Adaptive cruise has started acting oddly…

I’m having that for a couple if things on the T6.1. And then asking on here getting occasional ‘helpful’ remarks like ‘hasn’t read the manual’… Your detailed posts have been very helpful - although I still have some questions I may be asking after further reading of the manual and testing on the driveway.

It doesn't help that there are at least 2 versions of the T6.1 manual with different page numbering.

I would be interested to see what yours says re travel mode in the main manual for the Multivan - my manual is dated 11.2019
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It doesn't help that there are at least 2 versions of the T6.1 manual with different page numbering.

I would be interested to see what yours says re travel mode in the main manual for the Multivan - my manual is dated 11.2019
I can scan or take pics if mine over the weekend. Remind me if I forget…
Can you tell us what section you’re seeing this under? No travel mode in the index of my
manual so it’s either buried somewhere or been removed from the manual!

Can you tell us what section you’re seeing this under? No travel mode in the index of my
manual so it’s either buried somewhere or been removed from the manual!

The index is useless.
Been out for a play in the van. No option for travel mode in the info system or any setting for country etc.

If I remember correctly when this was looked into before with regard to changing aim on headlights etc & it was thought then that it used the sat nav to decide which side of the road you should be driving on.
Has the van been in a VW van centre for servicing or work? With mine they always run it through to see if any updates are due. Each time they do it, it disables my retro fitted VW OEM rear view camera. So I have to reconfigure with my vcds afterwards.

I'm wondering whether the ACC is being reset to a factory setting in the same way.
I'm wondering whether the ACC is being reset to a factory setting in the same way.

Even if that was the case unless the OP has forgotten to tell us his van is LHD, you would have thought factory default for RHD would be overtake on the right.
Interesting read so for thanks everyone. No I can assure you it’s a RHD. Interestingly the only thing I have fiddled with recently is to change the ACC setting from comfort to normal (to get it to accelerate a bit faster). I will change it back to see if it’s a software bug and report back!
What distance setting are you using? Just wondering if you set it to longest it’s picking up the other cars and slowing down as it thinks it’s in your lane.
Try setting to closest & it may be that it has worked out that it’s not in your lane before it starts braking so it has no effect.
I always use closest andy unless it’s raining as the distance is still substantial.
Hi folks,

I had adaptive cruise in my golf which I sold so am quite used to the characteristics of the system (it’s usually ace) and have been using it without incident in the new Cali for the last couple of weeks on the motorway. I’m well aware that if you have a vehicle moving slower in a faster lane (ie middle or right) then it will not undertake (unless you tap the accelerator to override) and find this a useful safety function.
However, for no apparent reason it has suddenly started going this for traffic on the LEFT and the right which is crackers, so if you are in the centre lane on the motorway and are cruising for a pass of a slower vehicle on the left, the damn thing brakes! It’s almost like it’s trying to monitor both sides!
I cannot see a setting in the menus to address this, has anyone else noticed or can point out what’s going on here please?

Did you ever get a solution OP? My 6.1 has just started doing this and its bloody anoying.
ACC display shows a car in the sensor range to the front and to the left or right or both!
No damage to my sensor that i can see so i'm assuming its software?
No I didn’t to be honest, it settled down for a while strangely but did it once on a dual carriageway, braking for the car inside.
It has done it again once on the motorway. Damn annoying, it’s almost as if it’s switching between uk and continental driving but I can’t see a setting on the menu
I have this issue too where it picks up a car on the left (only left) and hits the brakes. The display shows a car on the left too. However this happens when going on a straight piece of road. I have noticed it does it during or after rain. Wiping the sensor clean and dry seems to help. Haven't noticed it happening in the dry.
Just wanted to jump on as I found this useful, our t6.1 started doing this after the clocks changed here in the UK. We park in a garage and the GPS signal drops in there.

The fix was to turn off ACC completely on the drivers centre console, then a press and hold of the power button on the entertainment system whilst driving and then it fixed it...

Seems that when GPS might have been a culprit for it mucking up... Putting us in a random time zone as we tried to change the clocks
ah! 6.1 then. The OP's profile lists a T6 4MO, but he has just clarified that he has a 6.1 :thumb .

@Mooreml1 , are you able to update your vehicle in your profile please? I was replying considering it is a T6 :)
I didn't know that adaptive cruise control was possible on a T6. I thought this has only been possible since the T6.1 which has a completely new electronic cabling (the harness as they say); this cabling is therefore the biggest difference with the T6. But maybe I misread it once...
Only just spotted this thread, but had exactly the same on a brand new (21-plate) Golf hire car a few months ago.

Four hours in one direction, no problem. 30 mins into the drive home and it refused to overtake, but would undertake quite happily.

However, this Golf went into full European mode with the speed sign recognition too. So with ACC manually set at 70 mph on a dual carriageway, whenever I passed a national speed limit sign (70 mph), it would interpret it as 70 kph and very 'helpfully' brake and slow the car to 44 mph (although still showing '70' on the dashboard icon). Took me a while to figure out what was going on, and somewhat frustrating with signs every half mile on the A1!

I don't know what triggered it, as the SatNav had me in the right place in the UK (there was another issue with the audio directions being out of sync with the junction I was actually at, but that's another story). The only thing I can think of is that I was sat behind a European truck for about 10 mins in traffic, and I remember it had the 50/60/70kph stickers on the back, so not sure if that tricked the ACC/speed recognition system into thinking it was in Europe - but then I'm not convinced it's that clever! In the end I pulled into the services, stopped and restarted the car, and everything was back to normal again.

Probably doesn't help you solve your issue, but you're definitely not alone!
Love these driver aids until they’re on a hire car. - who sits in the car park working then all out?
Guilty as charged: driving up the m1 at night amongst a convoy of artics, went to turn on the cruise control of the hire car and managed to turn on the speed limiter to 30mph
Just wanted to jump on as I found this useful, our t6.1 started doing this after the clocks changed here in the UK. We park in a garage and the GPS signal drops in there.

The fix was to turn off ACC completely on the drivers centre console, then a press and hold of the power button on the entertainment system whilst driving and then it fixed it...

Seems that when GPS might have been a culprit for it mucking up... Putting us in a random time zone as we tried to change the clocks
Thanking myself again today... van started slowing for cars on the left side again... turned it all off and back on again as per my previous post and voila
Just wanted to jump on as I found this useful, our t6.1 started doing this after the clocks changed here in the UK. We park in a garage and the GPS signal drops in there.

The fix was to turn off ACC completely on the drivers centre console, then a press and hold of the power button on the entertainment system whilst driving and then it fixed it...

Seems that when GPS might have been a culprit for it mucking up... Putting us in a random time zone as we tried to change the clocks
Mine 6.1 started doing this last week... I shall try this fix. I've heard about resetting the console by holding both buttons before, but never heard about holding down one button... What does that do? Some soft reset different to both buttons?
I've not got the same issues but having had it all in my Tiguan for the last 3 years it too works faultless - both ACC and lane assist (inc undertaking). So far in the Cali the lane change system has been a little flakey (telling me to drive down the middle when I already am and not picking up the white lines fully) so I've switched it off and I'll get it checked/reset at the dealer come warranty list resolution time.
Mine 6.1 started doing this last week... I shall try this fix. I've heard about resetting the console by holding both buttons before, but never heard about holding down one button... What does that do? Some soft reset different to both buttons?
Did it work for you?
I am currently in VW for a service, and a couple just came in with the same issue and are being charged £115 p.h for diagnostics - told them to check the forum - fingers crossed they see this fix and save some £££

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