Gas bottle 907

Baxters Dad

Baxters Dad

T6 Ocean 150
We're just getting our van ready for it's first trip next week and I've got to get a 907 gas bottle. Roughly how much is a bottle and refill?
New bottle can be £50-£80! Refills about £20-£30...

I bought ours from Chorley Gas, great service (next day) and competitively priced - £40 complete / £25 refill. A bottle could last a year depending on use...

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I think that's a refill?
Yes you’re right: I misread the op. You can buy them there although they are not on the website for about £95 full. Better off getting one on gumtree or the tip if they’ll give them away.
Towsure are cheapest . About £14 for an empty 907 cylinder.
I found the tips in our area will not part with them elf and safety... picked an empty up of e bay £5 local to us refill £34 pound Go outdoors.
do go outdoors price match chorley gas?
£35 in GoOutdoors with membership card.
Interestingly Go outdoors Southampton has no 907 refills and are not expecting any for 2 to 3 weeks. We called in yesterday on way back from New Forest after a no cup of tea day in the van when the gas ran out
Although Chorley quote free local same day delivery, they do send full cylinders nationwide - I got mine within 48hrs in Scotland for not much ££s...
Interestingly Go outdoors Southampton has no 907 refills and are not expecting any for 2 to 3 weeks. We called in yesterday on way back from New Forest after a no cup of tea day in the van when the gas ran out
The marinas and most chandlers stock 907s as well if you are near the coast/canals.
The marinas and most chandlers stock 907s as well if you are near the coast/canals.
Got a local supplier helpful and only £2 more. Just posted to share stock info
do go outdoors price match chorley gas?
Go Outdoors in Newcastle say they will only match ChorleyGas on a new bottle, not on a refill. However, with discount card it was £27 yesterday for a 904 refill compared to I think £25 at Chorley. Note that’s the 904, not 907.

When we bought or van 4 or so years ago i had a look around and went on gumtree and found a guy that was selling 2 bottles for £20. When I went to pick them up one of them was over half full so that was a result. In the uk you will probably pay around £25 -£30 fo a refill. In Spain we get a refill for €16 -€18 ..... A refill lasted us 3 years as we are either on a site with hookup or we use a couple of £10 gas cookers which we use outside. 8 throw away cylinders last us 3 weeks in France and Spain. That’s £8.......We hardly ever cook in the van because of the mess it causes and the smell.....But Everyone is different......
We're just getting our van ready for it's first trip next week and I've got to get a 907 gas bottle. Roughly how much is a bottle and refill?
We in the process too, just bought new bottle plus gaz was £40 and refills after that £25
Might be a silly question: can I bring a bottle to be refilled even if it's not empty?

The problem is that I can't refill a Campingaz bottle in Slovenia, so I would do it abroad.
Might be a silly question: can I bring a bottle to be refilled even if it's not empty?

The problem is that I can't refill a Campingaz bottle in Slovenia, so I would do it abroad.
You can exchange a half full bottle and lose the gas but I'm sure they won't re-fill at location.
The normal process is to exchange the bottle for a new full one. Your old (half full) bottle will go into an (empties) cage where they are collected, returned to a filling centre, given an empty,, refurbish and re-fill.

Your only options are to exchange and lose the remaining gas, empty it and exchange, buy a second bottle to 'keep you going' or find someone to decant & re-fill your bottle locally (which is not recommended).
Thanks for the answer. I'm willing to lose some of the gas, (when I know it's low) rather than to exchange for a new bottle. And I really don't want to drive around with a spare bottle.
Once tried to exchange (in UK) a bottle with only a small amount of gas still remaining, probably about 5-10mins of gas. The gas supplier point blank refused to accept it as it wasn't empty. I went away and opened the valve to let it vent in an open safe place then took it back for exchange.
New bottle can be £50-£80! Refills about £20-£30...

I bought ours from Chorley Gas, great service (next day) and competitively priced - £40 complete / £25 refill. A bottle could last a year depending on use...

If you order a refill to be delivered from Chorley Gas, do you have to be in to hand them your empty bottle?
If you order a refill to be delivered from Chorley Gas, do you have to be in to hand them your empty bottle?
That I don't know. They were the cheapest / best deal when I bought, they couriered up the new bottle. You should give them a call, very helpful with me. The re-fills may be only for local (Preston) area?
I will probably just exchange mine locally for a replacement when it empties, I'm sure it would be less than the re-fill plus carriage cost from Chorley...

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