Maybe a petrol Tsi Ocean ??



2018 204ps NOW SOLD
West Sussex
T6 Ocean 204
I recently sold my 2016 Cali Beach on here thinking I needed a big white motorhome in my life.

2 weeks later I have seen the light and decided to buy a Cali Ocean instead. I have driven a 204 ps Kombi
and it was so quiet and smooth ( it was remapped to 300ps) but even driving at sensible speeds it was gr8.

Are there any members on here who have the 204 petrol Ocean on here that can give real life opinions and any one else who can give me any negatives why not to buy one???


You would have to source a used California as the petrol version is no longer available - discontinued until further notice and probably until a hybrid can be developed.
There seems to be a few pre reg coming up for sale.
I have the 204 TSI DSG since April 2018 and are very satisfied with it. I bought TSI because I frequently drive shorter trips (like 10 miles or less) and that is not advisable for a diesel. And partly to avoid the diesel bashing going on.
I have driven the 204 TDI as a 2 week rental earlier and that is my basis for evaluating the differences.
I have not used it for pulling a heavy trailer, sono knowledge on that.
The torque is less than the TDI, but more than adequate and I find it delivers the power in a more comfortable way, when starting from stand still. Where the TDI was prone to a light wheel slip unless you are very careful.
Using the D(rive) setting it is smoth and follows traffic nice and relaxed. In S(port) it is quite fun and quite sporty to drive for a van.
Normal driving is very quiet, but it has a more agressive sound when you rev it up. I find it quite nice, but others have complained about it being to noisy.
I get an average of 25,27 MPG over the last 10.000 km. That includes all kind of roads from Denmark through Germany, UK and Ireland this summer. And I just drive and enjoy it, not thinking to much of fuel economy.
@DaNish is your mpg a calculated number based on brimming the tank over several refills, or the dash display?
Ditto DaNish re comments, we have had our TSI since nov last year and have just done over 6k mileage. Lots of weekend day out trips, and a summer trip two week trip in France, where we were hit by the higher cost of petrol over there. As mentioned on here before, I just prefer petrol engines and don’t feel like I’m missing anything in not having a diesel one. Drives well with no feeling that i’m Missing power, I don’t find her loud at all and very happy cruising at speed limit and above.... and now hoping that for those wanting petrol, the second hand prices will hold well ;-)... not that we have any plans to sell.....
@DaNish is your mpg a calculated number based on brimming the tank over several refills, or the dash display?
It is calculated using the app "Road Trip", that this forum made me aware of. Currently it is calculated over 9.989 km with 20 refills to the brim.
no feeling that i’m Missing power
Sorry, slightly off topic, but I see you must have an iPad with the same bug as me, capitalising the wrong words. Drives me bonkers! :headbang
Kev I had a 150 Tsi Caravelle on loan for 7 weeks.
I recently purchased a 204 Tdi

Take from that what you will, but I did comment about my experience elsewhere ;)
Kev I had a 150 Tsi Caravelle on loan for 7 weeks.
I recently purchased a 204 Tdi

Take from that what you will, but I did comment about my experience elsewhere ;)
IMHO there is no doubt that there is a huge difference between 150 TSI and 204 TDI. In Denmark it was not possible to get DSG on the 150 TSI and I do not think it has enough torque. The 204 TSI on the other hand has the equivalent torque of the 150 TDI and the power of the 204 TDI and that sums p to a very competent engine. The DSG is important in the TSI since you have a few more gearshifts in hills due to less torque and with the DSG it is not something you notice. But with a manual I would probably be annoyed.
I agree with a lot of what your saying.
Plus the fuel economy was hideous...

A fully loaded Ocean tdi isn’t exactly frugal either, don’t think I could live with filling up a Tsi every few days
Sorry, slightly off topic, but I see you must have an iPad with the same bug as me, capitalising the wrong words. Drives me bonkers! :headbang
ha ha... and misspelling things.... yes that's using the keypad cover on the ipad !!!
Get some pics up:cheers
That was a fast decision! It took me 6 months to decide to buy a TSI which was received in Feb 18. I'll post anyway as it may be useful for others.

