Without wishing to sound like I'm defending insurance companies, I do get it. If they want to offer a good level of core cover (in terms of low excess, value of contents covered etc) and still keep the policy prices competitive, then you need to strip back in other areas to balance the risk (such as the 48hr rule, or usage restrictions). It's these restrictions that keep the "specialist" (eg campervan/motorhome, classic car, performance car etc) policy prices down, and the you'll probably find the choice of restrictions based on what the majority of customers would want (eg most motorhome users will probably only use it for SDP, classic cars on limited milage with no NCD credit etc). Normal car policies tend to be a bit more generic with less restrictions, but I'd expect them to be more expensive (relatively speaking) as a result. I didn't go with Comfort because their restrictions didn't suit me (and they weren't the cheapest anyway), but the policy I do have has a fixed annual milage with a fee if I exceed it (won't be a problem this year now

!). It's a bit like Ryanair...if you can live with all the restrictions (no hold baggage, no food, etc etc) then the base price is generally cheaper, but you need to check you're happy with those limitations. I guess we can't have it both ways, but I appreciate finding someone who will cover a campervan with all the benefits of a normal car policy might be difficult, irrespective of price.
All of that said, I am surprised that they wouldn't consider volunteering under Business Use, but I guess as
@ArunAlec says it opens the door to patient transport etc, which brings a whole world of potential risk. Under the current national crisis though it would be good to see them show a little flex to allow people to use their vehicles for this purpose - everyone is having to make compromises and sacrifices at the moment!