Creosote problem

Tom Anderson

Tom Anderson

T5 SE 140
Please help - I'm desperate. I recently spilt cresote in the back of my T5 california and it went into the seat rails and behind the plastic internal fittings on the rear right hand side. I may need to completely take up the whole floor as the smell is awful. In the first instance though I'd like to know how to remove the aluminium trim from within the seat rails and also how to remove the plastic trim in the back. Any other advice re removal of the floor would be gratefully received. Many thanks in advance.
The trim panel will be fixed by a selection of screws and trim clips. Unfortunately, whilst the removal tools are fairly cheap, unless you have the 'know how' you might end up damaging the panels during removal. There are some instructional videos on you tube but to be honest, there is no substitute for experience.

My advice would be to remove the rear seat and any other easy items yourself (get somebody to help) and then take your vehicle to a local bodyshop. Ask them to remove all the necessary trim panels and seat rails for you so that you can clean out the gunk. Once it's all clean again, take it back and get them to re-fit the panels and rails. Whilst this might cost you a few quid in labour charges, it will probably be a lot quicker and cheaper in the long run than risking expensive damage.

Hope this helps
:welcome Having once had a spill of water based paint in the boot of a car which washed out with a bit of effort I can only imagin what a mess cresote would make in a Cali. (& why a have a few old plastic boxes in the shed I use to carry anything that could spill). However you approch this clean up it is as you alredy know not going to be a quick easy fix. I love the smell of cresote but not inside. - SDS10056 1 .pdf

found this for a stove, do not know if some any use.

Cleaning Up Creosote
Clean smaller amounts of creosote that have built up on bricks or on the inside of stove glass with a paste of baking soda and water. Dawn dishwashing liquid has also been used very effectively for this purpose. For thicker buildup on glass, a metal scraper will work well, with the baking soda paste to finish.
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Is this creosote or a modern less toxic equivalent? Creosote is highly toxic and breathing in the fumes in a confined space could cause you serious health issues. You may also find that any clued up garage would not work on the Cali due to health and safety issues. At a minimum I would wear coveralls, gloves and a vapour rated respirator to be on the safe side.
Thanks for the feedback. Ultimately had to bite the bullet and pay £2000 for a new floor to be imported from Germany and fitted by a dealer. Expensive mistake...
Thanks for the feedback. Ultimately had to bite the bullet and pay £2000 for a new floor to be imported from Germany and fitted by a dealer. Expensive mistake...
Thanks for the feedback. Ultimately had to bite the bullet and pay £2000 for a new floor to be imported from Germany and fitted by a dealer. Expensive mistake...
That sounds like a sensible solution. It cost £2k to change the water tank in my Ocean when someone put diesel in it, I would have estimated more for the floor. I hope it all goes well. Good luck.
That sounds like a sensible solution. It cost £2k to change the water tank in my Ocean when someone put diesel in it, I would have estimated more for the floor. I hope it all goes well. Good luck.
Well, the floor costs about €1000, so €1000 of labour = about 10 hours.
Well, the floor costs about €1000, so €1000 of labour = about 10 hours.
I was in Norway at the time where labour is pretty expensive. The water tank is pretty cheap but just about everything except the floor has to come out in order to get it out. Most of my £2k was labour. It would have been a more expensive spill in Norway.

VW California Club
