Hey all
It started yesterday, flashing from G to Hook.
This morning everything was back to normality.
Now it doesn t work anymore .
I checked fuses but they seems good.
I can t reset it.(dunno if there is a way to reset it if display doesn t work)
The “problem” is we are on a trip 2k kms from home, in 3 people and 1 dog plus all the luggages, food and so on.
Any idea if is possible to fix it or there is nothing to do?
I m scared to ask but how much the control unit costs?

It started yesterday, flashing from G to Hook.
This morning everything was back to normality.
Now it doesn t work anymore .
I checked fuses but they seems good.
I can t reset it.(dunno if there is a way to reset it if display doesn t work)
The “problem” is we are on a trip 2k kms from home, in 3 people and 1 dog plus all the luggages, food and so on.
Any idea if is possible to fix it or there is nothing to do?
I m scared to ask but how much the control unit costs?