Welcome Andrew, thank you for taking the time to join the club and give some expert advice.

Looking forward to the discount code once you’ve ironed out the details.
I guess my main question after watching the videos, is that if there were an oil fire from the gas stove heating too much, would the extinguisher work on two flames (oil and gas) at one time.
Another Q: would it work on an engine fire, I know Renault had an issue with runaway after a diesel engineer started to run away by using the oil as a ignition source.
I’m thinking you could put the FSS by the air intake ?
So many thoughts of where it can be used.
How many Motorhomes has the FSS saved ?
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the welcome but more importantly many thanks for introducing ourselves to the club and suggesting the discount code for the members - More details coming soon!
if there were an oil fire from the gas stove heating too much, would the extinguisher work on two flames (oil and gas) at one time
Yes, it will work on both the cooking oil fire and the gas stove (so make sure you switch off the gas immediately to prevent any possibility of gas re-ignition or inhalation after the flame is out.)
Another Q: would it work on an engine fire, I know Renault had an issue with runaway after a diesel engineer started to run away by using the oil as a ignition source.
I’m thinking you could put the FSS by the air intake ?
Yes, in fact it has many successes with engine fires, -particular in motorsport.
The way you deal with an engine fire is crucial. I stress this is just a very brief guide: Don't just open the bonnet directly (risking an influx of oxygen, feeding the fire), yes you can start spray the Fire Safety Stick (FSS) through an air vent to start suppressing the fire, but that depends how open that vent is to the engine bay. Personally, I would "pop" the catch on the bonnet, with it slightly ajar, spray the FSS through that narrow opening, as the discharge is suppressing the fire, then slowly open the bonnet further, to gain better access to it. Ideally, as you open then bonnet, have your back to it, spray the stick to your side behind you. That way you are protecting your face from the heat and flames.
Where can it be used?
Where can't it be used! don't use it on special metals (potassium, titanium, sodium and lithium) - these are class D fires, and typically you will never come across these fires.
Lithium Ion battery fires. - Its not certified for these. It is possible for it to extinguish the flames, but due to thermal run away, it is highly likely to re-ignite. However, even if you had a certified extinguisher for lithium ion batteries, I would still be very wary approaching such a fire, it can react in very unpredictable ways - exploding and being like a roman candle.
How many motorhomes has it saved
To be honest, I've not had any saves of motorhomes verified back to me. We do have a verified case study a motorhome owner saving a neighbouring caravan on our website - visit here for that and other case studies -
FSS case studies etc.
Hope that helps, but any more questions, fire away! (pun intentional!)