GC disillusionment



Looking to buy
So sold my cali in March and got an ex demo £78k spec Gc600 for great deal. Looked at Adria, Hymer and Knaus. Decided that VW network was a big selling point.

don’t anybody make that mistake. My local VW (I won’t name, but look at my location) clearly have no idea how to manage a van of this “complexity”.

no parts available, “have to come from Germany, I’m sure you’ll understand they just aren’t available because it’s such a new vehicle” only 2 years+?

Water pump failed on last trip (had to cut short, have 2 small kids), and the electric control panel is humming. Would you expect these things to be related?? I personally wouldn’t but it’s all “canbus related”. So they are replacing the panel and “it will take upto 2 weeks to update the software” as it has to be run through with HQ. And hopefully that will fix the pump. Won’t order a new pump just in case. Anyone have thoughts or similar experience of this?

I guess I’m cancelling bookings for early September then….
Dear ShmBK,

I know exactly how you feel.

We bought our GC 600 on the 07/07/2021, trading in our Ocean from 2017. During the latest trips in the Ocean we felt that the T6 was a wonderful car, but the camping part does not suit us anymore.

From the early beginning we had problems with leaking tap in the wet room (had to come from Germany), rear sky window did not open, no water pressure and dimmed to a black radio, dashboard LEDs from buttons. The camper was with VW for almost 2x weeks to get all the issues sorted. All the parts came from Germany.

While my daughter came from America home for 3x weeks we did not use the camper.

Now, that she is gone, we wanted to use the camper, planning weekend trips. What happened? The radio, dashboard, LED Buttons are dimmed to a black again! I got a call from my VW dealer saying that now 2x controllers need to be changed. One seems to be on stock (Germany) the other on back order. In the worst case it could take weeks and weeks until it arrives (the camper can't be used and is with the VW dealer).

Even when all the works is done and the camper is back, I lost my confidence in the vehicle. In October we wanted to go to Frankfurt (I am nervous), in May of next year we finally wanted to do our Scandinavia tour (5 to 6 weeks).

Will the camper be reliable? I don't know but I have my doubts.

What is the alternative? I don't know either. I would like the Hymer Grand Canyon S, but the next official Hymer dealer is in Letterkenny. Even if we would decide to go for the Hymer, I am sure it will take over a year from order to delivery. Meaning all our plans (ferry bookings, annual leave bookings) are obsolete.

An alternative would be to get the GC600 exchanged. But even though all this is not our fault and the camper is so new (barely 1,500 km on the clock) VW Ireland or the VW dealer will deduct a lot of money for "usage".

It is a mess!

With what I know now, would I have bought the GC 600 - no! After the house it is the second most expensive thing we have bought in our lives. We haven't done anything wrong and so far we have nothing to show for.
I would also recommend not to purchase a Grand California at the moment. Unfortunately Volkswagen has not managed to design and build a reliable and good camper van. The advantage to deal with one manufacturer is desirable, but for so much money there shouldn't be a reason to take up the warranty service in the first place.

Unhappy Grand California,
Dear ShmBK,

I know exactly how you feel.

We bought our GC 600 on the 07/07/2021, trading in our Ocean from 2017. During the latest trips in the Ocean we felt that the T6 was a wonderful car, but the camping part does not suit us anymore.

From the early beginning we had problems with leaking tap in the wet room (had to come from Germany), rear sky window did not open, no water pressure and dimmed to a black radio, dashboard LEDs from buttons. The camper was with VW for almost 2x weeks to get all the issues sorted. All the parts came from Germany.

While my daughter came from America home for 3x weeks we did not use the camper.

Now, that she is gone, we wanted to use the camper, planning weekend trips. What happened? The radio, dashboard, LED Buttons are dimmed to a black again! I got a call from my VW dealer saying that now 2x controllers need to be changed. One seems to be on stock (Germany) the other on back order. In the worst case it could take weeks and weeks until it arrives (the camper can't be used and is with the VW dealer).

