No number two allowed in our loo! Although they are designed for it and the tank is completely sealed, it's personal thing. If you are away from facilities you could always put it outside in a toilet tent.What do people do about number two's?
How long do you allow before emptying?
Not a nice thought knowing there is poop in close vicinity
.....his ORANGE bucket....When we were camping last year ( pre cali),
We camped next to a very seasoned Dutch couple with their inflatable tent. Every morning he simply used to empty his orange bucket. The simplicity was inspiring !
That's a fantastic solution, but us men stand up you know, and after a couple of pints, you know, our aim may not be that goodWith the lower bed down there is still just about enough space to pull the drawer out far enough to sit on the bucket, then just put the lid back on and close the drawer - very discreet.
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