Meanwhile in Germany; that round sticker at the back.



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Dear California owners, sometimes a question comes up about that round sticker behind on the tailgate. Many now know exactly why he is hanging, but he is now quite wise. For more information I take this information from a German Facebook page. Simply translated and posted below, and again: just as information for those interested:

Important note on the gas test for mobile homes and caravans ... this is required by law from June 19, 2025.

At the beginning of 2020, the gas test requirement as part of the general inspection was initially temporarily suspended and finally completely abolished on April 1, 2022.

On June 19, 2024, the new Section 60 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) ( was announced in the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl. 2024 I No. 191 of June 19, 2024), which now contains clear specifications for the testing of LPG systems in vehicles.

The new Section 60 StVZO stipulates that owners of vehicles that require registration and license plates must have the LPG systems of their vehicles checked. This inspection requirement applies to systems with a maximum consumption of 1.5 kg/h that are not used to power vehicles. The inspections must be carried out at the following times in accordance with the technical rules of the DVGW G 607 (A) worksheet (G 607 inspection):

1. Initial inspection before commissioning: Before the LPG system is used for the first time.

2. Inspection after changes: After changes to the system that require inspection.

3. Repeat inspection every 24 months: Thereafter at regular intervals of 24 months.

Although the obligation to carry out regular gas inspections was introduced on June 19, 2024 in accordance with Section 60 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations, this standard is only to be applied from June 19, 2025, with a transition period of one year, according to Section 72 Paragraph 15 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations.

Anyone who does not comply with the new inspection requirements will be committing an administrative offence from June 19, 2025 in accordance with Section 69a of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations. This includes both intentional and negligent violations of the gas inspection regulations. Failure to comply can result in sanctions under the Road Traffic Act, with fines varying depending on the deadline:

* 15 euros if the deadline is exceeded by more than 2 to 4 months
* 25 euros if the deadline is exceeded by more than 4 to 8 months
* 60 euros if the deadline is exceeded by more than 8 months

Insurance-related problems are to be expected, in particular, as a defective gas system can lead to the loss of insurance cover. If, for example, it cannot be proven that the vehicle has passed the inspection in the event of an accident, this can be considered gross negligence and insurance cover will be void.

In addition, as a precautionary measure, many campsites at home and abroad require the presentation of the gas inspection certificate when checking in.

During the gas test, a recognized expert checks the entire gas system to ensure it is functioning properly. You can find this information on the DVFG e.V. website or you can ask your trusted workshop.

All of this applies to vehicles registered in Germany and how this will develop for, for example, non-German vehicles will remain unclear. This could become a European rule because it has already been suggested..
This thread can of course be further addressed with new information.

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I peeled my sticker off and stuck it inside the wardrobe.
You would hope that the gas system would be checked when the van is serviced, but I’m sure it’s not…
I peeled my sticker off and stuck it inside the wardrobe.
You would hope that the gas system would be checked when the van is serviced, but I’m sure it’s not…
Great :D why are you sure it’s not?
Great :D why are you sure it’s not?
Because it is not in the U.K.
Also, as far as I am aware , those regulations pertain only to vehicles actually registered in Germany. Unless adopted by other countries or as an EU wide Regulation it will not affect anyone apart from owners of German registered vehicles.
Because it is not in the U.K.
Also, as far as I am aware , those regulations pertain only to vehicles actually registered in Germany. Unless adopted by other countries or as an EU wide Regulation it will not affect anyone apart from owners of German registered vehicles.
I've just the had the HU/TüV, i.e. the MOT, no gas system checked. Nor was a new sticker attached to my vehicle, I still have the old expired one.
It was once thought to be an issue on overscrupulous camping sites, but they don't bother either, not even in Germany, because any non German registered tourist doesn't have it either..
It's the "beauty" of the EU
Because it is not in the U.K.
Also, as far as I am aware , those regulations pertain only to vehicles actually registered in Germany. Unless adopted by other countries or as an EU wide Regulation it will not affect anyone apart from owners of German registered vehicles.
Shouldn’t the gas system be checked by a professional on occasion though?
Shouldn’t the gas system be checked by a professional on occasion though?
Why? It is a very simple system. The regulator works or doesn’t. If the fittings in the gas locker leak you would smell it when opening it. The pipe from gas locker to kitchen unit tap is one piece. Then you have the gas tap in kitchen cupboard and gas burners. Say gas leak would soon be smelled and the only other problem is dirty gas jets with poor combustion.
A gas check only tells you the system is functioning on that particular date and time. It could fail an hour later.
Do you have your gas supply at home checked regularly ? I’m not talking about any gas appliance.
Because it is not in the U.K.
Also, as far as I am aware , those regulations pertain only to vehicles actually registered in Germany. Unless adopted by other countries or as an EU wide Regulation it will not affect anyone apart from owners of German registered vehicles.
Yes, indeed, I know that but I thought 66tim99 meant: it certainly hasn't been inspected because it is: from the factory. Now see that it says 'when serviced', so during maintenance at the dealer. Indeed: not then, not with us either. I suspect this would be better done for safety reasons.