Even when all the works is done and the camper is back, I lost my confidence in the vehicle. In October we wanted to go to Frankfurt (I am nervous), in May of next year we finally wanted to do our Scandinavia tour (5 to 6 weeks).

Will the camper be reliable? I don't know but I have my doubts.

What is the alternative? I don't know either. I would like the Hymer Grand Canyon S, but the next official Hymer dealer is in Letterkenny. Even if we would decide to go for the Hymer, I am sure it will take over a year from order to delivery. Meaning all our plans (ferry bookings, annual leave bookings) are obsolete.

An alternative would be to get the GC600 exchanged. But even though all this is not our fault and the camper is so new (barely 1,500 km on the clock) VW Ireland or the VW dealer will deduct a lot of money for "usage".

It is a mess!

With what I know now, would I have bought the GC 600 - no! After the house it is the second most expensive thing we have bought in our lives. We haven't done anything wrong and so far we have nothing to show for.
I would also recommend not to purchase a Grand California at the moment. Unfortunately Volkswagen has not managed to design and build a reliable and good camper van. The advantage to deal with one manufacturer is desirable, but for so much money there shouldn't be a reason to take up the warranty service in the first place.

Unhappy Grand California,
I am so sorry to read this. How horrible and upsetting for you.It's terrible.

I hope you are back on the road soon, and smiling.

How did your water pump fail? It's not turning on at all? Does your lights work from the large separate switches on the wall above the kitchenette? If you turn you car on does the control panel show the battery charging animation? if it does is it showing the amperage its charging or is it just showing 0A.

We had this kind of situation about a week ago, No water, No lights from the wall switches, but the switches on the lights worked ok. And when the car was running the charging animation was visible in the control panel, but no +amperage, it was stuck to 0A.

We managed to fix this by, turning the main power off from under the bed. Then looked under the dashboard, behind the glove compartment and looked for a small blue connector. Like 1cmx2cm in size with couple of brown wires. Pull the blue connector off for 2 minutes or so. Then put the blue connector back and turn the mains back on from under the bed. Then start the car and tadaa everything worked again.

We have the newest software in our control panel but it does not fix this problem.
Dear ShmBK,

I know exactly how you feel.

We bought our GC 600 on the 07/07/2021, trading in our Ocean from 2017. During the latest trips in the Ocean we felt that the T6 was a wonderful car, but the camping part does not suit us anymore.

From the early beginning we had problems with leaking tap in the wet room (had to come from Germany), rear sky window did not open, no water pressure and dimmed to a black radio, dashboard LEDs from buttons. The camper was with VW for almost 2x weeks to get all the issues sorted. All the parts came from Germany.

While my daughter came from America home for 3x weeks we did not use the camper.

Now, that she is gone, we wanted to use the camper, planning weekend trips. What happened? The radio, dashboard, LED Buttons are dimmed to a black again! I got a call from my VW dealer saying that now 2x controllers need to be changed. One seems to be on stock (Germany) the other on back order. In the worst case it could take weeks and weeks until it arrives (the camper can't be used and is with the VW dealer).

Even when all the works is done and the camper is back, I lost my confidence in the vehicle. In October we wanted to go to Frankfurt (I am nervous), in May of next year we finally wanted to do our Scandinavia tour (5 to 6 weeks).

Will the camper be reliable? I don't know but I have my doubts.

What is the alternative? I don't know either. I would like the Hymer Grand Canyon S, but the next official Hymer dealer is in Letterkenny. Even if we would decide to go for the Hymer, I am sure it will take over a year from order to delivery. Meaning all our plans (ferry bookings, annual leave bookings) are obsolete.

An alternative would be to get the GC600 exchanged. But even though all this is not our fault and the camper is so new (barely 1,500 km on the clock) VW Ireland or the VW dealer will deduct a lot of money for "usage".

It is a mess!

