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Grand California toilet light issue




Anyone had any problems with their Grand Calis automatic toilet light. Ours got replaced once already but it did not help. The light keeps turning on and off on its own. We have narrowed the issue to low temperature inside the car. The issue keeps happening when the temp inside the car in under +5 degrees celcius or so. Once the car warms up the blinking stops. Service is trying to figure out if the movement sensor light can be replaced with a normal switched light.

We've certainly had sub zero days for a few weeks now and no similar issues.
We've certainly had sub zero days for a few weeks now and no similar issues.

When the toilet door is closed the light turning on and off can only been seen on the small cap between the floor and the toilet door. Ours starts turning on and off once we start our journey and it can keep blinking for like 20 kilometers or so. And once the inside of the car has warmed enough the light starts to work ok and stays off as is should when the door is closed.

The problem isn't that light would not work normally when you open the door. It goes berserk in cold when the toilet door is closed.
Have you ensured that the heating vent within the toilet cubicle is fully closed. Quite a few of the 2019 GCs had problems with the movement sensor but it is definitely a modified light in our one and also a modified one now being fitted under warranty.
I'll certainly watch a bit more carefully over the next few weeks.
Is it the same light with motion sensor as this one fitted in ours.?

On one of the German Facebook GC forums there replacing the sensor with a normal on/off dimmer switch for the same reason. Switch Hafel 833.95.751 Loox5 dimmer touch clip.
VW seems to be struggling with this. Sensor works with infrared and can detect heat coming from the heating vent. They said the same as Bobcat01 that close the heating vent, but thats not a real option because the toilet will be left cold then.

And that does solve the problem when starting up from minus degrees celcius when the lamp is out of control. Turning on/off its own even when the whole sensor has been covered with tape so it can't see anything. And it can say on for 10minutes straight even though it should go off in 35sec.

Dealership is suggesting an external switch to be drilled/installed for the lamp as a main switch for it. Not replacing/removing the sensor, but to cut the power from the sensor, so it won't work at all when switch is off.

I asked if the switch can be placed in the square coverplate below the lamp which can be seen in Bobcat01's pic. So they would not drill the actual toilet walls. Also required that a document saying that this has be approved by VW and done by a dealership and it will not affect guarantees in any way. Asked also to see a pic of the switch they are suggesting before accepting the fix.

And that does solve the problem -> Does NOT solve
VW scheint damit zu kämpfen zu haben. Der Sensor arbeitet mit Infrarot und kann Wärme von der Heizungsöffnung erfassen. Sie sagten dasselbe wie Bobcat01, das die Heizungsöffnung schließt, aber das ist keine echte Option, da die Toilette dann kalt gelassen wird.

Und das löst das Problem beim Starten von minus Grad Celsius, wenn die Lampe außer Kontrolle gerät. Ein- und Ausschalten, auch wenn der gesamte Sensor mit Klebeband abgedeckt wurde, sodass er nichts sehen kann. Und es kann 10 Minuten lang weitergehen, obwohl es in 35 Sekunden losgehen sollte.

Das Autohaus schlägt vor, einen externen Schalter für die Lampe als Hauptschalter zu bohren / zu installieren. Nicht den Sensor austauschen / entfernen, sondern die Stromversorgung des Sensors unterbrechen, damit er bei ausgeschaltetem Schalter überhaupt nicht funktioniert.

Ich fragte, ob der Schalter in der quadratischen Abdeckplatte unter der Lampe platziert werden kann, die auf dem Bild von Bobcat01 zu sehen ist. Sie würden also nicht die eigentlichen Toilettenwände bohren. Außerdem muss ein Dokument, aus dem hervorgeht, dass dies von VW genehmigt und von einem Händler durchgeführt wurde, die Garantien in keiner Weise beeinträchtigen. Ich wurde auch gebeten, ein Bild des von ihnen vorgeschlagenen Schalters zu sehen, bevor ich das Update akzeptiere.

Und das löst das Problem -> löst NICHT
Hallo, ich hatte ein Problem, jetzt aber einfach gelöst, bestellte ich für kleines Geld im Internet eine Silikonkappe 8mm , diese über das Licht gestülpt und schon geht das Licht nicht mehr an. Wenn ich das Licht benötige, ziehe ich einfach die Kappe ab.

Today the VW dealership replaced our motion sensor with retro switch straight from the 60's =), so no more blinking toilet light. They installed a new light with the switch and I got the motion sensor light so I can put it back if needed.

Today the VW dealership replaced our motion sensor with retro switch straight from the 60's =), so no more blinking toilet light. They installed a new light with the switch and I got the motion sensor light so I can put it back if needed.

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Thanks for the update Satuja, I have never had any issues with my MY2020 so will all new GC come with the crappy retro switch.
No they will not come with that kind of an switch, but we didn't want the blinking motion sensor so dealership solved our problem with that kind of a modification.
No they will not come with that kind of an switch, but we didn't want the blinking motion sensor so dealership solved our problem with that kind of a modification.
Ok thanks didn’t mean to be rude about your switch.
We have a problem with the bathroom light it doesn't work at all since last Saturday
I had this issue too, but I was told that the problem is related to a low or drained battery. This state makes the appliances (or better the software running the appliances) buggy. Has anyone heard something similar? Since the software was re-installed / updated and we have enough battery, the issue is not present.
I had this issue too, but I was told that the problem is related to a low or drained battery. This state makes the appliances (or better the software running the appliances) buggy. Has anyone heard something similar? Since the software was re-installed / updated and we have enough battery, the issue is not present.
That does sound a bit strange, we have had this issue all summer whether we were wild camping or connected to a power supply on a campsite.
Mind you we werent really bothered by it
2023 model has reverted to a dimmable switch, on the outside in line with the door handle.
When you build a model on the configurator it shows up, or was it there earlier ?
Any more modifications for 2023 ?
2023 model has reverted to a dimmable switch, on the outside in line with the door handle.
When you build a model on the configurator it shows up, or was it there earlier ?
Any more modifications for 2023 ?
Mine was built around April this year and delivered in June, and does not have a switch as you describe, although it would be nice! Not seen or heard much about MY2023 changes, guess they've only just come in after the shutdown.
Mine was built around April this year and delivered in June, and does not have a switch as you describe, although it would be nice! Not seen or heard much about MY2023 changes, guess they've only just come in after the shutdown.
Hi Chris also looks like some cosmetic changes to the heads white paneling and omitted the (wardrobe door and cupboard below, 680)
Not sure its an easy retro fit ie the light switch.
Hi what do you mean by heads and are you saying the wardrobe doors have gone on the 680 ?
Hi what do you mean by heads and are you saying the wardrobe doors have gone on the 680 ?
Sorry Heads a term for the toilet, re wardrobe doors upon there latest depiction looks like they have gone.

Also shows the light switch


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What's different re the panelling? looks like mine.
The wardrobe is still there in the latest brochure, just that floor plan that shows it wrong, that drawing doesn't show the chrome step across the floor either, its just a typical VW web site lash up.

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