Buying a 6+ year old California - roof repair?



VIP Member
T5 SE 130
I'm a long time lurker, with aspiration to buy a California. My budget is likely to 'only' afford an early T5 so more than 6 years old. Through the forum I'm aware of the roof corrosion issue...

So if I can afford a newer <6 year old model, the advice is make sure the roof has been repaired/replaced; or checked and if corroded, registered for repair before 6 year warranty limit.

If I continue to look at >6 year old models, if there are signs of corrosion then it will be currently excluded from the warranty repair. Is there an estimate available for the cost of a private repair? Is there likely to be a range of repair options (e.g. from low cost treating immediate area through to expensive replacement) for the private buyer?

Depending on the cost of private repair, do forum members think that sale prices will start to be affected with an adjustment for vans with signs of corrosion but not eligible for warranty work?

Any advice appreciated, sorry if this has been dealt with in earlier corrosion threads but I couldn't easily spot.

There is no independent body repair shop authorised to do the Cali roof repairs other than the four official repair shops that are currently trying to get through all the owners that have had the repair accepted.
With no warranty left on a 6+ year van there is no reason why you could not take your van to a body shop to do the roof repair but finding one willing to try could be quite difficult especially if they are the first.
As a rough guide I have had a rough verbal estimate from benfields, they are also one of the four official repairers.
An eye watering estimate of £4500.00 I cannot remember exactly but I think the materials required were £2200.00 and the rest was labour.
I would imagine I would struggle to sell my van unless I took a massive hit because of vw's scandalous stance on not at admitting its through corrosion rather than a far fetched excuse of a paint defect.
A lot of owners have had the front panel resprayed but it only maybe lasts a couple of years or less before the corrosion starts again. Probably still cheaper to keep getting the panel sprayed every couple of years though then to pay vw for a repair that hasn't been tested and still no official word on the guarantee period of the repair.
Really maddening thing is though they are the best conversion out there at the moment.
California's are based on a caravelle, have got best layout, trim, equipment etc.... And the moveable rear seat is amazing regarding the amount of space it can generate for storage.
Hope you find the van you are looking for and don't dismiss early California's at the moment.
I have a 2006 Cali which I purchased from a friend in May this year. I have been watching the web site and the articles in relation to this with interest. I have been all over my roof with a fine tooth comb and there isn't any sign of corrosion or bubbling, and I know that my friend the previous owner did not have this done, he had it from 2008 until this year.

I'm not sure if I have been extremely fortunate, or whether this may have been done in Germany prior to it being an imported in 2008, when it was 2 years old.

The point I make is that I wouldn't dismiss an older model because of this. :thumb
Your right there fella .. Nothing wrong with the older cali's and even if there is a little corrosion showing it can be treated cheap enough without breaking the bank ..:)
Why doesn't the guy from vw bus magazine cover this nonsense? A bit of publicity might help our 6yr old plus brethren.

If the 5yr ones are getting fixed as a result of a design fault. It seems ridiculous that the 6yr people are being told to sod off, when they suffer the same design fault.

perhaps a montage of 20 affected calis, big headline "why does vw tell these people with 6yr old vehicles to sod off ?" Then a brief article referring to the scandal this represents. Maybe some lancia bodywork comparison for good measure. Lancia took steps to assist Beta owners with 6yr old cars.

If only everything in life was as reliable as Volkswagen. Or as morally upstanding as Volkswagen.
we are following and informing readers re the on going saga: current issue deals with the roof panel and 6 year warranty and fix procedures; next issue updates to reflect VWs new position re the whole roof (and flags up unaddressed as yet concerns)...already rewritten twice as things changed during lead in time!
I do know VW is taking the whole thing seriously, very seriously, and I do know lots is going on behind scenes we don't know waiting to see what happens after Graham meets with VW...
the whole thing is a minefield!
(on behalf of VW Bus 4/5+)

VW California Club
