Confirmed COVID 19 members



T6 Beach 150
I wonder if there are any other members of the forum who have been infected by the virus. I am on day 6 after a week of sweats / fever / sore eyes and mouth / cough and sore throat totally confined to bed. Its a horrible thing, but i am hopefully past the worst of it and on the mend ??. I am very keen to avoid any respiratory complications as i continue to recover, and will take things very steady. It seems different people are affected in different ways and i thought it might be an idea for people to share their own experiences / ask questions as we learn about the virus. Very best wishes Tim
Oh my. It can also be seasonal flu, Italy has been hit hard this year as well.
Take care and be better asap.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Take care Tim

Myself and wife on day 11 of this unconfirmed Covid19 total isolation starting to feel slightly better keep safe !

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I wonder if there are any other members of the forum who have been infected by the virus. I am on day 6 after a week of sweats / fever / sore eyes and mouth / cough and sore throat totally confined to bed. Its a horrible thing, but i am hopefully past the worst of it and on the mend ??. I am very keen to avoid any respiratory complications as i continue to recover, and will take things very steady. It seems different people are affected in different ways and i thought it might be an idea for people to share their own experiences / ask questions as we learn about the virus. Very best wishes Tim
I can't find an appropriate "like" button. @Martin can you add a "best wishes" or "thinking of you" button? For now I'll use the "optimistic" button as around here children are drawing or painting rainbows to put in their windows to put smiles on their friends faces.
Hi Tim, likewise on day 6 of family isolation. Very similar symptoms, but not tested and so not confirmed as Covid-19. Has been pretty horrible and certainly wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Hi Tim, likewise on day 6 of family isolation. Very similar symptoms, but not tested and so not confirmed as Covid-19. Has been pretty horrible and certainly wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
cheers nick - my vector mate has been through same as me but he is having a bad / relapsed weekend - advice is to be as idle as poss and wait it out - i have learned from him - resist any kind of exertion - best of luck
cheers nick - my vector mate has been through same as me but he is having a bad / relapsed weekend - advice is to be as idle as poss and wait it out - i have learned from him - resist any kind of exertion - best of luck
It’s funny you should say that, I thought I was on the mend and started doing some work from home on Friday, but have felt worse again for the last 2 days
Hi Tom and Nick,
thanks for sharing your experiences and I wish you a speedy recovery. It is helpful to have these first hand experiences, like others we hope not to encounter it but realistically there is a reasonable chance even with lockdown.

best wishes
6 weeks ago after a prolonged period of travel with work. Cough, fever, what started as bronchial problem then pneumonia albeit not serious. Started coughing on the Tue Am, by 6pm temp was 39.8 and got to 40.7 for 30 hours. First time vertical was the Sunday. Displaced a rib coughing as well Which was what took me to pneumonia. Took me 3 weeks to get back to feeling vaguely normal. Not tested as at that point I hadn’t been to China or been with anyone e confirmed. Was pretty bad and I am mid 40s, very fit with no medical history. It was the difficulty breathing that was a bit scary. Wife had a much milder dose which passed in a week and my 7yo we think had it week before it literally 3-4 days
6 weeks ago after a prolonged period of travel with work. Cough, fever, what started as bronchial problem then pneumonia albeit not serious. Started coughing on the Tue Am, by 6pm temp was 39.8 and got to 40.7 for 30 hours. First time vertical was the Sunday. Displaced a rib coughing as well Which was what took me to pneumonia. Took me 3 weeks to get back to feeling vaguely normal. Not tested as at that point I hadn’t been to China or been with anyone e confirmed. Was pretty bad and I am mid 40s, very fit with no medical history. It was the difficulty breathing that was a bit scary. Wife had a much milder dose which passed in a week and my 7yo we think had it week before it literally 3-4 days
Sounds quite familiar - my wife has been exposed to me full time during the 6 days but she shows no sign of picking it up. Initially she thought she would 'get it out of the way' as she is isolating anyway, and works as a head teacher - however, having seen my symptoms she is not so keen now - ive checked, and where we are 80% of the confirmed cases are men - so there might be something in it.

