Removing water mark from seat



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
We had a water bottle leak on the rear bench seat which has left a big water mark/stain. As per recommendations on here I ordered some autoglym interior car shampoo.

what’s the best way to use. Do you just spray it on and wipe off, or do you use a brush to work it in? Also is it possible to treat just the stain or do I need to do the whole seat to ensure the colour is even, if it dries a bit darker?
I would suggest doing whole seat Gently rub with a Clean white cloth. Try not to overwet with the cleaner. I finish with a white towel which I sit on to help it dry quicker.
We had a water bottle leak on the rear bench seat which has left a big water mark/stain. As per recommendations on here I ordered some autoglym interior car shampoo.

what’s the best way to use. Do you just spray it on and wipe off, or do you use a brush to work it in? Also is it possible to treat just the stain or do I need to do the whole seat to ensure the colour is even, if it dries a bit darker?
Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle, which advise what you have described. I have used Auto glym Interior shampoo on upholstery in the past and have just cleaned the problem area by spraying and working it in with a stiff brush with excellent results. It is a high quality product hence the price.
We had a water bottle leak on the rear bench seat which has left a big water mark/stain. As per recommendations on here I ordered some autoglym interior car shampoo.

what’s the best way to use. Do you just spray it on and wipe off, or do you use a brush to work it in? Also is it possible to treat just the stain or do I need to do the whole seat to ensure the colour is even, if it dries a bit darker?
If the seat is clean then just do the affected panels. I just use damp, clean cloth and just spray the panels, spread evenly with cloth and allow to dry.
Hair dryer - dry seat with in after clean to stop watermark!
Tried the autoglym and it made it worse, but to be fair I only treated the affected area.

In the end I removed it using some white vinegar diluted in distilled water.
I’ve tried a lot. The following works best for me. I’ve done it in many cars now.
Rent a carpet cleaner, you know a special kind of vacuum cleaner that can spray cleaning liquid and vacuum liquid. Here in Norway I can rent this for 15-20 euros for 3 hours. Use a good interior car shampoo developed for use in a carpet cleaner machine. First of course use a standard vacuum cleaner to remove all loose dirt. Then spray for example one seat at the time, or one area of the floor, generously so it’s completely soaked. If you use to little liquid you will have water marks. If you have big deep stains you can work those gently with a interior car brush. After 15 min or so (read the interior shampoo bottle) vacuum of all of the seat/area. After your done with all the seats they will have to dry for a day. In the summer just let the car sit with doors open in the sun. If it is in the autumn/winter then I put a dehumidifier (electronic) in the car over the night. The car is then 110% dry. I then apply some kind of fabric guard from one of the bigger brands (Cemichal Guys/Autoglym/Gyeon/Valet Pro/Mequires or what ever). The result is always perfect...
Tried the autoglym and it made it worse, but to be fair I only treated the affected area.

In the end I removed it using some white vinegar diluted in distilled water.
You have to do the whole panel.

VW California Club
