sterilised the Air/AirCon System?

Other makes available.
Put some charcoal , don't need a lot, into a container and leave it in the Cali.
Works with all sorts of odours from vomit to wet dogs.
I assuming you’ve ruled out the fridge? They can get pretty pongy.

VW California Club
