Beach Heating



Looking to buy

Could anyone please tell me the difference in heating options for the beach?

All I am able to work out is that it is either:

Aux heating coolant diesel
Aux heating electric
Night heating

I dont have a clue which is which and what they do and so far the dealers I have spoken too aren't very helpful at all.

Thanks and sorry if it seems like a silly question
the coolant heater is standard. only kicks in below 5c and only warms up the engine coolant (and therefore the heater matrix). you need extra aftermarket kit to run this to suit you.
the night heater is the air heater and the one that you want. it burns diesel and uses the leisure battery to run the motor inside and the fuel dose pump.
there is no electric heating available. best you could do there is on hook up you could plug in a 240v electric heater or radiator. this won't work unless on hook up.
good luck
edit :- the dealers and salespersons generally don't know what they're talking about.
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Aux heating coolant diesel is the factory fitted optional upgrade to the standard coolant heater, which without the upgrade can not be controlled by the driver. The standard one comes on below 5 degrees to lower emissions by helping the engine to reach operating temperature. With the optional factory upgrade, it can be turned on manually, or programed to come on at a chosen time, so that you can preheat the motor on cold mornings to lower wear on the engine during warm up. It also preheats the cabin through the dash outlets. Because it runs fans and coolant pumps, it has high battery usage, and is not intended to be used as a cabin heater through the night. Until 2018 this preheater factory upgrade ran off the leisure battery, from 2019 on it runs off the starter battery. Because in the UK this option was not available on the Ocean, some Ocean owners have fitted a Polish made controller to the standard coolant heater, and therefor this aftermarket setup runs off the starter battery.

The Night heater, which also burns diesel but runs off the leisure battery and is designed to have low battery usage, is meant to heat the cabin air with the engine off. Its outlet is at the bottom of the B pillar, at the FRONT of the sliding door opening. It's a separate machine, fitted under the right side of the vehicle, while the coolant preheater is under the left side. These are two different machines with different purposes.

There is another confusingly named rear auxiliary heater, an optional extra available only on the semi-manual Climatic system (the fully automatic Climatronic 3 zone climate control has different ways of heating the rear seating area). This is an add on heat exchanger and rear outlet near the bottom of the C pillar at the BACK of the sliding door opening, and is an extension of the normal car heater.

Finally, there is the "Rest" control on the climate control panel of Climatronic. This uses residual engine coolant heat to warm the cabin for about 1/2 hour after the engine is turned off.

As above, the only electric heating available is if you plug in an electric heater while you are on Electrical Hookup.

And, as you have experienced, the VW descriptions of these different options look like they were written by the proverbial random bashings of a monkey on a typewriter.
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If it helps, code 7VF on mine was the coolant heater with the ‘rest’ function (residual heating of cab for 30 mins) AND the remote control night/camping heater (sips diesel through the night and blows heat through the B pillar vent). Can be programmed to come on at set times/days and also be set to run perpetually to your desired setting.

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If it helps, code 7VF on mine was the coolant heater with the ‘rest’ function (residual heating of cab for 30 mins) AND the remote control night/camping heater (sips diesel through the night and blows heat through the B pillar vent). Can be programmed to come on at set times/days and also be set to run perpetually to your desired setting.

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the 'rest' function is only on the comfort dash I believe as I have had both and both had coolant heaters
I have the uncomfortable dash and the 'rest' function.

Perhaps the 'rest' function only comes with the climatronic upgrade which is an automatic upgrade if you have the comfort dash?
yes. that would explain it. I din't know you could have climatronic with the uncomfortable dash
the 'rest' function is only on the comfort dash I believe as I have had both and both had coolant heaters
Keep in mind that the "Rest" function provides 30 min. of residual heat from a warm motor, while the standard coolant heater burns diesel fuel to warm up coolant in a cold motor, with the driver having no control over this machine, and the programable coolant heater factory upgrade allows you to control and program the coolant heater to preheat the motor and the cabin.

The Night air heater is a different machine that doesn't share any parts with the coolant preheater (standard or programable) or with the regular engine coolant system, which provides heat for the regular heating system and the "Rest" function.
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The "Rest" function is part of Climatronic automatic climate control, but not part of the Climatic semi-manual system.
Keep in mind that the "Rest" function provides 30 min. of residual heat from a warm motor, while the standard coolant heater is a heater that burns diesel fuel to warm up coolant in a cold motor, with the driver having no control over this machine, and the programable coolant heater factory upgrade allows you to control and program the coolant heater to preheat the motor and the cabin.
Sorry FB, I meant to answer @s2bear on post #4.

VW California Club