With what I know now, would I have bought the GC 600 - no! After the house it is the second most expensive thing we have bought in our lives. We haven't done anything wrong and so far we have nothing to show for.
I would also recommend not to purchase a Grand California at the moment. Unfortunately Volkswagen has not managed to design and build a reliable and good camper van. The advantage to deal with one manufacturer is desirable, but for so much money there shouldn't be a reason to take up the warranty service in the first place.

Unhappy Grand California,
I really feel for you Eberhard.

What's strange is some of the problems you are describing are core VW Crafter parts, not unique to the GC version.

Surely this is not normal when VW are selling 70,000 Crafters year on year.
I think the major issue is not the VW built side it is the aftermarket parts used such as dometic, truma we had a new control panel fitted dometic unit as the old one would not take update, new panel + update fixed some issues such as solar not working, hot water turning off, we also had the tap replaced but again this week we have had the same issue pump running on again a dometic kitchen unit, pulling the pump connection plug under the inspection panel turns it of till it dries out, VW are reliant on the suppliers for support & quality control they have not used cheap products, I feel it’s the add on parts spoiling their reputation and people’s enjoyment regarding the GC, we have other issues but again not VW parts so possibly suppliers now using inferior parts as supply is difficult at the moment.

We are still happy with our GC680 and would still recommend as other brands can have the same or worse issues.
@ShmBK sorry to hear you are having problems. I think I too have the same dealer. I have had issues in the past. But, given the short timescale that GC’s have been available in UK, I doubt many or any dealers have much knowledge on how to fix things that are not engine based.
My own experience also showed that even for what seemed like a simple warranty issue, the dealer / garage has to follow a strict set of procedures to eliminate all other possible reasons… this to ensure they themselves are compensated by VW for warranty items… it’s not easy and can be very frustrating as an owner.
Hopefully your issues will be sorted soon.
How did your water pump fail? It's not turning on at all? Does your lights work from the large separate switches on the wall above the kitchenette? If you turn you car on does the control panel show the battery charging animation? if it does is it showing the amperage its charging or is it just showing 0A.

We had this kind of situation about a week ago, No water, No lights from the wall switches, but the switches on the lights worked ok. And when the car was running the charging animation was visible in the control panel, but no +amperage, it was stuck to 0A.

We managed to fix this by, turning the main power off from under the bed. Then looked under the dashboard, behind the glove compartment and looked for a small blue connector. Like 1cmx2cm in size with couple of brown wires. Pull the blue connector off for 2 minutes or so. Then put the blue connector back and turn the mains back on from under the bed. Then start the car and tadaa everything worked again.

We have the newest software in our control panel but it does not fix this problem.
Never had good flow on it, then last week the flow turned to an initial spluttering and then stopped. Same every time, can’t maintain flow
@ShmBK sorry to hear you are having problems. I think I too have the same dealer. I have had issues in the past. But, given the short timescale that GC’s have been available in UK, I doubt many or any dealers have much knowledge on how to fix things that are not engine based.
My own experience also showed that even for what seemed like a simple warranty issue, the dealer / garage has to follow a strict set of procedures to eliminate all other possible reasons… this to ensure they themselves are compensated by VW for warranty items… it’s not easy and can be very frustrating as an owner.
Hopefully your issues will be sorted soon.
The “it’s so new” excuse isn’t really cutting it for me. It’s nearly 2 years old.
Would adria (nearby) have to spend “2 weeks running software updates” to the control panel?

Vw are fine (?) with small, simpl-ish California’s, but with the larger more complex motorhomes they really seem to not have the logistics or the training to service them properly.
Dear ShmBK,

I know exactly how you feel.

We bought our GC 600 on the 07/07/2021, trading in our Ocean from 2017. During the latest trips in the Ocean we felt that the T6 was a wonderful car, but the camping part does not suit us anymore.

From the early beginning we had problems with leaking tap in the wet room (had to come from Germany), rear sky window did not open, no water pressure and dimmed to a black radio, dashboard LEDs from buttons. The camper was with VW for almost 2x weeks to get all the issues sorted. All the parts came from Germany.

