I picked up my Cali 2 weeks ago (this is a MY2021) and I have pretty much tested out everything and I am very happy so far.
There are a couple of things you need to be aware of:
As stated, the handles on all the interior sliding doors need gently PUSHING before you try to slide the doors open. I have seen threads where the plastic latches have snapped (especially on hire Calis). I can see how this may happen if the handle is not pushed first.
If you put the the fridge on the Max setting (I did this just for testing) it will freeze drink cans at the bottom of the fridge and make them barrel shaped!! I now run on setting 2 which appears to be about 10 Deg C.
On MY2021 Cali's there is no longer a switch on the B pillar to override the internal alarm monitoring when the vehicle is locked using the key fob (useful for when there are dogs in the car or the windows are slightly open)
The internal monitoring override is now deep in the menu system of the infotainment system!
=> VEHICLE =>Vehicle Settings =>Opening and Closing=>Untick Interior Monitoring.
If you have a trailer connected or a lighting bar for a bike rack and the electrics are connected properly, the circuit is normally protected by the vehicle alarm system and the alarm will sound if the plug is pulled

However.... If the lights on the trailer or light board are LED lights (as in a lot of modern systems) then the alarm will not protect! also the trailer assist will not recognise a trailer is connected either!
This may be fixed by adding LED bulbs that have built in resistors or resistor circuits. I will try this at a later date.
There is also one supplied separate key fob for remote on/off of the auxiliary heater which is very useful. You need to make sure that the heater is set to HEAT and not CIRCULATE (default) on the main panel. Also be aware that the aux heater draws about 10A for a while on start up despite being a diesel heater (this is the heater fans and heater ignition.
So far "touch wood" the Cali has been great, comfortable and easy to drive