T6.1 leisure batteries not charging



T6.1 Ocean 150
Hi all - would appreciate advice

We have a 5 month old T6.1 Ocean and are having issues with keeping charge in the leisure batteries.

Our van has been used every 2/3 weeks since a 2 week trip in Sept and a couple of weeks ago got a warning via tracker that starter battery was low. On investigation so were the leisure batteries which have gradually declined from nearly 60 hrs to 1.5 hours.

Took the van to Cornwall last week (550 miles), and used the 'supercharge' function on the control panel part of the way. Was dissapointed to see charge only upto 6 hrs on return.

Have checked circuit breakers which are on red, and plugged into mains and the light came on in the control panel to suggest batteries were charging.

Surprised to see that batteries down to 1.5 hrs this morning, despite hook up! Charge reading 13.2V/3A on control panel..

Have tried button to check circuit breakers and nothing happened (not sure what to expect)

I guess something has gone wrong - any suggestions please before i book dealer (which is miles away)

Many thanks

Cali charging status.jpg
Ignore the hours left, the important thing is battery voltage.
Whats the voltage show when not on hookup?
Hi all - would appreciate advice

We have a 5 month old T6.1 Ocean and are having issues with keeping charge in the leisure batteries.

Our van has been used every 2/3 weeks since a 2 week trip in Sept and a couple of weeks ago got a warning via tracker that starter battery was low. On investigation so were the leisure batteries which have gradually declined from nearly 60 hrs to 1.5 hours.

Took the van to Cornwall last week (550 miles), and used the 'supercharge' function on the control panel part of the way. Was dissapointed to see charge only upto 6 hrs on return.

Have checked circuit breakers which are on red, and plugged into mains and the light came on in the control panel to suggest batteries were charging.

Surprised to see that batteries down to 1.5 hrs this morning, despite hook up! Charge reading 13.2V/3A on control panel..

Have tried button to check circuit breakers and nothing happened (not sure what to expect)

I guess something has gone wrong - any suggestions please before i book dealer (which is miles away)

Many thanks

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When on hook up, are you seeing the Amber plug symbol to the right of the panel, suggesting that charging is taking place? I am assuming you are as the above pic shows 3a going in and 13.2V. So breakers must be in the right place.
Seems to read 12.6V/-1A - see pic

Many thanks

Cali charging status 2.jpg
If you've just this minute unplugged the charger you need to give it an hour or so for the voltage to stabilise. I would expect it to then show a lower voltage.
Buy something like the below, and check for a charge when hooked up / engine running. Should be between 13.7 to 14.7v when charging - If not then suggests an issue with the charger:

Buy something like the below, and check for a charge when hooked up / engine running. Should be between 13.7 to 14.7v when charging - If not then suggests an issue with the charger:

View attachment 87482
I think the plus 3a in the top picture indicates charging activity. So my guess is the charger is good
Whats the timescale between plugging in & taking the first photo? is that after an overnight charge or just an hour later?
When on hook up, are you seeing the Amber plug symbol to the right of the panel, suggesting that charging is taking place? I am assuming you are as the above pic shows 3a going in and 13.2V. So breakers must be in the right place.
Hi - yes amber symbol on control panel
Hi - yes amber symbol on control panel
So the symbol suggests the breaker is on and the plus 3a suggests the charger is working too. With my limited knowledge, I think you might be looking at a fuse issue on the 2nd battery. But others will have more experience than me.
Whats the voltage showing now?
If you've just this minute unplugged the charger you need to give it an hour or so for the voltage to stabilise. I would expect it to then show a lower voltage.
Gave it a while as suggested but have similar reading...

Cali charging status 3.jpg
12.4v = 80% full
Even if that was just one leisure battery you could run a 1 amp load for more than 1 hour 20m
Put it back on charge overnight & see if you can get it to 12.7V unplugged as that is 100% full.

To me it looks like you need to do a reset, there is nothing actually wrong its just displaying the wrong available run time, which is just an arbitrary calculated figure anyway.

As a comparison my van hasn't moved in a fortnight & it shows:
The red triangle suggests that one of your batteries is not reporting its status/ is reporting poor state of health / battery imbalance. Unfortunately these battery reporting functions are not documented.

I suggest manually checking the voltage of each leisure battery with a voltmeter. If they are not exactly the same then you have a blown fuse, most likely S339. Search for "cube fuse" on the forum.

If the voltages match (and are around 12.6+) try reset each battery sensor in turn. To do that you unplug the little black two wire plug on the IBS which is on each battery negative and then plug it back in again. Wait a few minutes between each and check the control panel to see if the red triangle goes away.
12.4v = 80% full
Even if that was just one leisure battery you could run a 1 amp load for more than 1 hour 20m
Put it back on charge overnight & see if you can get it to 12.7V unplugged as that is 100% full.

To me it looks like you need to do a reset, there is nothing actually wrong its just displaying the wrong available run time, which is just an arbitrary calculated figure anyway.

As a comparison my van hasn't moved in a fortnight & it shows:
View attachment 87493
Hi Andy, not good news this morning - left on charge overnight as suggested - this mornings readings as follows: folk are suggesting a fuse issue??

Cali charging status 4.jpg
Hi all - would appreciate advice

We have a 5 month old T6.1 Ocean and are having issues with keeping charge in the leisure batteries.

