
Our T6.1 California Beach thinks its a Porsche when you connect via Android Auto. After nearly twelve months back and forth with the dealer, they are blaming Android Auto! Given that I can connect my phone to other VW cars with the Discovery Pro unit without seeing this weirdness, I believe the head unit is dodgy. I also requested the maps to be updated as the website had a release in November 2022. They said they downloaded and tried to update but the unit already has the latest maps. From memory the maps are 20.08, which I doubt are the latest. My suggestion to the dealer is that the head unit is dodgy and is not capable of being updated. I'm in Australia (be nice), where both VW and their dealers are pretty incompetent.
Two questions:
Has anyone else seen a VW Cali trying to masquerade as a Porsche?
Is there any way of pulling the version date (YY.MM) from the downloaded map tar file?