What do you keep in which cupboards?

  • Thread starter California Bubble
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California Bubble

California Bubble

T4 PopTop
Hi all,

Just curious...
As I'm collecting more and more 'stuff' and the wife and I are pretty useless at getting ourselves organised, I'm wondering how everyone else packs their camper up for a few weeks away? We've got a Westy pop top with spirit burner so no big gas bottle taking up space. Oh, and there's no awning to help!

What cupboards do you find useful for which things?
Do you have your clothes, bedding, camp chairs, food etc neatly and methodically packed up in the cupboards, or do you live with shifting them about the bus as and when they get under your feet?

Has anybody got any useful storage solutions?

Don't forget, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people!!

Thanks in advance.
Induction hob for when we use EHU goes in cupboard under cooker, along with all cooking pots, pans, kettle and plates, chopping board, cups, cleaning wipes etc.

In cupboard under sink, cereal, cafeteria, 'breakfast number one', when the bed is down. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, Nutella, cereal bars etc. Cousin has taken the shelf out of his Westfalia and keeps his portable toilet in there. Dirty boy.

Under bed, all food, dried food stuffs. First aid box, fan heater, Jack,.

Above bed / seat is our shower stuff. Everything is pretty much stored in soft plastic trays/tubs we picked up from home bargains. Cheap, light, colourful and non rattle.

Under bed, accessed by tail gate, big box storing EHU cables, solar panel cables, gaffa tape and all kinds of stuff we use.

Pull rear seat forward, about four inches, camping table and directors chair in gap. On rear seat, sleeping bags, mattress topper, pillows, another chair.

In roof space, on top of the two foam mattresses, is side window mosquito nets, pop top thermal insulation, flexible 90w solar panel.

Gone through 3 reviews of what we keep in Corky. Stuff not used is removed.
Oh, spare clothing, waterproofs in wardrobe. Other clothing we keep in a bag or suitcase which we place behind the passenger seat which is rotated 180°
I tend to organise by alcohol type. Gin/Beer/Wine etc. Stuff a couple of Pot Noodles and a torch in. Done.
Schoolboy error Pod, you've forgotten the bottle opener! tsk, tsk!

A plastic box is useful for shoes, especially when they get wet and muddy.

Other than that, I have no idea where anything is.
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I use small cool bag things from supermarket to store lots in and then stack them in the cupboard. Keeps stuff safe, no rattles and double decks so I can fit more in. One holds mugs, coasters, and glasses, the other the plastic wine and beer glasses.
Other than that I have all things mini. A sharpie pen is useful to relabel plastic containers ie small innocent bottles are useful for all sorts!
I'm on second season this year so intend to be ruthless with unused stuff in the autumn.
Some good tips folks, thanks... Please keep them coming
Nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't know where half of their stuff is in the bus!
A really great find were Eagle Creek pack it specter cubes.
I love these!
I have lots of sizes, put sox in one colour (small size), tshirts in another (big size), etc. they are made in light weight parachute-type material and slip and slide into small spaces or neatly on shelves.
Just added them to my Pinterest page of purchases and ideas (Freda Simons)...I see they've brought out more colours!
They make stuffing into corners easy and tidy layers easy too. They have grab handles, so that and being colour coded, finding clothes is a cinch!
I use colours to identify clothes types, others colour code by person, but even doing that someone could have lime green: use all over green for sox and white bag pipped in green for knickers and the other person does likewise in orange?!
I bought mine in USA where they are cheaper and some sizes can be bought in sets, but I see a good range now stocked here.
I have bought them for all my friends and family...they're so great!
We have a squashy bag of clothes each, enough for 5 days then it's time to wrestle with a laundry somewhere. We do clothing rolls in the bag with a tshirt, undies and socks. Cuts out time looking for stuff and can coordinate sock and tshirt colours

Clothes bags are kept on top of the mattress when travelling they put on the passenger seat at night for easy access. We sometimes pull the seat forward and drop them down the gap if its a long journey and want extra visibility.

Our wardrobe gets full of all the bedding. 2 quilts, 6 pillows, undersheets stay on.
we did our first trip and my wife used illy coffee tins for all the dry stuff like rice, etc. screw top and stack able.
Our first long haul (4 weeks, 5.200 km) was setup like this:

Under kitchen right:
Drawer with cutlery and kuttingplates.
Shelf with garbagebags, alufoil, etc.
Box with dry food (bread, tins, onions, etc)

Under kitchen left:
Tefal Ingenio panset (2 gribs, 2 pans, 2 pots, 4 lids), 1 toaster, 1 Outwell collapsable kettle
Box with palet, chefs knife, etc
Box with 2 large, 2 small, 2 deep plates. 4 glases, 2 mugs and 4 wineglasses.

Under seat right (Small):
Boxes with tea, sugar, rice, etc.

Under seat left (Large):
Telescope latter (for the roof box), hookup cable, moskitonet, pegs, waterhose, etc.

Over seat:
Laybags, solardriven led lights for the awning, raincoats,

Clothes on hangers. Safe box and wine (Backup)

Closet back:
Washing powder and drying line, etc.
Ekstra bulps, etc.
tools for the bikes.
Other small stuff in boxes

Shelfs back:
We bulid a pull-out shelf and filled the lot with with boxes from IKEA. It works very well!

Top box is bedding, accesable from inside the car also. And boxes with clothes, toilet things, beach things, shoes, helmets for the bikes, etc.

COBB and Potti.

All was working close to perfect. Never any chaos in the car. The thing we want to alter, is the under kitchen stuff, with was a bit of a struggle. We want to make thing easy accesable and I am planning to convert the shelfs to small drawers.

Our first long haul (4 weeks, 5.200 km) was setup like this:

Under kitchen right:
Drawer with cutlery and kuttingplates.
Shelf with garbagebags, alufoil, etc.
Box with dry food (bread, tins, onions, etc)

Under kitchen left:
Tefal Ingenio panset (2 gribs, 2 pans, 2 pots, 4 lids), 1 toaster, 1 Outwell collapsable kettle
Box with palet, chefs knife, etc
Box with 2 large, 2 small, 2 deep plates. 4 glases, 2 mugs and 4 wineglasses.

Under seat right (Small):
Boxes with tea, sugar, rice, etc.

Under seat left (Large):
Telescope latter (for the roof box), hookup cable, moskitonet, pegs, waterhose, etc.

Over seat:
Laybags, solardriven led lights for the awning, raincoats,

Clothes on hangers. Safe box and wine (Backup)

Closet back:
Washing powder and drying line, etc.
Ekstra bulps, etc.
tools for the bikes.
Other small stuff in boxes

Shelfs back:
We bulid a pull-out shelf and filled the lot with with boxes from IKEA. It works very well!

Top box is bedding, accesable from inside the car also. And boxes with clothes, toilet things, beach things, shoes, helmets for the bikes, etc.

COBB and Potti.

All was working close to perfect. Never any chaos in the car. The thing we want to alter, is the under kitchen stuff, with was a bit of a struggle. We want to make thing easy accesable and I am planning to convert the shelfs to small drawers.

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Are you aware this is a T4 topic?
Thanks for the info. Looks very tidy in the back and I like tidy.
Looking forward to arranging ours when it comes. Plan is to have as much as possible permanently in the van so it will have to be tidy and non rattling. Will be quite a lot of bike stuff


VW California Club