While my daughter came from America home for 3x weeks we did not use the camper.

Now, that she is gone, we wanted to use the camper, planning weekend trips. What happened? The radio, dashboard, LED Buttons are dimmed to a black again! I got a call from my VW dealer saying that now 2x controllers need to be changed. One seems to be on stock (Germany) the other on back order. In the worst case it could take weeks and weeks until it arrives (the camper can't be used and is with the VW dealer).

Even when all the works is done and the camper is back, I lost my confidence in the vehicle. In October we wanted to go to Frankfurt (I am nervous), in May of next year we finally wanted to do our Scandinavia tour (5 to 6 weeks).

Will the camper be reliable? I don't know but I have my doubts.

What is the alternative? I don't know either. I would like the Hymer Grand Canyon S, but the next official Hymer dealer is in Letterkenny. Even if we would decide to go for the Hymer, I am sure it will take over a year from order to delivery. Meaning all our plans (ferry bookings, annual leave bookings) are obsolete.

An alternative would be to get the GC600 exchanged. But even though all this is not our fault and the camper is so new (barely 1,500 km on the clock) VW Ireland or the VW dealer will deduct a lot of money for "usage".

It is a mess!

With what I know now, would I have bought the GC 600 - no! After the house it is the second most expensive thing we have bought in our lives. We haven't done anything wrong and so far we have nothing to show for.
I would also recommend not to purchase a Grand California at the moment. Unfortunately Volkswagen has not managed to design and build a reliable and good camper van. The advantage to deal with one manufacturer is desirable, but for so much money there shouldn't be a reason to take up the warranty service in the first place.

Unhappy Grand California,
“There’s always someone worse off”, sadly in this case, that’s you!

I too am hoping for a long Scandinavian adventure, but I just don’t think it’s going to happen (between the van and Scotland’s lack of digital vaccine record)
The Volkswagen network barely know what they’re doing with the standard California, and that’s been around for about 15 years with little change.
You have absolutely no chance of finding competent Grand California Techs within their stable. I personally would see if any of the specialist GW dealers can help.

Good luck.
Dear ShmBK,

I know exactly how you feel.

We bought our GC 600 on the 07/07/2021, trading in our Ocean from 2017. During the latest trips in the Ocean we felt that the T6 was a wonderful car, but the camping part does not suit us anymore.

From the early beginning we had problems with leaking tap in the wet room (had to come from Germany), rear sky window did not open, no water pressure and dimmed to a black radio, dashboard LEDs from buttons. The camper was with VW for almost 2x weeks to get all the issues sorted. All the parts came from Germany.

While my daughter came from America home for 3x weeks we did not use the camper.

Now, that she is gone, we wanted to use the camper, planning weekend trips. What happened? The radio, dashboard, LED Buttons are dimmed to a black again! I got a call from my VW dealer saying that now 2x controllers need to be changed. One seems to be on stock (Germany) the other on back order. In the worst case it could take weeks and weeks until it arrives (the camper can't be used and is with the VW dealer).

Even when all the works is done and the camper is back, I lost my confidence in the vehicle. In October we wanted to go to Frankfurt (I am nervous), in May of next year we finally wanted to do our Scandinavia tour (5 to 6 weeks).

Will the camper be reliable? I don't know but I have my doubts.

What is the alternative? I don't know either. I would like the Hymer Grand Canyon S, but the next official Hymer dealer is in Letterkenny. Even if we would decide to go for the Hymer, I am sure it will take over a year from order to delivery. Meaning all our plans (ferry bookings, annual leave bookings) are obsolete.

An alternative would be to get the GC600 exchanged. But even though all this is not our fault and the camper is so new (barely 1,500 km on the clock) VW Ireland or the VW dealer will deduct a lot of money for "usage".

It is a mess!