By the way: I have already experienced that they checked at a German camping whether we have a 'gas certificate' and whether it is valid. I didn't have it because with our previous T4 Westfalia we cooked on alcohol (spiritus), so there was no gas system on board.
If you read it, you will notice that the new rule is brand new and there is a tolerance period of one year. Everything that came before is old news. Don't forget what I mentioned a few times: purely for information, not my opinion or interpretation or whatever, but translated from German; you do what you want with it.
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Do you have your gas supply at home checked regularly ?
I don’t have any gas at home.
Like many things I suppose, it could fail an hour after inspection, but given how deadly gas can be, I’d appreciate it being inspected sometimes.
You don’t hear of many accidents though…
I don’t have any gas at home.
Like many things I suppose, it could fail an hour after inspection, but given how deadly gas can be, I’d appreciate it being inspected sometimes.
You don’t hear of many accidents though…
I’d be very surprised if any VW dealer would be qualified to carry out a gas inspection, so you would need to go to a caravan/Motorhome workshop and pay for a “certified” inspection.
I don’t have any gas at home.
Like many things I suppose, it could fail an hour after inspection, but given how deadly gas can be, I’d appreciate it being inspected sometimes.
You don’t hear of many accidents though…
The regulator will have a service life, (usually recommended 5 years) the flexible hose has a date code on it.
VW technicians are not trained as Gas Safe Engineers, and won’t touch it generally speaking.
So for the habitation side of the vehicle if you want it checked over you need to go to a specific motorhome or caravan service outfit.
At the beginning of 2020, the gas test requirement as part of the general inspection was initially temporarily suspended and finally completely abolished on April 1, 2022.
+ Also:
Although the obligation to carry out regular gas inspections was introduced on June 19, 2024 in accordance with Section 60 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations, this standard is only to be applied from June 19, 2025, with a transition period of one year, according to Section 72 Paragraph 15 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations.

= Indeed, no testing at this time of HU/TüV, i.e. the MOT.
Since Germany has had standards for inspection for some time and these have now become mandatory for them, countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium are following these standards (DVGW G607) but is not mandatory. We already have camper dealers (not VW) who can carry out such checks according to those standards. I suspect they do this in preparation.. it may also be a European standard in the future (Regulation or whatever). But even though I have never heard of any accident either, I personally wouldn't mind having the gas system in our cali checked at regular intervals.
Campsites do checks because we have experienced it ourselves (although we rarely stay there). If campsites will now check more: maybe yes, maybe not, but other authorities most likely will (for example the car inspection like MOT). It is also their car insurance that sometimes demanded it. In the event of an accident and even if nothing has gone wrong with your gas installation, the insurance can be difficult if you do not have that future valid certificate. So now it is mandatory and enshrined in law.
I only posted this thread for information purposes because questions are sometimes asked about that round sticker and now the explanation is as follows because the regulations have changed. Whether it will ever become European rule or not and whether it will ever happen to you, will be determined later.
The only legal requirement for any sort of check on the gas system on a UK registered van is for hire vans along with their 240v electrics. They need an annual inspection with a Gas Safe. certificate.
So I've checked and what Calibusje has written is correct, and it will come into force 19/6/25. Till then one needs to have the gas system checked and receive a receipt/proof of check, whether it will be a sticker I don't know. That is if you have a german registered vehicle.
This is a german law applicable to german registered vehicles only.
And gain, useless EU, what's the point of german vehicles being on holiday in France, Italy , Spain with a perfectly checked gas system, parked next to some non german with gas system never checked in a maybe 10 years old MH ? What are german campsites going to do, refuse non-german registered vehicles because in their country there is no obligation of performing such test?
How about passing a EU law instead, valid for everybody, giving a heads up to the UK and other non EU in the vicinity if they would like to align themselves , common agreement similar to the ones that allows EU vehicles/driving licenses to transit in the UK and UK ones into the EU ?
Why do EU states keep writing laws only valid at state level and not EU wide ? Do they assume germans don't camp outside Germany ? Or never seen a French camping in Bavaria?
Well then let's not complain then if somebody finds this EU inefficiency (when not stupidity) ridiculous and wants OUT.
So I've checked and what Calibusje has written is correct, and it will come into force 19/6/25. Till then one needs to have the gas system checked and receive a receipt/proof of check, whether it will be a sticker I don't know. That is if you have a german registered vehicle.
This is a german law applicable to german registered vehicles only.
And gain, useless EU, what's the point of german vehicles being on holiday in France, Italy , Spain with a perfectly checked gas system, parked next to some non german with gas system never checked in a maybe 10 years old MH ? What are german campsites going to do, refuse non-german registered vehicles because in their country there is no obligation of performing such test?
How about passing a EU law instead, valid for everybody, giving a heads up to the UK and other non EU in the vicinity if they would like to align themselves , common agreement similar to the ones that allows EU vehicles/driving licenses to transit in the UK and UK ones into the EU ?
Why do EU states keep writing laws only valid at state level and not EU wide ? Do they assume germans don't camp outside Germany ? Or never seen a French camping in Bavaria?
Well then let's not complain then if somebody finds this EU inefficiency (when not stupidity) ridiculous and wants OUT.

