What ya packin



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Cali now sold
So after 6 months of Ocean life I’m becoming more organised with it.
Got some Ikea storage boxes under the sink unit, sheets and blankets in the overhead cargo cupboard and snow sock and tools etc under drivers seat.
Electric hookup cable adjacent battery in engine bay, ramps with chairs.

I do have some wasted space in these 2 areas. Wardrobe Front and back...?
What do you have packed in these areas, storage solutions and best uses...???


Sounds pretty good to me I don't mind a bit of empty space it means I can shift stuff around.
Large warderobe next to fridge is fully packed until the top with packing cubes from Decathlon containing clotes .
The rear warderobe has sweaters , rainjackets , hats&caps each a shelve .
Empty places are created when the food in de drawer under the seat and a bag next to the seat are getting empty each meal ....that space very often is filled with wine-champagne and other goodies taken from the hollydaydestination.

TIP: get rid of the hangers .
And put towels in the rear /roof storage .

Just two things i see in your pic.

And to me it looks like sleepingbags rolled up un theire also ? These are just trown in the rear as they are usual the first thing we put in the top when the roof goes up and the last thing we take down before closing the roof...That way they are never in our way and ready to sleep in.

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I am getting rid of the sleeping bags.
I have a single duvet for the roof and going to get a double for downstairs. Keep one sleeping bag (thicker one) for when it gets cold up top.
They take up more space, but still fit on the rear parcel shelf. Although, does now block rear view out of window when driving, but I’m ok with that.

Good tip with regards to the packing cubes.
Our clothes normally go below the rear parcel shelf, so perhaps I need to try the packing cubes in the wardrobe
As with so much it surely all depends on how you tend to use your van. We almost never sleep downstairs so no point for us keeping any 'overnight' stuff in those rear cupboards as we'd never get at them with the bench seat-back raised - so we use those cubbies for gadgets, tools, dog food/gubbins, gloves and hats, etc. On the lower and middle shelves everything is stored in tupperware-type boxes that I found to fit, so you can whip them out easily to get at the gas bottle valve.

We use packing cubes in the main wardrobe-of-doom, we don't bother trying to hang anything up in there. All our cubes are the smallish sizes, we find the bigger ones too bulky to keep dragging in and out.

Our duvet sits on the rear shelf in a big compression sack. It could squeeze into the wardrobe but as we usually have plenty of space at the back we don't bother with that.
Hmmm that’s odd? Just re-checked the photos and no, deffo no stash of beer/gin/wine anywhere! That’s obvs what the left over volume is for. Get on it.
Hmmm that’s odd? Just re-checked the photos and no, deffo no stash of beer/gin/wine anywhere! That’s obvs what the left over volume is for. Get on it.

Reminds me... I know the idea of not finishing a bottle of wine is anathema to some, but the wardrobe is the best place for that half-empty tube of Chateau Lidl rouge, kept safely upright by the packing cubes.
what ikea boxes have you used in the cupboard areas please?
what ikea boxes have you used in the cupboard areas please?

Ha, actually despite a lot of trying, IKEA hasn't yet quite achieved an absolute global monopoly on polypropylene boxes. We found ours by a visit to our lovely local independent hardware store, armed only with a tape measure.

(Sorry to be flippant, just got back from a NYE party... actually I guess IKEA could be the solution to this, maybe another club member can help?)

Happy New Year everyone!
what ikea boxes have you used in the cupboard areas please?

I’m using the Kuggis (I think they are called) as per video.
The lid which covers the cutlery draw is very handy for making a quick brew in the morning, without the need of sliding out the table.

As with so much it surely all depends on how you tend to use your van. We almost never sleep downstairs so no point for us keeping any 'overnight' stuff in those rear cupboards as we'd never get at them with the bench seat-back raised - so we use those cubbies for gadgets, tools, dog food/gubbins, gloves and hats, etc. On the lower and middle shelves everything is stored in tupperware-type boxes that I found to fit, so you can whip them out easily to get at the gas bottle valve.


That’s not a bad idea either.
I wonder if packing cubes for clothes under the Bench seat might be best.
I also find the wardrobe not the easiest to get at. Might need a re-gig and try.
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Mixture of cubes, diy shelf and just top up with random clothes and jackets and pillows (pillows already on the bed).

Mixture of cubes, diy shelf and just top up with random clothes and jackets and pillows (pillows already on the bed).

I see you have the micro fibre towels from Decathlon.
They are brilliant and save loads of space on conventional towels.
We have to admit: We have more than one and also some from packtowl (little bit more comfy and fluffy).