A new indication is a lack of taste sensation and raw /sore mouth - seems like everyone ive contacted / confirmed has had this as part of the symptoms.
My mouth was a Mess. I didn’t eat anything from the Tuesday to the Friday but had raw mouth and really broken lips. Was coughing up a bit of blood all the way through.
So sorry to hear all this, but appreciate you all sharing so we know what to look out for and what could be coming. An agility chum has just messaged to say 17 year old son just started with the high fever and aches. So they are all in lock down. It’s getting very real.
I just wish my numpty neighbours realised...
Get well soon Tim. It was good to read your account. I had something back in early Jan which I couldn't determine what it was, but having read your first hand account I've come to the conclusion that I had a mild odd flu (fever and bad headache for 36hrs) with a nasty follow on cough for 5 days afterward.

Whilst the cough was nasty (I reckon I must of constantly coughed for 1-2mins hunched over the side of the bed one night which was tough) I didn't feel ill. Just odd. I had Flu back in late 2008 and that knocked the stuffing out of me for a few weeks and left me bed ridden for 3 or 4 days. I've also had a bad dry cough before so didn't think anything of it.

I got so fed up with the constant coughing that I did the Vic and boiling water trick. Just couldn't shift it, nothing came up, and ended up scolding my face. My Wife also caught it and had the same symptoms but a lot less severe. Then it just went. Felt fine with the cough so when it went I just got back into training. No sore throat, runny nose or sneezing. Just odd.
Many thanks for posting this. Really interesting (and somewhat scary) to hear how it has impacted you. I knew it was bad, but hearing it first hand drives the message home harder.

Get well soon everybody and all the best to you and your families
The problem is without being tested we have no idea if we have had this virus or seasonal flu. I had flu in October and November, lasted 8 weeks and I was coughing most of that time. If I'd got that now I'd be convinced I'd had Covid 19.
The problem is without being tested we have no idea if we have had this virus or seasonal flu. I had flu in October and November, lasted 8 weeks and I was coughing most of that time. If I'd got that now I'd be convinced I'd had Covid 19.

That is the problem with so little testing, we really have no idea what the actual number of cases of covid 19 are.
Agree. Having had flu, this was like a very lightweight version with very little symptoms. Short and sweet. The first 36hrs was sufficed to send us to bed, but you could force yourself to continue, unlike Flu.

I thought the follow on cough was unrelated, just coincidental. Apart from the cough, I felt fine.
Agree. Having had flu, this was like a very lightweight version with very little symptoms. Short and sweet. The first 36hrs was sufficed to send us to bed, but you could force yourself to continue, unlike Flu.

I thought the follow on cough was unrelated, just coincidental. Apart from the cough, I felt fine.
It sounds like you have been fortunate. If anything having pushed myself to continue work, I am feeling worse 7 days in than I did on day 4. Although of course I do not know whether what I have is Covid-19
Just seen this from my brother, posted to Facebook.

It sounds like he has had a mild bout, and his 2nd daughter an even milder bout. Alternatively he picked it up in hospital the previous week and his 2nd and 3rd daughters are still to have it.


I am writing this at 3:30am on Monday morning (I can’t sleep), the fifth day of our family’s self-isolation. I am recovering from what I think was Covid-19 but I can’t be sure and probably never will be.

This is a long post but I hope you find it informative and maybe helpful in this time of uncertainty. It is all my own work – nothing copied or pasted here, although I have referred to a couple of external sources for background information.

On Wednesday afternoon my wife collected our elder daughter from her student house in Exeter. She had been suffering from mild flu-like symptoms and the rest of her housemates (a couple of whom had had similar symptoms) had already left. At the time, there were only a tiny number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the whole of Devon and it seemed vastly more likely that she had picked up a seasonal flu bug. There was no food or medication in the house and no one for her to ask for help. We knew that, ideally, she should self-isolate in Exeter but, in the circumstances, we felt we had no choice but to collect her. Fortunately, because we knew we were about to self-isolate for 14 days, we were able to stock up on essentials first. I was at home anyway, recovering from minor surgery under GA so all we had to do was tell school that my wife (a teacher) and younger daughter would not be in again before the end of term (which became academic when the government announced that schools were closing the following day).

I started feeling unwell overnight Friday/Saturday. I had to get up to go to the loo far more often than usual, but was only able to pass small amounts of urine each time. A little bit of medical knowledge being a dangerous thing, I assumed I had contracted a UTI while in hospital but. After a lengthy discussion with staff at the treatment centre in Shepton Mallet that seemed rather less likely but could only be ruled out by a urine test. I decided not to burden the NHS with that over a weekend when they are already struggling and wait to see how I felt on Monday. Meanwhile I increased the amount of water I was drinking.

