A question to Belgian T5/T6 Cali owners...



Its not easy being green...
The Earth
Cali now sold
We currently have a T4 that we imported from Germany. We're considering possibly buying a later T5 or T6 (as we're thinking of getting rid of our car and having just the one vehicle - the Cali - and reckon a newer van would be better for the daily use - interested also in anyone's thoughts on that too). We love our T4, but think in the long run something newer would be better for that kind of use...

Anyway, my question is mainly regarding the classification of T5/6 Cali's in Belgium. We jumped through hoops to get our imported T4 registered as type 'M1' - 'SA' (motor caravan) - this has been beneficial in many ways, not only regarding car tax, but classification as a 'motorhome' means we're exempt from the Brussels LEZ restrictions (due to its age and living in Brussels that was important). Not to mention the appropriate insurance cover...

Are T5/6 cali's also registered in this way or are they (as they wanted us at first to be), similar to a car type registration?

Any info would be appreciated.


Dit is de mijne.
Let op als je een 'oude' T5.1 koopt. De mijne was ingeschreven als EURO4, terwijl het een EURO5 zou moeten zijn.
Niemand neemt zijn verantwoordelijkheid op, dus blijf ik verder tuffen met mijn EURO4.
inschrijving 2.jpg
my six month old T6 is registered as a motorcaravan, but i had to ask/check/make sure somehow.
I have a T6 Coast from 2017, and here is an excerpt from my registration certificate. When I inquired at the leisure vehicle show in Bruxelles, the VW representative informed me that this category was not possible for the Beach, because it does not have a kitchen.
Thanks for the feedback. So seems that no issue to have the newer Cali's registered correctly, strange though that it took so much effort to get the T4 done right...

And Sidepod, nothing is decided yet... just getting info for now... we dearly love our T4, could have opted for a T5 when we were looking originally and decided the T4 was better for us. But this one might indeed come down to practicalities...
The jury is still out!
To respond to the other part of your question:

We loved our T4, but recently made the choice that you are now considering. We replaced the T4 with a T5.1 and sold our normal car and started using the T5.1 as our daily driver. Pro's and con's weve noticed:

A) 1 instead of 2 parking permits (the second one here is expensive). 1x road tax instead of 2x.
B) We were able to end our subscription to our roadside assitance-service, since that is also included in the insurance of the campervan.
C) only 1 insurance instead of 2.
D) A more modern car, which goes uphill better and can follow the speed of general trafic better.

A) The T5.1 seems to use more fuel. I havent checked, but it sure seems like it. Guess because it's heavier.
B) Insurance is more expensive because we now went for all-risk, because the van is worth more. (not a fair comparison I guess, but still a reality)
C) That feeling of getting into/driving your camper, is a bit different when you use it as a normal car every day.

there's many more of course, but this is what I think of right off the bat.
Understandable. After the T5 came and updated version of the T5. Called the T5GP (where GP is German and stands for something like 'Große Produktaufwertung' or 'Große Produkteranderung') basically meaning 'Big Productupdate' or 'Big Productchange.'
The T5GP is also reffered to as the T5.1 or the (post-)facelift model. The T5GP was introduced in 2010.

The most important differences if you ask me, are:

1) different engine types.
2) a lot of known (little) problems were fixed
3) a cleaner fuel-classification

The difference between T5 and T5GP could be important if youre looking to buy.
A) The T5.1 seems to use more fuel. I havent checked, but it sure seems like it. Guess because it's heavier.

More fuel than the T4? Interesting...

I can understand that using it as an everyday run-around would spoil a little that feeling you get when climbing into the Cali... But must still be great to load it up and get away (when we're allowed to!)...

Our current thinking is to suck it and see how we get on with the T4. Looks like I'm going to be working from home more (even after the lockdown) and so won't need it for to/from the office and we're close enough to school and shops etc not to have to take a car/van most of the time.

One train of thought is that the extra 20-30k we'd need to spend to get a newer van (if you're going to go newer then may as well go high so as to have all the advantages (Euro6 etc)), that actually that spend would cover many years of maintenance for the T4.

So for now at least, we're sticking with the T4 :cool:
We'll see how it goes and re-evaluate down the line. But thanks all for the info on the T5/6 Belgian registration, its good to know that part for any later decision :thumb

Cheers and stay safe y'all!
@ThomasHJ , Can you give me a more specific number on that?
Over a distance of 61000km, I get an average of 7,73 l/100km. I use it as a daily driver, so for commuting I get 8 - 9 l/100km.
When on holidays, I manage: 6,73; 6,74; 6,59. This is with my 140HP on a weight of over 2600kgs.
Can you give me some figures for a T4?

VW California Club