With what I know now, would I have bought the GC 600 - no! After the house it is the second most expensive thing we have bought in our lives. We haven't done anything wrong and so far we have nothing to show for.
I would also recommend not to purchase a Grand California at the moment. Unfortunately Volkswagen has not managed to design and build a reliable and good camper van. The advantage to deal with one manufacturer is desirable, but for so much money there shouldn't be a reason to take up the warranty service in the first place.

Unhappy Grand California,
Hi @Eber123
You’ve probably already looked at this however if you haven’t it might be worthwhile.

Funnily enough we have just had to reject our new campervan, Fiat based panel van conversion, after just one hours worth of ownership. It’s a long story. We determined that we were covered by UK Consumer Rights Act and were able to get a full refund as we had rejected the van within 30 days. We also learnt that we had up to 6 months to reject it and recover a large percentage of the cost.

It might be worth understanding the EU/Eire equivalent of the consumer rights act, the above link, and give the problem to VW rather than you having to live with the stress of it.

I‘m sorry to hear you’ve had all these problems. Good luck
@ShmBK really sorry to hear you are having issues not good. when we had our California many years ago I lost total faith in our dealer as they simply couldn’t solve small issues. we ended up going to next nearest one that sorted problems very quickly. Might be worth the extra time to find good commercial centre who can help.

also i know it doesn’t help but trust me the motorhome world is no better and it took over a year for our dealer of an A class motorhome to fix our issues including completely cracked and leaking shower tray so we couldn’t use bathroom for months.

keep your chin up I am sure you will get sorted and enjoy the Grand in long run
Following up what Hammer's comment that other motorhome manufacturer have problems to sort issues too.

I wonder why and how they get away with it?! I can't imagine that a banker or solicitor just purchased an E-Class Mercedes or a 7 Series BMW worth over EUR 100K will tolerate constant issues and no use of the new vehicle they purchased and that the companies won't even try to "mess around" with those people.

I don't accept that a camper van or motorhome is more complex and therefore more can brake. Build it better, I'd say. It seems that the motorhome Industry doesn't try hard enough because they get away with it.

If I have to wait for weeks to get the needed spare parts for the repair or if it fails again I will engage with a solicitor with the goal either to get a different GC 600 with the same or better specification or give the camper van back and get a refund of as much money as possible.

After that I don't know. Hiking with a tent (well certainly more environmentally friendly)?

Unhappy Grand California,
Really sorry to see this but I’m developing the opinion that it’s a sad part of van ownership.
I’ve owned two Calis, both from new, and both were an absolute mare when it came to resolving problems.

The dealers and VW commercial are set up for plumbers and delivery drivers. They don’t have the same relationship with their vans as we do, plus (and provided they get a loaner) they aren’t that bothered if it takes two weeks to get repaired. VW Commercial dealers just don’t have a full understanding of our needs and expectations. Let’s face it they can’t even deliver an 85k 4motion Cali without oily finger prints on the headlining (and repeat the same problem EVERYTIME IT GOES IN TO THE WORKSHOP). That use to really p1ss me off.

Ive now moved to a VW Crafter Knaus Boxdrive, which is basically a GC680 but with a more traditional and homely feel (IMO). It has exactly the same Dometic and Truma electrics and I’ve also experienced some of the problems in this thread. The difference being the dealer (Doncaster Premium motorhomes) have been much much better than VW. I’ve put that down to them being business to Customer and not (as VW commercial), business to business. Far more understanding and ‘human’. They simply get it.

Another point I’ll make is the software used to run the Truma/Dometic systems. The touch Panel is a Dometic and much of the software is be-spoke written by the vehicle converter. And after talking to a Truma tech for some time, he tells me they often have problems with truma/Dometic interface. The companies are not very good at writing it! Reading a thread on the a VW conversions FB site, they came to the same conclusion when discussing the Media discovery, the more complicated the software the worse VW gets at writing it.

I guess what I’m saying is, you’ve just got to get through it, and expect some problems. Due to the complexity of what they do you have to expect limitations…. Even Apple get it wrong.

