Anyone else camping on their drive tonight?

Aidy P

Aidy P

Don't play that 'What If?' game, you'll never win!
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
It’s sub zero in North Yorkshire and I’m camping on the drive in the van with my youngest daughter and one of our dogs as a ‘break from the monotony of Working from home and home schooling’.

It’s marvellous!!!
It’s sub zero in North Yorkshire and I’m camping on the drive in the van with my youngest daughter and one of our dogs as a ‘break from the monotony of Working from home and home schooling’.

It’s marvellous!!!
Brilliant what fun! As I say you don’t need to be far from home
I guarantee they will get in the way when you need to get the portapotty.
The first thing I am going to do when I get my new Beach is pick up the Eriba and bring it home and camp on the driveway with the dogs. When I mentioned this to a non camping best friend, her face was full of horror. I guess only other Cali and Eriba owners understand the pleasure they give, even on the driveway...
The first thing I am going to do when I get my new Beach is pick up the Eriba and bring it home and camp on the driveway with the dogs. When I mentioned this to a non camping best friend, her face was full of horror. I guess only other Cali and Eriba owners understand the pleasure they give, even on the driveway...
It totally understand but... is it pleasure or desperation ?
It totally understand but... is it pleasure or desperation ?
Hopefully pleasure and also sensible (I think) to practice at home before off camping. I didn’t with the Ocean and 2 dogs as it wouldn’t have been a disaster if things went wrong. Moving to 4 dogs and an Eriba, I would like some practice at home. And I’m sure the dogs will enjoy it too. So hopefully more experimentation and adventure than desperation...
It’s sub zero in North Yorkshire and I’m camping on the drive in the van with my youngest daughter and one of our dogs as a ‘break from the monotony of Working from home and home schooling’.

It’s marvellous!!!
Brilliant, you make your own fun in life, in years to come it’s something your daughter will always remember :)
We’ve done that a few times during the last year. It just makes a change and our son has really enjoyed it. Although we refused his requests to put the awning up!

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So you never have a serious dispute with your wife?
Actually no or I should say extremely rarely.

Why spend a night on your driveway when just a few yards away are all the comforts of life. Flushing toilets, central heating, a woodburning stove, comfy armchairs, gas, electricity, an extensive collection of various liquid refreshments, entertainment and last but not least a large comfortable double bed.

Don't get me wrong, I adore camping in our Cali but for me that is about travelling and seeing vistas anew, not camping on my own driveway.
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Never camped in ours on the drive, didn't really see the point but I really miss coming home from work putting the roof up on our Cali and sitting in it to write my reports.:headbang
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Is it just me?

I fail to see any attraction in sleeping on my own driveway, albeit in a Cali.
I agree, although my children have still managed to get me to camp on the drive with them!
My wife enjoyed having a lie in indoors
Good fun. Not slept in our van yet so it’s only a matter of time before we hit the driveway campsite :)
Why spend a night on your driveway when just a few yards away are all the comforts of life. Flushing toilets, central heating, a woodburning stove, comfy armchairs, gas, electricity, an extensive collection of various liquid refreshments, entertainment and last but not least a large comfortable double bed.
Two reasons:
We live in a small flat, which has a few limitations. Sleeping in the van, a more confined space with more limitations, makes us appreciate the benefits of our flat (such as space, flushing toilet, good lighting etc) all the more.
Actually, living in a small flat, we don't even have a driveway, and I draw the line at sleeping in the van in our (sloping) street. But I would if I could, as we can't go anywhere else at the moment. I've even slept out in a little tent on our roof terrace several times in lieu of a holiday. That certainly makes you appreciate the benefits of a cosy flat.
The last thing I would want to do is go on holiday to a massive 5-star mansion, and come home feeling dissatisfied with our circumstances, instead of feeling really lucky we have a nice flat and a superb van.

VW California Club
