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Electric sliding door not opening



Croyde, Devon
T5 SE 140
Hiya i am looking for some advice
Im Ky and have a 2012 California which we have owned since new. In france at the moment and the electric sliding door has stopped working and the opening button on the dash is flashing. Sometimes the elctric lock disengages but the motor does not kick in, other times you press and nothing. Key and handle do not work at all. Could this be a fuse issue or has the motor failed or something else???

Cheers Ky
I had this once on my 2006 cali. Turned out it was just the engine battery being flat...
Have you tried pressing the flashing button?

Our 2008 has two dash buttons and one disables the door. The other opens and closes it.
Thanks both. No the battery is new and good and its not the other dash button..... domething else..
If the battery is very new and the van has stop start technology it might be that the van needs to be ‘told’ it has a new battery?
I once had the opposite issue in that the electric door didn’t lock. But the opening and soft close were ok. That needed a new door module to fix (just within warranty thankfully).
Can you open the door manually? Or not getting that far as the lock doesn’t disengage?

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Thanks lambeth cali, that sounds like a similar issue. its at about the age where multiple things are starting to corrode and fail.... i just had the roof sensors replaced a few months back. I will have it chexk in September when back in Devon.
If the battery is very new and the van has stop start technology it might be that the van needs to be ‘told’ it has a new battery?
I once had the opposite issue in that the electric door didn’t lock. But the opening and soft close were ok. That needed a new door module to fix (just within warranty thankfully).
Can you open the door manually? Or not getting that far as the lock doesn’t disengage?

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Thanks Owen, yes the door opens manually, but not easily! We dont have the stop start. The battery is fully charged so its not that. I am thinking its thr motor or fuse as its not even trying to open... no whirring noise. I will get the sensors checked.thoigh.

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