Our van has been used every 2/3 weeks since a 2 week trip in Sept and a couple of weeks ago got a warning via tracker that starter battery was low. On investigation so were the leisure batteries which have gradually declined from nearly 60 hrs to 1.5 hours.

Took the van to Cornwall last week (550 miles), and used the 'supercharge' function on the control panel part of the way. Was dissapointed to see charge only upto 6 hrs on return.

Have checked circuit breakers which are on red, and plugged into mains and the light came on in the control panel to suggest batteries were charging.

Surprised to see that batteries down to 1.5 hrs this morning, despite hook up! Charge reading 13.2V/3A on control panel..

Have tried button to check circuit breakers and nothing happened (not sure what to expect)

I guess something has gone wrong - any suggestions please before i book dealer (which is miles away)

Many thanks

View attachment 87479
I’ve had loads of issues with batteries, when our T6.1 was brand new the battery readings were all over the shop, before one trip we fully charged them, drove to the site abs within an hour of being parked up the battery life had dropped significantly. vW claimed there was nothing wrong when I went to the dealership but magically the problem wasn’t there for a while, recently I’ve been receiving cancer treatment so the van has stood for 7 weeks, everything went dead leisure and main battery. Just managed to get it started with a booster pack, it’s like Xmas warning lights everywhere. Did the meter thing so 14.7v while running so must be the battery or a parasitic drain somewhere. And before I get smart comments about it being standing the van is 12m old and went dead, my 6 yo skoda was standing for the same time and fired up first go no issues
I’ve had loads of issues with batteries, when our T6.1 was brand new the battery readings were all over the shop, before one trip we fully charged them, drove to the site abs within an hour of being parked up the battery life had dropped significantly. vW claimed there was nothing wrong when I went to the dealership but magically the problem wasn’t there for a while, recently I’ve been receiving cancer treatment so the van has stood for 7 weeks, everything went dead leisure and main battery. Just managed to get it started with a booster pack, it’s like Xmas warning lights everywhere. Did the meter thing so 14.7v while running so must be the battery or a parasitic drain somewhere. And before I get smart comments about it being standing the van is 12m old and went dead, my 6 yo skoda was standing for the same time and fired up first go no issues
Does your 6 yr old Skoda have Stop/Start with a smart alternator?
I had similar problems. First VW dealer concluded it needed a software update despite it being brand new. That made it worse and the panel froze stopping use of any functions. Second VW dealer concluded the large cube fuse on the 2nd leisure battery had blown. Replaced it and so far seems to be working fine.
I had similar problems. First VW dealer concluded it needed a software update despite it being brand new. That made it worse and the panel froze stopping use of any functions. Second VW dealer concluded the large cube fuse on the 2nd leisure battery had blown. Replaced it and so far seems to be working fine.
Quite a few posts seem to result in this diagnosis. Sounds like it could be a DIY fix for some, negating the need for a dealer visit for those with a lengthy round trip, or a lack of appointments in the current climate.
Hi all - would appreciate advice

We have a 5 month old T6.1 Ocean and are having issues with keeping charge in the leisure batteries.

Our van has been used every 2/3 weeks since a 2 week trip in Sept and a couple of weeks ago got a warning via tracker that starter battery was low. On investigation so were the leisure batteries which have gradually declined from nearly 60 hrs to 1.5 hours.

Took the van to Cornwall last week (550 miles), and used the 'supercharge' function on the control panel part of the way. Was dissapointed to see charge only upto 6 hrs on return.

Have checked circuit breakers which are on red, and plugged into mains and the light came on in the control panel to suggest batteries were charging.

Surprised to see that batteries down to 1.5 hrs this morning, despite hook up! Charge reading 13.2V/3A on control panel..

Have tried button to check circuit breakers and nothing happened (not sure what to expect)

I guess something has gone wrong - any suggestions please before i book dealer (which is miles away)

Many thanks

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My advise would be to book it into your local VW. I had this problem with my new Coast. It took a while for them to discover the problem but eventually :-
It is the integral fuse to the Control Unit - Technical have confirmed our findings, and this part has been reserved for delivery.
The only negative spin on this, is that it's due to come to us from Germany.
I have this morning requested an expedite on your part, in an attempt to ascertain a delivery date and place a priority note on the order.
Hi all - would appreciate advice

We have a 5 month old T6.1 Ocean and are having issues with keeping charge in the leisure batteries.

Our van has been used every 2/3 weeks since a 2 week trip in Sept and a couple of weeks ago got a warning via tracker that starter battery was low. On investigation so were the leisure batteries which have gradually declined from nearly 60 hrs to 1.5 hours.

Took the van to Cornwall last week (550 miles), and used the 'supercharge' function on the control panel part of the way. Was dissapointed to see charge only upto 6 hrs on return.

Have checked circuit breakers which are on red, and plugged into mains and the light came on in the control panel to suggest batteries were charging.

Surprised to see that batteries down to 1.5 hrs this morning, despite hook up! Charge reading 13.2V/3A on control panel..

Have tried button to check circuit breakers and nothing happened (not sure what to expect)

I guess something has gone wrong - any suggestions please before i book dealer (which is miles away)

Many thanks

View attachment 87479
Hi, I had the same problem wirh my Coast back in August. VW Liverpool fixed it quickly, they told me it was caused by a faulty or blown fuse for the leisure battery at the rear of the van. It holds charge fine now.

VW California Club