I was heading up to Scotland for a 4 week tour in May. I parked up, along with a number of Vans, for the night at Cayton bay near Scarborough. The following morning I was doing some Van fettling. (I can’t remember what I was fixing) and a small group of van owners gathered to watch, one of the old guys turned to the other and said, ‘aye, there’s always sum-it up’, other guy said, ‘aye, specially the new uns’. And they’re right, but
there is also light at the end of the tunnel.

Ive now gone through the settling period and into my 5th week touring through Norway, and (touch wood) not had a single problem.

Sadly it seems to be part of van life and to make it worse, VW Commercial just isn’t set up for us. But one piece of advice to any prospective van owner take as much time selecting your dealer as you do your van. It will make a huge difference to ownership. It’s worth paying a bit more for the right service!
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Really sorry to see this but I’m developing the opinion that it’s a sad part of van ownership.
I’ve owned two Calis, both from new, and both were an absolute mare when it came to resolving problems.

The dealers and VW commercial are set up for plumbers and delivery drivers. They don’t have the same relationship with their vans as we do, plus (and provided they get a loaner) they aren’t that bothered if it takes two weeks to get repaired. VW Commercial dealers just don’t have a full understanding of our needs and expectations. Let’s face it they can’t even deliver an 85k 4motion Cali without oily finger prints on the headlining (and repeat the same problem EVERYTIME IT GOES IN TO THE WORKSHOP). That use to really p1ss me off.

Ive now moved to a VW Crafter Knaus Boxdrive, which is basically a GC680 but with a more traditional and homely feel (IMO). It has exactly the same Dometic and Truma electrics and I’ve also experienced some of the problems in this thread. The difference being the dealer (Doncaster Premium motorhomes) have been much much better than VW. I’ve put that down to them being business to Customer and not (as VW commercial), business to business. Far more understanding and ‘human’. They simply get it.

Another point I’ll make is the software used to run the Truma/Dometic systems. The touch Panel is a Dometic and much of the software is be-spoke written by the vehicle converter. And after talking to a Truma tech for some time, he tells me they often have problems with truma/Dometic interface. The companies are not very good at writing it! Reading a thread on the a VW conversions FB site, they came to the same conclusion when discussing the Media discovery, the more complicated the software the worse VW gets at writing it.

I guess what I’m saying is, you’ve just got to get through it, and expect some problems. Due to the complexity of what they do you have to expect limitations…. Even Apple get it wrong.

I was heading up to Scotland for a 4 week tour in May. I parked up, along with a number of Vans, for the night at Cayton bay near Scarborough. The following morning I was doing some Van fettling. (I can’t remember what I was fixing) and a small group of van owners gathered to watch, one of the old guys turned to the other and said, ‘aye, there’s always sum-it up’, other guy said, ‘aye, specially the new uns’. And they’re right, but
there is also light at the end of the tunnel.

Ive now gone through the settling period and into my 5th week touring through Norway, and (touch wood) not had a single problem.

Sadly it seems to be part of van life and to make it worse, VW Commercial just isn’t set up for us. But one piece of advice to any prospective van owner take as much time selecting your dealer as you do your van. It will make a huge difference to ownership. It worth paying a bit more for the right service!
Totally agree, the VW dealerships are not set up for the GC and all that comes with it, fortunately my only issues have been with the 3rd party element ie Thule step, mind of its own. And the fly screen fell out. All this after x2 4 weeks trips to Wales and Cornwall/Devon.

So far no firmware issues. Other points raised with dealer are yellowing glue stains on galley worktop, middle mattress to narrow and streaking down paintwork from windows after its rained, possibly from the Sikaflex used to fix windows in place. Just awaiting options from dealer on how to progress.

As we have already mentioned all brands have issues with new products no matter if they are boats, vans or houses.

just keep on it.
So sold my cali in March and got an ex demo £78k spec Gc600 for great deal. Looked at Adria, Hymer and Knaus. Decided that VW network was a big selling point.

don’t anybody make that mistake. My local VW (I won’t name, but look at my location) clearly have no idea how to manage a van of this “complexity”.

no parts available, “have to come from Germany, I’m sure you’ll understand they just aren’t available because it’s such a new vehicle” only 2 years+?

