No centre console - grates my cheese!!



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T6.1 Ocean 150
Ok guys, i managed to get myself around the "where do i put my phone?" gripe :D however the other more important one (for now) is the lack of a centre console or storage of some sort. Ive tried a 9lrs plastic box and a bag or two but all inevitable move around in some way. Clearly we don't need anything that will block the operation of the captains chairs so what's the alternative and where can I buy one for our T6.1 Cali Ocean please.....??? I'm sure there's a plethora of ideas out there so please help an old dude trying to relive his youth of a mattress in a van days......... :D:oops:
I have a QSULNN centre console in my t6.1 ocean you can find them on Amazon. I’ve seen them in black and a grey colour that I think matches the inside of the van very well.
That’s really good! I’m tempted to make one myself now :thumb

Do you use some velcro to secure it down or does it just slot in place?
No velcro, at the back the plastic ridge holds it in place and at the front the bottom of de Cali slopes upwart.
No velcro, at the back the plastic ridge holds it in place and at the front the bottom of de Cali slopes upwart.
Thanks. I was thinking a bit of Velcro on the ridge would keep it in place.
I have a QSULNN centre console in my t6.1 ocean you can find them on Amazon. I’ve seen them in black and a grey colour that I think matches the inside of the van very well.
Thanks, I'll take a look. Do you have to move it to swivel the seats?
The one in the link I posted is:

External dimensions: 48.5 cm x 25 cm x 18 cm
The wife who for some strange reason is good at online perusing with the occasional shopping swoop etc found this which works a treat in our T6.1 Beach. The one we have has been discontinued, but if you search Amazon for baby nappy caddy and go on the sizes 18cm high / 23cm wide and 35cm long that size did it for us. It sits between the front seats, allows the seats to swivel as long as its not over stacked and it doesn't slip if it sits on the cab carpet. Dark grey matched our interior perfectly. Plenty of storage for phones, leads, torch etc even my 12v tyre pump. Easily lifts out for cleaning. On an additional note - we also picked up a car boot organiser (Amazon again) that fits the storage area under the pull out kitchen which keeps things tidy and can also be lifted out. Size large: 15cm x 50cm x 25.5cm centimetres made by Vinsani. I would put in links but they go into the middle of next week.
I would never use one or put a box there. It was is nice in this wet weather to walk through to the rear of the van without getting out.
We get a lot of use out of our 9l RUBox. We subdivide the interior with cut down cereal boxes and old tablet boxes etc to hold leads, sweets, torches etc. It works really well. However, this thread has me inspired and I too feel that I will be making one before long. Attaching some of these to the outside might add extra utility
Looks the job but your right it’s not cheap. I could probably make that - and for a lot less!
Is that 18mm ply or are my eyes playing tricks??

You could easily knock that up with a bit of 12mm maximum. Maybe also turn the top into a tray for a picnic sandwich and bag of crisps?!

If you ever build one and source a piston it would be nice to know where you found it.

VW California Club
