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Of course the genital mutilation of baby boys is not barbarous at all even though it is ubiquitous for instance in the US for phony medical reasons but as they are not female why worry.Any discrimination against any sector of the population is bullying.
WE all come into this world innocent, all with the same colour of blood and brain as each other and all with an equal right to expect to be given the same opportunities in life regardless of gender, colour of skin, sexual orientation or physical disability.
To discriminate simply because you can, you can because your biology makes you stronger, your guns make you more powerful, your mob culture makes you overwhelming, is wrong.
@Velma's Dad hit it on the head. In a country that strives to deliver equality it is easy to forget that there are countries that will deprive whole sectors simply because they can. We export billions of pounds of arms to some of the most vile and repressive regimes against women in the world: We support regimes that practice the barbarity of FGM and where a man can mutilate a woman simply because it is recognised that she is property with no rights of her own.
Even in this wonderfully liberated country of ours, and I do not say that sarcastically because in comparison we are wonderfully liberated, my own family has experienced gender (and colour) discrimination against one of us: Another the victim of a very serious sexual assault that came close to murder: Another bigotry and assault simply because of gender orientation. It was only ten years ago that I was in court as a prosecution witness against someone who felt it was ok to physically threaten me whilst waving his willy at me, probably not something he would do against someone who matched him in terms of strength and size.
Why we have international women's day. To remind ourselves of the struggles that have been overcome, and the struggles that have yet to be overcome, simply to have a right of equal opportunity.
Let us not also forget the 118 names that Jess Phillips read out in Parliament, the names of the 118 women murdered in Britain in the year just gone because someone felt they could, simply because they had a physical superiority.
Men are also rather expert at killing themselves as the 4000 UK annual suicide success figures prove.
I would be interested to know what equal opportunities are currently denied to any woman in this country other than appearing on the front line in the next war or working down the new coal mine just approved..