Water pump failed on last trip (had to cut short, have 2 small kids), and the electric control panel is humming. Would you expect these things to be related?? I personally wouldn’t but it’s all “canbus related”. So they are replacing the panel and “it will take upto 2 weeks to update the software” as it has to be run through with HQ. And hopefully that will fix the pump. Won’t order a new pump just in case. Anyone have thoughts or similar experience of this?

I guess I’m cancelling bookings for early September then….
How disappointing for you. VW really need to get a grip on supporting owners like you with these issues in a more timely manner.

If you were looking for a replacement or alternative to a GC, I would recommend looking at the VW Westfalia Club Joker. Only 300mm longer than a Cali and identical in width, it is based on T6 LWB Transporter. It features a full bathroom with cassette WC and shower, hot water and heating system and 70 litre fresh and waste water tanks. The build quality is fantastic and we are beyond delighted with ours. At 5.3m long, you can still park at the pub and supermarket. The only compromise is that you can't get into carparks with height restrictions, as it is a high top rather than pop top.

Hope they sort out your problems quickly
Reading through this thread.
Quickly becomes apparent that less tech is more.
Can’t understand why things aren’t kept simple and modular in a camping vehicle.

Why someone needs to control heating, fridge, lighting and air con from the same control unit in a van, seems utterly pointless…?

My in-laws have a fancy kettle with lots of buttons and settings. Im not sure what anything does and boiling the bloody thing is not straightforward.
Ultimately, you just want to boil water…:headbang
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Reading through this thread.
Quickly becomes apparent that less tech is more.
Can’t understand why things aren’t kept simple and modular in a camping vehicle.

Why someone needs to control heating, fridge, lighting and air con from the same control unit in a van, seems utterly pointless…?

My in-laws have a fancy kettle with lots of buttons and settings. Im not sure what anything does and boiling the bloody thing isn’t straightforward.
Ultimately, you just want to boil water…:headbang
Which is the theme in the other thread about over complexity/ under developed systems in the failing auto roof thread.

Such a shame as the problems stop the use and enjoyment. It certainly makes me think any larger replacement of our Beach would be another self build. At least that way you know where and how everything is put together.
Which is the theme in the other thread about over complexity/ under developed systems in the failing auto roof thread.

Such a shame as the problems stop the use and enjoyment. It certainly makes me think any larger replacement of our Beach would be another self build. At least that way you know where and how everything is put together.
My only point would be, remember what's on this forum is in context. Thousands of Californias sold every year with thousands of happy customers and no issues.
How disappointing for you. VW really need to get a grip on supporting owners like you with these issues in a more timely manner.

If you were looking for a replacement or alternative to a GC, I would recommend looking at the VW Westfalia Club Joker. Only 300mm longer than a Cali and identical in width, it is based on T6 LWB Transporter. It features a full bathroom with cassette WC and shower, hot water and heating system and 70 litre fresh and waste water tanks. The build quality is fantastic and we are beyond delighted with ours. At 5.3m long, you can still park at the pub and supermarket. The only compromise is that you can't get into carparks with height restrictions, as it is a high top rather than pop top.

Hope they sort out your problems quickl

How disappointing for you. VW really need to get a grip on supporting owners like you with these issues in a more timely manner.

If you were looking for a replacement or alternative to a GC, I would recommend looking at the VW Westfalia Club Joker. Only 300mm longer than a Cali and identical in width, it is based on T6 LWB Transporter. It features a full bathroom with cassette WC and shower, hot water and heating system and 70 litre fresh and waste water tanks. The build quality is fantastic and we are beyond delighted with ours. At 5.3m long, you can still park at the pub and supermarket. The only compromise is that you can't get into carparks with height restrictions, as it is a high top rather than pop top.

