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.......Aaaagh Chewing Gum



T5 SE 180
School boy error.

Just bought both sons a screw ball and whilst I checked they both had completely finished and were clean to get back in the Cali... thought nothing of it and then just before home noticed eldest son was no longer chewing.

'where is your chewing gum?' I said.
'its alright dad its in this tissue' he said.

Silence from the back...

Eldest son turns round and says ' oh my god...!'

When we stopped my worst visions of how bad it could be were laid bare. Middle son (6) had chewing gum all over both hands... every single finger covered and also all over the seat belt.

(Thankfully the seats were covered and I managed to stop him touching anything else.) 30 minutes scrubbing and its off his hands but now what about the seat belt.... any suggestions welcomed?
Now this is going to sound crazy but...

CO2 fire extinguisher... spray on the belt and the gum just cracks off when it freezes.

Used to do this to clean gum off car parks/floor... spray and hit gently with a hammer.

It does mean having an old extinguisher around.

What a brilliant idea. You can also buy cans of stuff that freeze pipes when plumbing for when a stopcock can't be found. I wonder if that would do the same (and be easier to hand?)
I got chewing gum on the seat in my Beach. I used a few good quality baby wipes after it had set hard and it came off in minutes.

Hope this helps.

vwvansleicester said:
I got chewing gum on the seat in my Beach. I used a few good quality baby wipes after it had set hard and it came off in minutes.

Hope this helps.


Hi Stuart,

Thanks for that. Thankfully for me most was on my 6 year old ;) and some on the seat belt.
As you did, I used many baby wipes and have to say after could not see much in the way of gum left. The family is now banned from eating any 'messy' food in the Cali.

A friend of mine who ran a theatre used Freezer Spray to remove gum from seats. On the Maplin website it lists this as a use for it, Luckily I have never had to try it out!
- Nick
On a slightly more distasteful note (screws up face while thinking about this), freeze spray is good for getting dog mess out too. Just sayin' is all :D , you never know when this mine of info will be useful.

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