Buy a T5 or wait for a T6 California



VIP Member
T5 SE 180 4Motion
Hello we are looking to purchase a VW California for next year but whilst going through the order with the dealer on Friday he warned me there are no delivery dates yet and they expect the first ones to arrive in the spring.

My question is, do I take the gamble and risk missing the spring/summer season by buying a T6 or shall I just buy a T5 Cali that is in stock now? They have offered me a 10% discount off a pre reg 180 DSG but the only problem is it is beige :Nailbiting
If you want guaranteed use of a California for Summer 2016 then it probably won't be a T6. Unless you order, but hire a T5 for your holidays.
I wouldn't rush in. 10% off a T5 isn't enough discount in my opinion, especially as it's now late summer and its officially been superseded.

The T6 isn't much of a change but if I was buying brand new I would wait.

It seems 5% is easily achieved on a T6 brand new so is 5% extra on an older model enough of a saving?

As stated no-one knows when the T6 will actually be delivered, there's a chance you could miss out on next summer.

Do you need a camper for the winter? If not might be sensible to wait as new information is coming out all the time on delivery dates.
The answer to your question has changed each week on the forum. A few weeks back there was even a debate if a T6 Cali would come to the UK. Once they were confirmed, the chat was they wouldn't be available for a year and certainly no discounts were available. 2 weeks ago it all changed. 8% discounts were available on T6's and delivery would be end of the year. Dealers were panic selling remaining T5's. This week it turned again. T6's won't be here 'til next summer and T5 prices are firming !

My advice is therefore to take a longer view. If any T5's and T6's were to get registered in the same year, I reckon there will be a £3k+ gap in second-hand prices between the two models. (Others may disagree but look at 2009/10 pre/post facelifts).

So if you are approaching this on a financial basis, you'll need a cracking discount on a T5 today to keep you level with a T6 tomorrow. 10% on a T5 you don't fancy vs 7.8% on a T6 to your exact spec is an easy decision for me. The difference would easily pay for a holiday hire if your build date does get delayed.

One other thought: Are you able to cancel a placed order if you are eventually given an unacceptably long lead-time? Usually a contract specifies a delivery date. Perhaps without a date you can cancel?

If it's all too much, buy an older Cali and start using it tomorrow!
At first welcome to the new member !
I can't believe how many questions there are coming on should i wait for T6 or buy a T5 now stock.

If i would be spending the amount of cash the Cali costs , now at this time i would wait at least more than one year to order.
As we are now i would not give my savings to a "old model T5"
Don't get me wrong , i love my T5 and will not sell it for a T6 but starting from scrap think you should wait now ....
We all new the T6 was coming so all the doubters who have missed out on a T5 should have seen it coming....
Hello mr sheen,
I've been to West Yorkshire VW van centre this week and ordered a t6 Ocean.
The dealer has quoted me a 16 week delivery date.
I'm not wanting to collect till next year so it's not a problem for me but should be plenty of time for your holiday. Suppose it's just who you believe.
They also had some good t5 offers but with a discount and getting the van of your dreams to your exact spec I have to agree withT4WFA - it has to be a very, very good deal.
Good luck.
The arguments for waiting for a T6 get stronger by the week and you would need to be desperate for a van to buy now on only 10% discount. If you really want it, press for a bigger discount but be prepared to walk away. As others have said, another £3k may be the tipping point. You hold the aces. Good luck!
Unless you want it for the winter get ready to play hard ball. The dealers know that the opportunities for selling t5's are now are diminishing.
Going to struggle with storing them in our flat but a set of Steeel wheels and winter tyres looking more likely for when I get my 4Motion Cali. No idea what VW charge but suspect sourcing them from somewhere else will be a better plan?
Going to struggle with storing them in our flat but a set of Steeel wheels and winter tyres looking more likely for when I get my 4Motion Cali. No idea what VW charge but suspect sourcing them from somewhere else will be a better plan?

There are plenty of places to source wheels and tyres at reasonable prices.

I sourced mine from Oli at BMVS who change them over for my twice a year. Excellent service and coffee.
There are places that will store your spare set and do the changeover twice a year for a set fee.
There are places that will store your spare set and do the changeover twice a year for a set fee.
Excellent I am in Bristol. Will probably use my local garage had not thought of storing there. Doh!!!
A dealer told me all existing stock will need to be registered as demos / rentals before September 1st. Ie 15 plates.
I think all VW van centres are under the same instructions.

I was informed about numerous T5 stock available via Germany for orders for next quarter so surely by say December any UK stock will be a respectable purchase at major discount.

VW California Club
