Advice on audio upgrade



T5 SE 180 4Motion
Excuse the amateurish questions - not an expert. Our 2012 T5 Cali still has the orginal RCD 310 audio with CD and Aux. A CD is stuck in (and it would be the worst CD we own!) so we've got by with a bluetooth device plugged into the AUX, until the plug broke off inside (groan). I've tried the superglue trick to get the bit out and have failed. So - we'd like to upgrade to a new system with inbuilt bluetooth.
1) do we need to go to VW or can any car audio person do it?
2) do any of you have a system you'd recommend
or 3) is there an alternative way forward we've not thought of?
You can retro fit some of VWs own units if you want a cheap fix. I retro fitted a rcd510 with dab in my old cali. Was a good little upgrade and straight forward, even fitting the dab aerial.
Currently on our newer van I got hold of a used kenwood unit. It's OK but the sound is very different and I'm not a fan. Not sure if it just shows the inadequacy of the standard speakers or what.
Any reputable car audio shop should be able to show you a variety of alternatives. Some of these look very good, unfortunately with a premium price.
Good luck choosing.
Excuse the amateurish questions - not an expert. Our 2012 T5 Cali still has the orginal RCD 310 audio with CD and Aux. A CD is stuck in (and it would be the worst CD we own!) so we've got by with a bluetooth device plugged into the AUX, until the plug broke off inside (groan). I've tried the superglue trick to get the bit out and have failed. So - we'd like to upgrade to a new system with inbuilt bluetooth.
1) do we need to go to VW or can any car audio person do it?
2) do any of you have a system you'd recommend
or 3) is there an alternative way forward we've not thought of?
Give these guys a ring. Very helpful and can supply a plug and play kit. Also a Forum member.

Give these guys a ring. Very helpful and can supply a plug and play kit. Also a Forum member.

Thanks - will try them tomorrow. I'm a bit concerned about fitting stuff myself though and I'm a long way from Amesbury - we're in Whitby. Hope it's not complicated!
You can retro fit some of VWs own units if you want a cheap fix. I retro fitted a rcd510 with dab in my old cali. Was a good little upgrade and straight forward, even fitting the dab aerial.
Currently on our newer van I got hold of a used kenwood unit. It's OK but the sound is very different and I'm not a fan. Not sure if it just shows the inadequacy of the standard speakers or what.
Any reputable car audio shop should be able to show you a variety of alternatives. Some of these look very good, unfortunately with a premium price.
Good luck choosing.
Thanks tuono001. I'll look into the RCD 510 - the 330 (which I've just been reading about) has bluetooth but not DAB which we'd like.
Thanks - will try them tomorrow. I'm a bit concerned about fitting stuff myself though and I'm a long way from Amesbury - we're in Whitby. Hope it's not complicated!
If you can wire a plug I’m sure you could do it, but a local Autoelectrician could do it , or your son or grandson.;)

VW California Club
