New T6.1 order delays

Well, I'm back because guess what? I've had the email (well a better email than before anyway). My van is complete (status 30), has a VIN number and is in transit from the factory to Emden.

Long way to go (literally), but it might just get here before the August BH so all is not completely lost.

@couplands, I'm hoping it has company on it's travels.
Well, I'm back because guess what? I've had the email (well a better email than before anyway). My van is complete (status 30), has a VIN number and is in transit from the factory to Emden.

Long way to go (literally), but it might just get here before the August BH so all is not completely lost.

@couplands, I'm hoping it has company on it's travels.
Great news - was the email from VW or the dealer? We have never received an email from VW. We are awaiting notification of the build being complete - it should have gone into build on week 28.
Well, I'm back because guess what? I've had the email (well a better email than before anyway). My van is complete (status 30), has a VIN number and is in transit from the factory to Emden.

Long way to go (literally), but it might just get here before the August BH so all is not completely lost.

@couplands, I'm hoping it has company on it's travels.
Brilliant news, the excitement will be building over the next few weeks. Lets hope the travels are quick...;-)

I emailed the dealer again last Thursday, but heard nothing back since. Maybe I upset them by asking for goodwill gestures...!

I just assumed as the factory is closed it'll be end of the month before anything changes.

I went to the VW show at Tatton on Sunday, lots of lovely old vans there....gets you very excited when you see them and talk to the lovely folks who own them....;-)
Brilliant news, the excitement will be building over the next few weeks. Lets hope the travels are quick...;-)

I emailed the dealer again last Thursday, but heard nothing back since. Maybe I upset them by asking for goodwill gestures...!

I just assumed as the factory is closed it'll be end of the month before anything changes.

I went to the VW show at Tatton on Sunday, lots of lovely old vans there....gets you very excited when you see them and talk to the lovely folks who own them....;-)
Sunday was a good day out at Tatton and the weather was certainly an improvement over last year. Quite a few wasps about though!!
Great news - was the email from VW or the dealer? We have never received an email from VW. We are awaiting notification of the build being complete - it should have gone into build on week 28.
Me too. Nothing heard since being advised about week 28 build... after I asked, of course. Been waiting since June '21. I hope we both hear something soon, then !
Sunday was a good day out at Tatton and the weather was certainly an improvement over last year. Quite a few wasps about though!!
Haha, I was convinced we went last year but I thought the weather was great, so must have been a couple of years ago we went...!

Memory is a wonderful thing, wish I had one...;-)
Great news - was the email from VW or the dealer? We have never received an email from VW. We are awaiting notification of the build being complete - it should have gone into build on week 28.
Email from the dealer.

Was supposed to go into build week 20 but showed no change on dealers system since then, even Thursday last week was still showing the same.

I did get an email from VW just over 4 weeks ago to say it was in production and then confusingly received another email from VW a few days after that apologizing for the delays, the same email I thought they sent everyone March / April time.
I am excited., but nervous too, because my sensible head says, it's too expensive for what it is, a five seat van.
I had placed my £2000 deposit the first day you could. We were actually sitting eating fish and chips on a bench in Padstow the time. This was to gain a place on the list for a chance of a "Frist Edition Buzz", which sounds like what you did, well not while eating fish and chips.
Then I was taken into hospital with Sepsis. There was a big sign on the entrance to A@E as you are wheeled in, which ssys, "Be Sepsis Aware, 140,000 people die of Sepsis every year"
The order book opened while I was in hospital. So I thought I better not wait any longer,
and actually ordered it from my hospital bed..Who needs a sensible head at times like that.
That’s as good a reason as any to buy what you want…! Plus Padstow is a great place to have good ideas. Did you go to Trelisk hospital in Truro…..? We live the other side of a Truro in what used to be the old NHS area office building.

We nearly placed an order to swap our Tesla for the Buz as the Tesla is quite useless for carrying stuff (like bikes or camping kit), but with the Cali hopefully coming soon we thought two green and white vans on the drive might be too much…;-)

Good luck and I hope you’re feeling much better now.
Brilliant news, the excitement will be building over the next few weeks. Lets hope the travels are quick...;-)

I emailed the dealer again last Thursday, but heard nothing back since. Maybe I upset them by asking for goodwill gestures...!

I just assumed as the factory is closed it'll be end of the month before anything changes.

I went to the VW show at Tatton on Sunday, lots of lovely old vans there....gets you very excited when you see them and talk to the lovely folks who own them....;-)
Yeah I assumed the same, tbh I don't know when the factory is shut so might be mine made it out before the closure or perhaps it's not starting this week after all?

Who knows? Well VW do but they don't like to share.
Well, I'm back because guess what? I've had the email (well a better email than before anyway). My van is complete (status 30), has a VIN number and is in transit from the factory to Emden.

Long way to go (literally), but it might just get here before the August BH so all is not completely lost.

@couplands, I'm hoping it has company on it's travels.
That’s great news! We got that email a week last Friday. Since then I’ve turned into a tragic ship watcher…. And typically no boats seem to be heading from Emden to Tyne any time soon.
I’m sure it won’t be long at all now but this bit of the wait seems even worse than the last 12 months.
That’s great news! We got that email a week last Friday. Since then I’ve turned into a tragic ship watcher…. And typically no boats seem to be heading from Emden to Tyne any time soon.
I’m sure it won’t be long at all now but this bit of the wait seems even worse than the last 12 months.
Ha ha I was looking at the ships before too, think mine is coming to Grimsby but as I suspect the van hasn't arrived in Emden yet, it's probably a bit pointless :D
That’s as good a reason as any to buy what you want…! Plus Padstow is a great place to have good ideas. Did you go to Trelisk hospital in Truro…..? We live the other side of a Truro in what used to be the old NHS area office building.

