Engine battery voltage level



T6 Ocean 150
Hello. I have a Metatrack Immobilser / Tracker fitted (which I can highly recommend). One the useful features is that it sends a warning when the engine battery is low, which it has done just now, declaring it to be 11.6 volts. I think, from reading on the web, that this is almost fully discharged (perhaps around 80%). I've plugged in the hookup to our house supply and will monitor the battery level to see if it rises. My question is - has anyone experienced being able to recover the engine battery from such a low voltage by trickle charging? I've done 13,000 miles and is just over three years old.
The CTEK chargers (at least the ones Ive seen/have) have a 'Recondition' mode where a higher voltage is applied to try and correct the sulphated cells.
Thanks. Should I disconnect the battery to charge it?
Quite normal battery voltage on a T6. No fault.
I had a voltage indicating USB Charger that gave low voltage warning every time ign turned on after a day or so.

When originally having VB Air suspension fitted it wouldn't operate for that reason. Useless Dealer didn't reset the voltage operating level to suit a T6 (2nd installation in UK at the time).

From that you'll need to get Metatrack to lower the threshold.
Thanks, B J G. I'm reassured. I'll contact Metatrak to see if it can be lowered. Can you suggest what this should be?
Thanks, B J G. I'm reassured. I'll contact Metatrak to see if it can be lowered. Can you suggest what this should be?
As 11.6V seems to be normal 11.55 own to 11.4V should be OK.
They should be able to judge based on the 11.6v level rather than 12v or more they expected.
Thanks Yossarian. Also, thanks, again B J G. I'll pass that information on to Metatrak
Thanks Yossarian. Also, thanks, again B J G. I'll pass that information on to Metatrak
Not sure if I am missing something here, but although 11.6 isn't so low that the battery will be damaged, it definitely isn't a normal battery voltage if you are not heavily loading it. If that's measured at rest then it is almost flat.
I’ve checked the voltage this morning and it is 13.5v (with the hookup unplugged). Good news. Thanks again to everyone for your comments and advice
I’ve checked the voltage this morning and it is 13.5v (with the hookup unplugged). Good news. Thanks again to everyone for your comments and advice
Word of warning. Voltage should be measured 1 hr after charging has stopped to allow the battery cells to equalise and stabilise.
If 13.7v was measured 1hr after charging then something is not correct.
Thanks. I’ll check this when I’ve finished charging
I’ve checked the voltage this morning and it is 13.5v (with the hookup unplugged). Good news. Thanks again to everyone for your comments and advice
You'll find that after running/use it will revert to 11.6V again as that will be the the level reached without an external charge.
Mains hookup will charge the engine battery above that 11.6V level.
You'll find that after running/use it will revert to 11.6V again as that will be the the level reached without an external charge.
Mains hookup will charge the engine battery above that 11.6V level.
12.7V ?
12.6 volts is normal (good condition ) for an AGM battery.
the start stop / regenerative breaking fitted to a Cali only allows the engine battery to be charged upto 80% of its max capacity, (i.e 12.6 volts) the other 20% capacity is reserved for regeneration during braking / coasting etc. And is a designed charging profile by VW.

starter battery should be measured at rest, at least 30 minutes after any charge (I.e driving etc)

12.6 volts is what a dealer considers to be normal / healthy battery anything under 12v would be considered depleted.

batteries are affected by ambient temperature, a lower outside temperature will have a negative effect on battery voltage at rest.

Thanks - a very helpful explanation. I'll check the voltage level after charging
Thanks - a very helpful explanation. I'll check the voltage level after charging
If you are using an AGM smart charger the resting voltage should be 12.6v after a full float charge , this may / will increase after driving the vehicle, but should return back to 12.6 V after a min of approx 60 minutes at rest.

if you are using a traditional 12v charger the charger will try to charge the battery to a full (lead acid) battery charge, the BCM will monitor this and will turn on to drain the battery back to 80% capacity (12.6v)
After unplugging the hookup / charging lead and leaving to for several days now, the battery voltage seems to be staying at 12.8 volts
Thanks. Should I disconnect the battery to charge it?
Hi there,

I just add my quick note here as I faced a flat engine battery las week, after leaving the van on the parking for 5 or 6 weeks.
The van is a T6.1 California Beach from august 2020.

The multimeter said 4.3V so that's very low.
I tried to charge the battery with a car charger, but it didn't work, it just made, after a few hours, some of the lights flash (license plate, door buttons, etc...). So my car looked like a Christmas tree when I came back from office.

So I disconnected the battery from the van, and charged it again for 24h non stop, it went back to 12.6v today. I could then start the engine and had a drive for 20 minutes. As others said, some warnings appeared, which all disappeared quickly except the parking sensor warning which is still displayed. I hope it will disappear soon as I wish to sell the van soon.
Useful to hear your experience. Mine seems OK now, maintain a voltage of 12.5 volts or more without being charged. I hope yours will be OK :)
Yes the battery seems to keep the normal voltage, I run the car once or twice a week as to make sure it stays ok. All the warnings have disappeared, the last one was not the parking sensor as said earlier, I was wrong, it was the start/stop warning, I guess the voltage level was too low. Now all's ok.

VW California Club