Hope they sort out your problems quickly
I know I am always querying why people who don't own or want a Cali bother to post here but my interest was piqued by your suggestion.
With only the leather seats additional to what I have on my 2016 Cali the price came to £78,419 for the Club Joker, presumably DTD do not quote for these great campers. so the price is fixed.
The old problem of where to store anything but a couple of chairs and a table/cable in such a design raised its ugly head. Where a drive away awning and the rest of the paraphernalia we store behind the rear seat would go is a mystery. Other than that, very interesting.

My only point would be, remember what's on this forum is in context. Thousands of Californias sold every year with thousands of happy customers and no issues.
Agreed to some extent but pushing back against your point.

Thousands annually? 968 pa in UK in 2016, so ok into the thousands now in UK, more across Europe/Aus/NZ. But still very low thousands, many of which are simpler variants like the Beach. For the GC these numbers will be very much lower.

Next factor in forum membership versus vehicles out there. We are a subset and not everyone on here voices every issue with their van on the forum. There have been some humdingers of VW not being able to support its products posted recently. I fully get that complaints about any product or service in the public domain don't reflect satisfied customers but in this case it could be many years before the built in issues due to complexity start to emerge. Dry solder joints on pcb, issues with looms, software updates no longer being available for older vehicles. Part availability or diagnostic tools not being available to the non specialist dealer.

For a new(ish) vehicle the GC seems to be suffering from a disproportionate number of teething issues, mostly in habitation end of things. The control panels on Californias generally appear to be something VW hasn't learned its lessons on over the years from the number of threads on that topic. My belief is the simpler the vehicle the less hassle it will be long term.

Thread 'UK Sales of Californias' https://vwcaliforniaclub.com/threads/uk-sales-of-californias.17441/
Agreed to some extent but pushing back against your point.

Thousands annually? 968 pa in UK in 2016, so ok into the thousands now in UK, more across Europe/Aus/NZ. But still very low thousands, many of which are simpler variants like the Beach. For the GC these numbers will be very much lower.

Next factor in forum membership versus vehicles out there. We are a subset and not everyone on here voices every issue with their van on the forum. There have been some humdingers of VW not being able to support its products posted recently. I fully get that complaints about any product or service in the public domain don't reflect satisfied customers but in this case it could be many years before the built in issues due to complexity start to emerge. Dry solder joints on pcb, issues with looms, software updates no longer being available for older vehicles. Part availability or diagnostic tools not being available to the non specialist dealer.

For a new(ish) vehicle the GC seems to be suffering from a disproportionate number of teething issues, mostly in habitation end of things. The control panels on Californias generally appear to be something VW hasn't learned its lessons on over the years from the number of threads on that topic. My belief is the simpler the vehicle the less hassle it will be long term.

Thread 'UK Sales of Californias' https://vwcaliforniaclub.com/threads/uk-sales-of-californias.17441/
Fair points, I'm listenin'...

Ideally we need a well maintained reliability index comparing all vehicles in all places.

For the thousands, I'm basing this on the global production of approx 15,000 new T6.1 California's sold each year (standard Cali's, not Caddy or GC). Spread that over the years would be easy to get in to 5 digits in the UK alone.

Source (not brilliant, but better than nothing):
I know I am always querying why people who don't own or want a Cali bother to post here but my interest was piqued by your suggestion.
With only the leather seats additional to what I have on my 2016 Cali the price came to £78,419 for the Club Joker, presumably DTD do not quote for these great campers. so the price is fixed.
The old problem of where to store anything but a couple of chairs and a table/cable in such a design raised its ugly head. Where a drive away awning and the rest of the paraphernalia we store behind the rear seat would go is a mystery. Other than that, very interesting.
He just swapped his cali for a joker, and I’ve own 2 calis in the past that’s why we are here. Also westfalia made the Cali at the start.
The forum welcomes anyone who’s into vw campers and there’s probably a few secret Fiat owners hiding here.

VW California Club
