Joining the Cali gang from Cancún México



Hola my name is Roberto and with my girlfriend Laura we been traveling around México, California and central America, we own a T5 California 2005, planing to take our Vanesa to Europe if one day we find the right way to do it :)
Mean while we need some parts that its hard to find in America, some advice will be appreciate.
well then, you have a couple of friends in the Mexican Caribbean, Puerto Morelos at the Riviera Maya
:welcome Abroad Roberto and Laura I'm sure I can say for most people on here we would love to hear about your trips around Mexico, California and Central America and don't forget to post some photos :thumb
Pictures of Vanesa would be much appreciated.
Welcome along.
Bet customs with have fun if you bring your Vanesa to Europe with all the cupboard to look in !!!
Hola Roberto and Laura!

Welcome to this wonderful club.

Your trip sounds amazing, can't wait to see some photos :)
Welcome to the forum ! Great to have you here, look forward to hearing all about your travels.
Welcome allong from Belgium !
Welcome from another 'newbie' from Scotland
Welcome! I love Mexico - would love to hear about your travels
Thank you all, since i´m getting familiar with the forum, don't know exactly where to place a request for some tips, need a new control elecronic box for my pop top hydraulic open close, fridge, due to an oil leak I've los it
any advise will be appreciate

T5 2005 CALI.jpg

T5 CALI 2005.jpg
no news about my request, ill try with the dealer in Germany

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