Darn it Sapto.
I just googled the packtowl recommendation.
That’s something else that may get added to the shopping list
Changing track (well, species) just a little on the towels question - we now carry one of the new breed (sorry) of dog towels, called an EasiDri. You keep it rolled up in its plastic tube as it works best when already damp. They really do get the dog dry very quickly and then no need to drape a wet towel inside the van, just wring it a bit, shove it back in the tube and stow. You can then give it a wash once back at home at end of trip.

We found about it at our local vets, who have a hydrotherapy pool. Yeah I know, folks with more money than bloody sense here in south Bucks. ;)

Would presumably work well on humans too but haven't tried that yet. :rolleyes:
I’m hairy, but not that hairy...
We use 3 curver boxes in the rear. Below the jack. 1 filled with two sleapingbags from Nomad. And 2 hedrests. Number 2, supermarkt stuff. Number 3 camper cabels and stuff, shoes, dog stuff for our labrador. In the cabin on the left, Just stacked clouths, no hangers. Towels in the top rear speakers. In the kitchen, only plastic. And a little campingaz bbq on a tripod. In the bench Below shelf, some towels to wash diches. And some tools and yelow jackets.
I love these sort of chats - non-techy stuff is what I can do!
It's taken us 10 years to come up with a storage arrangement that suits us and our ways. We try to keep as much stuff permanently stowed away as possible. Under the sink is the permanent stock of "everyday" and emergency food and drink things (soup, tea and coffee, breakfast cereals and a few tins of things to make a meal if needed). The deep wardrobe is permanently full of bedding: pillows, double duvet and a couple of sleeping bags in case it gets really cold. We've learnt recently that you can keep a sheet on the upstairs bed when you're driving, and you can keep a duvet on it when you're on-site, and can push up the bed during the day without stripping it!

The big drawer under the rear bench has odds-and-ends like washing and cleaning stuff, lights, batteries and things. The pull-down cupboard in the roof has anything to do with washing (us - that is), like washbags, towels, hairdryer; and medicines (of which we seem to need an ever-increasing volume!).

Because we now sleep up-top, we don't really need to keep the top rear parcel shelf clear, but we try not to clutter it up. If camping for several days, we'll have on that shelf a holdall full of clothes, and a crate full of food: fruit, veg, bread etc. That way, if we do decide to sleep downstairs, we only have to move two things to the front.

The lower storage at the back always has big functional things like a ladder, doorstep, and mats; but - when we go away fr a proper holiday - a sun canopy and Cob barbecue. And all the boots and shoes.

I'f I'm using the Cali for gigs and festivals, that space is full of guitars and stuff. The space is just tall enough for two guitar cases on top of each other!

As I say - we've got it sorted now so preparing for a trip is pretty easy, and even easier to settle down, read a book and drink some wine when you arrive! The wine goes wherever you can find a spare space!
I used to keep a double duvet and pillows in the wardrobe but I've found it's easier to keep it on the rear shelf - I fold it in 3 lengthways the roll it up and put a bungee round it. Two pillows also live there, with another two as back cushions on the rear seat. I have a holdall I keep in the house, when I come back from a trip I wash anything that needs washing and replace towels etc and any used toiletries, then all I have to do when going away is throw in the clothes I may need for the trip and put it on the rear shelf.. I live in jeans and T shirts so it's not difficult.

The wardrobe now contains waterproofs for me and for my scooter, spare jumpers, hats (woolly and sun), rucksack etc etc including that bottle of wine of course with glasses in a padded box! And spare space for anything I want to chuck in there, camera etc.

Cupboards under sink - right hand one, tea, coffee, sauces, food sachets, etc. Space for bread, biscuits, eggs and other perishables. Left hand one holds plates, cups, pans, washing up stuff and first aid.
Under bed drawer has tins and cartons of food and milk with long keeping dates one side, and silver interior thermal blinds for front windows other side. Oh and the pegs and tiedown guys for the windout awning.

Rear cupboards have beach towels (double as shower towels), sleeping bag for extra warmth or extra camper, useful stuff like spare bungees for this and that, and a very useful device for starting the engine if the battery is flat (note to self, must charge that up!). Under the shelf I keep my folding mobility scooter and a box with wellies, spare trainers etc, and the long space where others might keep skis etc holds a flagpole and a camping chair - a more comfortable one than the VW ones, and easier to carry.

Admittedly it's mostly just me in the van but when Mike does come along it only means another bag with clothes, some more shoes, and another coat to chuck in the wardrobe.

VW California Club
