How to turn off the car alarm

Turns out it was an option I didn't tick when ordering, so I don't have an internal motion alarm. I thought it came as standard, but sadly not.
Thanks. But what then is the flashing light on the button of the drivers door ?.I have that but no button on the B pillar.

What light was flashing ...?
Hi Sonas.

As I said before, my van doesn't have the B pillar button either. So, back to the original question about turning the alarm off for a ferry crossing, which I was interested in too..
I've tried some suggestions from others today, including using the fob to lock myself in the van this afternoon and waving my arms around madly! I definitely don't have any motion sensors!
This is what I reckon now..
1 click.. van alarmed and deadlocked (with little red light flashing)
2 clicks reasonably quickly.. van locked but no alarm or deadlocks, no red light flashing, similar to using the button on the door by the mirror control. This is what I will use for a ferry crossing. Not much chance of anybody nicking the van from the middle of a ferry anyway.

Actually, with my van the second click doesn't have to be straight away so one further thought about this..

With my car if I double check it's locked by clicking the fob nothing happens if it is already locked. However with my van, whenever you do the 2nd click it will turn the alarm off and take the deadlocks off. That means that if you're not sure you've locked your van when walking away you should always click to open it and then click once to fully lock it. Otherwise you'll just end up making it more unsafe if it was already locked! My van is rather older than many here (from 2006) so perhaps this is something VW has improved upon. Or maybe someone's about to explain how I've got it wrong?
With my car if I double check it's locked by clicking the fob nothing happens if it is already locked. However with my van, whenever you do the 2nd click it will turn the alarm off and take the deadlocks off. That means that if you're not sure you've locked your van when walking away you should always click to open it and then click once to fully lock it. Otherwise you'll just end up making it more unsafe if it was already locked! My van is rather older than many here (from 2006) so perhaps this is something VW has improved upon. Or maybe someone's about to explain how I've got it wrong?
You may find it is still alarmed withe deadlocks off. Try winding down a window, lock with a double press(deadlocks off) wait 30 seconds, then open the door by leaning in and pulling the insidehandle.
But back to your ferry question, you have no sensors or tilt sensors so justlock in the normal way..
I know this question has been discussed many times previously, but I can't find an example that tells me in a straightforward way:

How do I lock the van when we are on the ferry so that it's locked but the alarm will not go off? This is for a 2008 T5 California.
Inside door pillar drivers side,
Switch it so the light lights up yellow.
I think the door has to be open
Thanks Jay17. Which door needs to be open? the driver's door or the sliding door?
Drivers it will be red until pressed then it’s yellow
Ok, so press it & it turns yellow, then close the door & lock as normal using the remote?
As long as the switch is showing yellow, that means the alarm is off, does it? (If I switch it to yellow, lock the van & then look through the window to check it's still yellow)
As long as the switch is showing yellow, that means the alarm is off, does it? (If I switch it to yellow, lock the van & then look through the window to check it's still yellow)
Yeah that’s correct it stays that way until you switch in to red again (on)
When you open the door you will see it’s yellow (off)
That's great - thanks for your help!

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