Anyone had any problems with their Grand Calis automatic toilet light. Ours got replaced once already but it did not help. The light keeps turning on and off on its own. We have narrowed the issue to low temperature inside the car. The issue keeps happening when the temp inside the car in under +5 degrees celcius or so. Once the car warms up the blinking stops. Service is trying to figure out if the movement sensor light can be replaced with a normal switched light.
Anyone had any problems with their Grand Calis automatic toilet light. Ours got replaced once already but it did not help. The light keeps turning on and off on its own. We have narrowed the issue to low temperature inside the car. The issue keeps happening when the temp inside the car in under +5 degrees celcius or so. Once the car warms up the blinking stops. Service is trying to figure out if the movement sensor light can be replaced with a normal switched light.