We nearly placed an order to swap our Tesla for the Buz as the Tesla is quite useless for carrying stuff (like bikes or camping kit), but with the Cali hopefully coming soon we thought two green and white vans on the drive might be too much…;-)

Good luck and I hope you’re feeling much better now.
Thanks for ths good wishes.
Didn't go to hospital in Truro, as we were back home in Watford. So it was Watford General for me, which doesn't have a good reputation. But as far as I'm concerned, I was very impressed. I would give it four stars.
The Buzz has a massive rear cargo area, but the Cali Ocean is in a different league. We had hoped to have our Buzz sooner than the predicted end of Jan 2023, as we have a New Cali on order for next April. They will probably arrive at the same tjme, then there will be a problem
I think the two-tone with the Indium Grey lower half looks classy.
What colour combo did you choose?
I'm thinking of investing in a top half wrap on our Indium Grey but excluding the roof. Possible advantages: 1. Cheaper than a VW two-tone, 2. Wrap will protect bonnet from stone chips, 3.Can be removed for resale.
Bay Windows used to be available in this type of two-tone.
Understandable, but just research your insurance options. Some companies aren’t keen on insuring / place a higher premium. We’d considered a white van and wrapping the lower half until we researched it. In the end we paid the money for a 2 tone.
Well, I'm back because guess what? I've had the email (well a better email than before anyway). My van is complete (status 30), has a VIN number and is in transit from the factory to Emden.

Long way to go (literally), but it might just get here before the August BH so all is not completely lost.

@couplands, I'm hoping it has company on it's travels.
The new reg is Sept 1st so you not going to wait a few more days?
Had another delay email from VW, my third in 5 months, perhaps one day will get one with more positive news or a rug!
Had another delay email from VW, my third in 5 months, perhaps one day will get one with more positive news or a rug!
Yep, got the same one myself. Third time too and my van is apparently on route to me. They last sent me the same mail two days after sending me one saying my van was in production.

Despite what the mail says, it seems their own factory can't keep their own Customer Services department updated, never mind dealers or customers. Said it before but no amount of delays, wars and parts shortages are stopping people updating systems with the correct info.

Absolute joke. At the moment this is their main focus surely, but they may as well not bother as it's just making them look stupid and winding people up.
Understandable, but just research your insurance options. Some companies aren’t keen on insuring / place a higher premium. We’d considered a white van and wrapping the lower half until we researched it. In the end we paid the money for a 2 tone.
Good point, thanks, I will look into it. But at £3000 it may be just plain Indium Grey again.
I have been lurking on this thread for a while, and I found it really useful to hear what orders are coming through, and what delays are happening (and am really sorry to hear about some of the really lengthy ones and chaotic customer service but thank you for sharing) so thought I would share our journey to (almost) getting our hands on our van!

We ordered a Coast in November 2021, not many extra options. We had seen the long lead times so expected a 2023 delivery. Dealer told us 12 months. Then shock of all shocks in went into build in week 20 and we were cheerfully informed we would have our van by the end of June. June came and went, still in build. So did July, radio silence from the dealer (Eurovans Crawley) so we had written off getting in before Sept/Oct with the summer shutdown but then today my husband got the call - they are expecting it in the next couple of days, we can collect next week.

I'm still expecting a further delay or issue of some sort so am not booking any campsites just yet but it isn't almost feeling real!
Have you managed to see the Fortana red in the flesh?
Not a Cali. Looked at so many vans at Camperjam but only saw one or two Fortanas. It seems to be quite rare. The ones I have seen looked beautiful though, so I’m well happy with my choice of colour. Thanks.
@Doz …I noticed you had reg VW72CAL for sale as your van arrived earlier than expected.

Our Cali Ocean is now unlikely to arrive before Sept (Jun 21 order, in build since May 22..!).we bought VW22BUZ ( long term plan to get a IDBuz).

Fancy a swap…!
The way things are going I may have to sell my plate I bought recently if my October ‘21 Ocean doesn’t arrive before March!! It’s VW72 OCN. Quite happy with that for £399 from DVLA :cool:
Not sure why I’ve been quoted 7 months for delivery of a new Ocean on my paperwork.
Yet the dealer said 9 to 12 months.
Not sure why I’ve been quoted 7 months for delivery of a new Ocean on my paperwork.
Yet the dealer said 9 to 12 months.
I’d go with the dealer estimate. We had the same thing when we ordered and the paperwork showed a much earlier date than we were being verbally told.

As things stand I think there’s a good chance it’ll be exactly one year from order to delivery of our van.
The way things are going I may have to sell my plate I bought recently if my October ‘21 Ocean doesn’t arrive before March!! It’s VW72 OCN. Quite happy with that for £399 from DVLA :cool:
My view is that I’ll get the van with whatever reg the dealer puts on and then swap to VW22BUZ, regardless if it’s a 72 or (very unlikely now) 22 year reg.

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