The Tall Luthier
VIP Member
I think the jury is out on co2 emissions from production. The Times announced last year that an ev has to travel for 50,000 miles before they have done equal damage to an ice. I think the stat is largely dependent on who you ask, EV people or Oil people.I think we need to get some facts straight. Vehicles are the source of co2 emissions during all the phases of their life cycle : production, usage and recycling.
1. During production, the co2 cost of an ice and ev are similar.
2. It is true that an EV doesn't have tailgate emissions. However, production of electricity does produce co2. Recently, because of the fact that nuclear power generation has been reduced, the emissions per kwh has gone up. In Germany, there is currently 237g co2 per kwh produced. An EV consumes 18 kwh/100k which means it emits 43 g co2/km. A modern diesel car emits approximately 100g Co2 / km.
While the EV does indeed emit less co2, it certainly isn't 0.
Source for co2 emissions for electricity production : https://app.electricitymaps.com/map
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@chockswahay it’s worth noting that government policy over cars in the U.K. has never been about saving the planet it’s been almost entirely about boating consumerism. The diesel scrappage scheme where we destroyed perfectly good vehicles in favour of new ones was exactly this, most of a cars CF is spent in production.