I haven't driven a TDI Cali for comparison, but the TSI 204 DSG is a lovely drive; very responsive, immediately so though I do get wheel spin when I pull out sharply in London's junctions as you need to do. The dealer took me on an introductory drive at handover and he nearly put it into the garage wall because of the fast pickup as he'd only driven TDIs. Petrol was a must living in London with short trips and it being the only car.

Consumption is around 31MPG on the motorway at 70 with ACC on. Being fully loaded or not makes very little difference - driving style on any given day has a greater impact. I am not sure I am discerning or bothered enough to notice noise in the cabin. It's quiet to me. I quite like engine noise at high revs as I'm happy to keep my eyes on the road and not on the dashboard and let my ears do the rest. As any car I drive, after an hour or so of travel I stop noticing such differences between vehicles unless there's something very out of the ordinary going on!

One thing to note is the petrol flap says "Super Unleaded" only. This is the same as regular Unleaded 95 in the UK, so no need to pay out for the expensive Super Unleaded 98 which the flap might suggest...
Another vote for petrol TSI.
Arrived October last year, only done 2,000 miles.
Other car is petrol so didn't want the risk of different fuels and also at the time of order was the midst of the diesel bashing!
I do feel sorry for the guys, who perhaps prematurely jumped for the Tsi’s during the diesel gate bash.

Now Volkswagen have stopped offering them for the California and they only sold a few, are they highly desirable and command a hefty premium or are they gonna suffer major depreciation...???
You would have to source a used California as the petrol version is no longer available - discontinued until further notice and probably until a hybrid can be developed.
Because VW has a large stock of TDI's and a lot of people in Europe jump to petrol engines!!
I do feel sorry for the guys, who perhaps prematurely jumped for the Tsi’s during the diesel gate bash.

Now Volkswagen have stopped offering them for the California and they only sold a few, are they highly desirable and command a hefty premium or are they gonna suffer major depreciation...???

I feel very lucky that I got a TSI before they stopped selling them. With my usage pattern I would suffer a lot of EGR and sludge problems with a TDI and I do prefer the more elastic engine of the TSI. But I believe plug-in hybrid petrol engines will be available in a few years.

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I do feel sorry for the guys, who perhaps prematurely jumped for the Tsi’s during the diesel gate bash.

Now Volkswagen have stopped offering them for the California and they only sold a few, are they highly desirable and command a hefty premium or are they gonna suffer major depreciation...???
Sounds like you've made your mind up on your own question, but is there any reason or precedent to assume that a limited run results in faster depreciation?

In any case, for TSI owners here including me, TSI was the sensible option whatever. Doing short trips endlessly in a diesel would ruin the engine faster than depreciation.
It's far too soon to predict if residuals of petrol Cali's will beat diesels or the other way around. There will be ups and downs along the way. Hysteria over diesels has died down a little recently but I'm sure it will be back.
If a hybrid appears anytime soon, we'll all be taking a bath depreciation wise.
It's far too soon to predict if residuals of petrol Cali's will beat diesels or the other way around. There will be ups and downs along the way. Hysteria over diesels has died down a little recently but I'm sure it will be back.
If a hybrid appears anytime soon, we'll all be taking a bath depreciation wise.
Only if VW commercial garages actually learn how to maintain them, with all these batteries/electric motors added to the already awesomely complicated engines the mechanics will need PHDs.
Only if VW commercial garages actually learn how to maintain them, with all these batteries/electric motors added to the already awesomely complicated engines the mechanics will need PHDs.
I’m not so sure. Gone are the days of the old fashioned mechanic. Everything is computer controlled and computer diagnosed. If a part fails it is swapped out, never repaired. Brushes worn on an electric motor - change motor. Sticking brake caliper - change caliper.
Modern vehicles will become more modular and modules will be exchanged never repaired/refurbished at the garage.
Technicians will specialise in brakes, cooling, steering etc etc

No more home mechanics .:(

VW California Club
