Awning set up - fine tuning



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
hi Al,
Noticed awning was winding in unevenly and hence clashing one end on closing. Took off to find one of the clamp plates had come off allowing the arms to slide. Have put back in place and now clashing on other side when closing so guess these arm positions need fine tuning. Is there any set positions or guides on how to get right??
Apols - didn’t intend to restrict questions to Al. Should have read all!!
Combo of sausage fingers, phone and eyesight
348ED773-F999-4251-9D24-5678CD22990E.jpeg I think i’ve got there - lots of trial and error and ended up slackening all, closing/aligning, opening a smidge, marking, tightening arms and ‘voila’!!
Still love to know if set out dims exist or if anyone could measure theirs as a double check. Cheers
I have noticed my awning not closing parallel a
couple of times, only offset about 10mm though,
i was able to nip it up with an extra 1/4 turn.
I didn´t know it was adjustable.
Pretty sure it’s not meant to be, but arm fixings had worked loose over time, leading to clamp plate falling off one of them, leading to that arm end moving freely!!

VW California Club
