7 year T6 beach review.



T6 Cali On Order
Hi to everyone,

am coming back to this forum to try to add a little value back. Many were kind and helped me a lot re T6 beach things.

So we have a 7 year old T6 beach dsg 204cv. Coming to 90,000 kilometers.

Just had to replace the front break pads, the first mechanical thing that needed replacing.

Also, the touch screen stopped working a couple of years back, the silicon seal around the screen melted or some such ...

These where the 4 clearly stated needs going into the purchase:
1. adapted (really just some hold downs on the floor)
2. Family car.
3. Get some ocasional adventures going .. hoping to increase over time.
4. Dad uses for motorway trips for work.

It has done a great job.
We added an electric car to the family, so in the last couple of years it has become adapted transport and adventure focused. Any kilometers need doing we go electric first.

This is what I wrote in this forum after a couple of months of ownership:

So what do I actually think?

We have the 204cv dsg beach.

We are actually working on the ramps and hold downs now. Will happily inform once we are happy with our solution. And keen to speak to anyone else that uses the T6 with wheelchair passengers.

I feel that the 150cv would have been just fine, it is nice to have the extra cv but I really do not feel that it is necesary, and we have used it with 6 people inside.

The dsg is nice. We had a caravele manuel for a few days before delivery, and frankly I am very happy to have gone with the dsg. Makes the daily driving part a lot more comfortable.

As a large family car, it works well. Lots of space, for kids and all their stuff.

My wife is happy to drive it now, in part thanks to the dsg, which really makes driving easier.

I have slept one night in the van, on a work trip. Had to youtube simple stuff like, how to get the bench bed down (I had to take the extra passenger seat out!).

It was a good cosy nights sleep. Must learn to use the heater.

We will be doing a couple of one night adventures in a 300 km radious over the xmas period, so as a family the mini adventures start, and, we get the chance to learn all the stuff we actually need..... ( we have nothing)

Done a couple of 550 km motorway trips.
The T6 has done a surprisingly good job of it. Cruising at 120 km an hour is a confortable experience.

As a family, we are looking forward to our first adventures.

I feel me biggest regret is not having gone for better lights. The H4 lightbulbs are not good. We will be getting H7 put in. But really the H4 are not good.

Overall, we are very happy, completely normal for a new car I guess.

So what have the negatives been ?

1. the initial cost is high.
2. those H4 front lights are terrible. please do not get those!
3. the multimedia option is not great (prehaps its aged badly, or prehaps it was never very good). Easy to replace, should you choose or need to.
4. the 204cv motor was not required (nice to have, but not needed), a 150 would have worked great.

And what about the positives:

1. resell prices are very high. As a car for a wheelchair member of the family, super low VAT and other discounts from VW mean that the van has depreciated less than 1,000 euros a year!
2. it has been mechanically extremely reliable.
3. has been a great adapted car.
4. the dsg has been great, making it a smooth ride.
5. surprisingly decent on the motorway, and easy in town.

I would recomend this car. The depreciation is the cream on the cake.
I do enjoy reading long-term reviews. Thanks for posting!
Snap, our Beach is also now 7 years old and love it. Totally agree about the headlights - that's the only thing I would change if buying again. Our's is a 150. I don't think the 204 was available in the UK but I've never found the 150 lacked power.

We've been a little more unlucky than you with regard to mechanical repairs:
1. Cracked front EGR pipe
2. Rear nearside ABS sensor
3. Touch screen failed but fixed myself

I don't think that list is too bad at all.
VW were still using the rubbish H4 headlights in 2020!
Our Beach 150 had twin headlights (H7 dipped and Mainbeam), but it was a camper, I didn't drive it a night, I slept in it!
Ours needed new rear discs and pads at 30,000 miles, and a new touchscreen which I did myself, sold it recently at 56000 miles, no other issues
We have a 2018 Beach and I agree with most of the above, I realized H4 lights were bad fairly quickly and upgraded to H7 after being new units and getting it re-coded.
Media is fine (we have the bigger car-play screen) although this kind of thing always feels dated compared to brand new cars.
I replaced all 4 discs and pads myself this summer prior to driving a few thousand miles in France.
I think everything else has been (touch wood) uneventful in the 50,000 or so miles we have covered. It's great to drive and perfect for family and bike trips, when the Buzz came out I felt that would have been nice but I quickly realized that it was a red herring.

Also: I was irritated that 6 months after ours was delivered they appeared with the front bellows window, I'd love one of those but might be difficult now until they sort the issues. At least mine is waterproof in all weathers!

Only downside is I am running out of space in the garage for old wheels, I love a bargain so when I need new tyres I often notice delivery mileage wheels for sale for less than new tires would cost, I'm currently on Woodstocks with 2 pairs of the basic 16" Cascavels which I could do with getting rid of although I might keep on pair for winter tires.
Haha! I know what you mean about the wheels. I did the same and got some delivery mileage Devonports to replace the 16 inch ones. Now @Jimmylondon07 talked me into taking his old (new) wheels, which are soon to be fitted, so I’ve got two spare sets!
The VW H7 lights sound like a potential option to replace the H4s, or the TransporterHQ ones, but I don’t know much about those.
These a quick fix for H4’s:

I would be wary about advocating the use of led bulbs in halogen reflector housings. I’m pretty sure they are illegal for road use unless I have misunderstood. Here is the latest government guidance:

Snap, our Beach is also now 7 years old and love it. Totally agree about the headlights - that's the only thing I would change if buying again. Our's is a 150. I don't think the 204 was available in the UK but I've never found the 150 lacked power.

We've been a little more unlucky than you with regard to mechanical repairs:
1. Cracked front EGR pipe
2. Rear nearside ABS sensor
3. Touch screen failed but fixed myself

I don't think that list is too bad at all.
Those faults about the same as ours 2016 150 93k plus x1 glow plug.

VW California Club