On Saturday I was lethargic, which I put down to my disturbed night and post-op recovery. By early evening I was beginning to suffer from alternating shivers and sweats and had no appetite (extremely unusual for me!) and I had a very slight temperature. I went to bed early but woke up at about 2am with uncontrollable shivering which lasted for what seemed like ages, but was probably only about 45 minutes. I knew I wasn’t cold but could not stop myself from shivering. After about an hour, the shivers were replaced by hot sweats, which lasted until morning. I spent most of Sunday in bed. By the evening I was feeling much better and had some appetite. I didn’t get any more shivers but I have had several more bouts of sweats, the latest of which has resulted in me getting out of bed to write this. I have had no cough whatsoever, although I have had a very slight sore throat (mostly a dry sensation).

Neither my wife nor younger daughter have shown any symptoms yet. We should know in the next day or two whether they are going to. Our elder daughter recovered within a day of getting home. Yesterday, however, she lost her sense of smell. It seems that anosmia (I looked it up) may be an emerging symptom of Covid-19 and, more than anything else, is making us think that she had more than just seasonal flu.

The absence of testing of the general population for coronavirus makes it extremely difficult to understand what is happening outside hospitals. I have heard estimates that up to 20 times as many people could have been infected as there are confirmed cases but, in the absence of data, that could be no more than a guess. It would be really useful if the government, instead of releasing the daily number of confirmed cases, gave us their estimate of the proportion of the population that have been infected. Knowing that, for example, 1 in 5 of the population is infected but symptomless would bring it home to people how important social distancing really is. But they can’t because they don’t have the data because they’ve decided only to test people who are admitted to hospital. Inevitably, the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions are more frequent visitors to hospitals. It therefore follows that those people are far more likely to be tested for coronavirus resulting in the testing suggesting that they are far more susceptible to the virus. That is likely to be a false assumption There are almost certainly thousands of families going through a similar experience to our own, completely off the NHS’s radar. Almost all of them will be doing the responsible thing but there will be some who feel unable to or do not believe they have Covid-19 so do not need to self-isolate.
On the positive side, and assuming catching Covid-19 does lead to a degree of immunity, our herd immunity is possibly developing faster than anticipated
Agree. Having had flu, this was like a very lightweight version with very little symptoms. Short and sweet. The first 36hrs was sufficed to send us to bed, but you could force yourself to continue, unlike Flu.

I thought the follow on cough was unrelated, just coincidental. Apart from the cough, I felt fine.
Very similar experience here.

I bought it home and had 4 days of controlling a temperature with paracetamol/ibuprofen. Mild achiness on day 1 and 2. Now just an ongoing persistent DRY cough. There was no sore throat, sinus pain, or phlegm (that word doesn't get any more pleasant written down). In my experience man flu is worse.

This is day 10 of our family isolation and we're in pretty good spirits.

My wife had a temperature one evening, nothing else. Eldest daughter(10) has shown no symptoms. Son(7) and youngest daughter(5) both have persistent coughs.

School has been amazing. They've provided a full timetable from 7AM until 8PM including chores! Google Classroom has made the home schooling experience bearable and teachers are available for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.

The california has been a godsend - in the early days it was my cave on the driveway. I worked from there and it kept me warm and comfortable away from the family.

It still is my man cave and I've decided it's better than working inside!

I do hope all that have shown symptoms recover quickly. Best wishes to you and yours.
Get well and have a speedy recovery everyone.

I am so glad that School has now been closed in the UK we are foster parents and I have a underlying health condition which this COVID-19 could cause me problems, we have had to go along with the idea of taking our foster child to school every day and back again knowing that children have gone off ill with this virus from his classroom even the teachers have been dropping like flies and with the fear he could bring the coronavirus back with him we were not allowed to keep him off school so it's been quite nerve wracking at least now we can control his movements and try and stay healthy for longer. We have a daughter who is type one diabetic who is now in self isolation and my wife's dad who is 87 with underlying health issues who is also in self isolating both trying to stay alive.

Good luck everyone and keep healthy :thumb
It’s really helpful to hear about how people are being affected .... if indeed it is Covid19 and not some other Flu virus. Why are we not capable of ‘over the counter’ test kit yet and we aren’t hearing any stats on ‘asymptomatic’ numbers in places like South Korea who are doing the most testing. Surely that would inform govt on possible % carriers !

VW California Club
