Android Radio replacement dilemna



Nantes, France
T5 SE 174
Hi all!
It has been a long while but we still enjoy our Cali when we actually have time to use it.
However, I'm in a kind of dilemna: I bougth in June last year an Android radio to replace my OEM unit from 2007, mostly to have android auto navigation.
I bought from a site that had a good reputation (I believed). Long story short, the radio works but is not perfectly fitted (can be fixed with a kit I believe) but most importantly is not 100% compatible with my cabling.
I must say my cali was already BT enabled and with a double fm antenna.
So the new radio, while technically working has worst radio reception (only one antenna input) and doesn't take the OEM mic input.
I tried to exchange the unit for something better but unfortunately it appears the French company operating the site was in fact an empty shell that closed operations probably because of the pandemic (I initially received decent customer service).
So my options I guess: try to sell the unit (no idea if I can sell that for a decent price and have been postponing for months already) or try and fix the issues, which could be another waste of money.

From your experience, do you think I am doomed? THere is a decent array of cables and adapter kits on Amazon but it is very hard to guess which one will actually fit my van (square double DIN).

I'm on my work computer now but I can provide pictures if needed.

ANy advice is welcome. Thanks!
OK thanks. I think the most difficult will be to find the right ("square") fascia (the new radio doesn't have the large front sides of the oem). Thanks for the links, I think I will take the challenge ;-)
OK thanks. I think the most difficult will be to find the right ("square") fascia (the new radio doesn't have the large front sides of the oem). Thanks for the links, I think I will take the challenge ;-)

Your Factory radio is standard double din size, ANY standard aftermarket Double Din Radio will fit.
Yes @reserves but I mean that as it is, it will show some ugly empty spaces on the sides which requires spacers to hide. A detail but important one. Thanks
Yes @reserves but I mean that as it is, it will show some ugly empty spaces on the sides which requires spacers to hide. A detail but important one. Thanks

It won’t. It fits the space perfectly well.
Yes @reserves but I mean that as it is, it will show some ugly empty spaces on the sides which requires spacers to hide. A detail but important one. Thanks
You need one of these to fill the void:

Ah ok, but he says that he has a gap in post 6.

Yeah, I think this is a mistake, I know as I thought the same thing, but when I fitted a Double Din to a 2008 it fits fine with no additional adaptors.
Forgot to take pictures of that during the first install, but will try again and will update here. Thanks!
Hi all!
I finally spent time to retest the installation and I think I will just give up :-(
There is so much additional cables and plugs that I couldn't even push the unit all the way into the space. I anyway confirm that the front is the right height but has a smaller width than the OEM unit.
Again, hard to show on a picture since I couldn't push the unit all the way in.

So the unit works but to have a proper install I would need:
1/ to modify the cabling to get the OEM mic to be used by the new unit,
2/ to solve the FM antenna being weird (I receive only a couple local radios but not the national ones!)
3/ an adaptor to use the OEM GPS antenna
4/ a way to tuck the spaghetti plate into the dashboard to make room for the unit
5/ to find a spacer face the unit face

Not even sure the unit will work fine after that: I could not get a map or a GPS fix yesterday with the unit connected to my phone hotspot...

That's a lot for a "plug n play" radio... So I think I'll just give up. That's a significant loss but first time I get scammed on internet so it's a lesson learned.

Hope to find someone interested so it doesn't end up in the trash.
Thanks for your help.
So the unit works but to have a proper install I would need:
1/ to modify the cabling to get the OEM mic to be used by the new unit,
2/ to solve the FM antenna being weird (I receive only a couple local radios but not the national ones!)
3/ an adaptor to use the OEM GPS antenna
4/ a way to tuck the spaghetti plate into the dashboard to make room for the unit
5/ to find a spacer face the unit face

1) It's easier to replace it, you can run it via behind the glovebox, up the A pillar and then tuck it behind the headliner.

2) You need converter like this

3) Again, just use the one that came with your radio or use one like this

4) Take the glovebox out (4 or 5 screws) this will help. The main thing to do is tuck the wires behind the metal piece in the centre behind the stereo.

5) I'm not sure why you need a spacer? The until should fit perfectly if you have a new double din unit.

Good luck.
Thanks for your advice and encouragements!
I did buy a 2 to 1 fakra connector with amplification for the antenna and it seems to work fine now.
I also plugged an adaptor for the gps.
My only trouble right now is that I have can't remove the plastic facia to tuck the wires, even after removing a dozen screws it won't move.
I watched several videos but I have the optional top glovebox and when I remove that, there is a plastic "bottom" that is part of the whole dash.
So I need a way to solve that but the radio seems to work fine at least.

So... I finally removed the whole dash fascia to be able to tuck the wires behind the head unit. Took forever to guess where to pull and find all the screws!
Now everything works fine... except the unit never turns off.
I can manually put it in sleep mode but it seems only the screen turns off and the amp draw is still significant. I tested the OEM radio and that is going to sleep mode and after a while it powers off completely. It seems this is internal to the radio rather than driven by the harness.
There is plenty of videos on the net how to correct this but I can't find the engineer menu or so on my unit and the options related to sleep mode don't change anything it seems. I'm exhausted!
So close to the goal!
So after another day of ordering cables and refitting cables, I added a switch to be able to cut off the unit independently from the ignition. I found away to tuck all the cables out of the way and discovered that the unit is stuck a few millimeters before the normal position because the frame is 1mm over height :talktothehand I feel like such a looser!
So I decided to put everything back OEM and stick to GPS on the phone and music from the radio and aux in (I need a USB-C to 3.5mm now ;) ).
Still I feel like I learned a lot about car electricity along the way and I will try to sell the head unit to someone that has the correct dashspace. Thanks for the help!

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