Its just another EU tax to generate revenue. The test just ensures that gas system was ok at the time of checking only.

Its also a bugger to remove an old sticker one from the tailgate!
Agree (although I don't want to OUT ;) ). There has already been talk of this becoming a European rule and I suspect this is coming. In the meantime, it is quite absurd that this now only applies to German registered campers (caravans), because a camper often goes a little further than its own country. It is for now a German regulation, not European so not EU written for only Germany or a tax to generate revenue. But it could become one. Well, for many of us it is currently just information.
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Its just another EU tax to generate revenue. The test just ensures that gas system was ok at the time of checking only.

Its also a bugger to remove an old sticker one from the tailgate!
Indeed, but all checks and tests are instantaneous, including your MOT.
To some extent its a bit silly having such regulations about gas and ignoring other lethal fuel sources eg: EHU hookups. Nowhere in the UK have I seen camping EHU supplies using domestic 3 pin plugs but have come across numerous examples in Europe as well as campsites loaning out 30-50m reels that run across gravel roadways because of the lack of proper connections .
You'll soon smell a gas leak but a bit more difficult to spot an exposed live wire.
Why do EU states keep writing laws only valid at state level and not EU wide ? Do they assume germans don't camp outside Germany ? Or never seen a French camping in Bavaria?
Well then let's not complain then if somebody finds this EU inefficiency (when not stupidity) ridiculous and wants OUT.
Maybe because Gemany is a sovereign state that are able to regulate its own territory. I don't live in the EU, but I struggle with the logic that says Germany passed a law that doesn't make much sense and the EU is inefficient because they didn't impose a similar useless regulation on all of the union and therefore we want out so that Germany gets to make its own regulations?
Maybe because Gemany is a sovereign state that are able to regulate its own territory. I don't live in the EU, but I struggle with the logic that says Germany passed a law that doesn't make much sense and the EU is inefficient because they didn't impose a similar useless regulation on all of the union and therefore we want out so that Germany gets to make its own regulations?
That's just how it works: all countries still have a lot of sovereignty (all of them, not just Germany) and have many facilities. And that’s a good thing too. Although the new law in Germany will probably soon become a European one. But hey, you made your point and everyone is allowed to do that: you have agreed to leave the EU and are happy with it :thumb Luckily there are lots of exceptions and agreements between the UK and the EU for trade. This for both sides. But let's not make it a UK - EU post now :D
To some extent its a bit silly having such regulations about gas and ignoring other lethal fuel sources eg: EHU hookups. Nowhere in the UK have I seen camping EHU supplies using domestic 3 pin plugs but have come across numerous examples in Europe as well as campsites loaning out 30-50m reels that run across gravel roadways because of the lack of proper connections .
You'll soon smell a gas leak but a bit more difficult to spot an exposed live wire.
Yes, let's not have any rules. Much better :thumb
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Never seen a camper van fire. My suspicion would be that fires do occur on campsites but are usually straightforward silly things with stoves etc.

The publicity around people burning bbqs etc in porches etc and getting CO2 poisoning seemed very necessary. People needed educating.

I think extra camper van checks seems like trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.
Never seen a camper van fire. My suspicion would be that fires do occur on campsites but are usually straightforward silly things with stoves etc.

The publicity around people burning bbqs etc in porches etc and getting CO2 poisoning seemed very necessary. People needed educating.

I think extra camper van checks seems like trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.
Okay, so better not to have any regulations and then see what happens. Indeed, maybe nothing. Now, Hopefully someone appreciates it for what it is: purely information in case members in the future ask questions about the round sticker at the back :thumb
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Yes, let's not have any rules. Much better :thumb
It’s called Darwin’s Theory of Evolution & Natural Selection.

That's just how it works: all countries still have a lot of sovereignty (all of them, not just Germany) and have many facilities. And that’s a good thing too. Although the new law in Germany will probably soon become a European one. But hey, you made your point and everyone is allowed to do that: you have agreed to leave the EU and are happy with it :thumb Luckily there are lots of exceptions and agreements between the UK and the EU for trade. This for both sides. But let's not make it a UK - EU post now :D
I tried to make a point that is possibly the opposite of what you understood it to be. No matter, but just to be clear, I wasn't attempting a UK - EU discussion. If you look carefully at my profile you will see Switzerland.

VW California Club
