VIP Member
Just thought I’d post this pic to help those worried about using their awning on a windy day...
We went to a site over the weekend, and it was fairly blowy all weekend, winds of up to about 15mph. Luckily we were able to park up close to a tall hedge for some protection, bit I was still worried about the wind damaging the awning.
However, Fiamma storm straps were used as was the (Brandrup) side panel, which kept it all very stable and I’m pleased to report the awning stayed very solid all weekend

We went to a site over the weekend, and it was fairly blowy all weekend, winds of up to about 15mph. Luckily we were able to park up close to a tall hedge for some protection, bit I was still worried about the wind damaging the awning.
However, Fiamma storm straps were used as was the (Brandrup) side panel, which kept it all very stable and I’m pleased to report the awning stayed very solid all weekend