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Cable! Warning Message

Disconnected all the connectors to the Control panel or disconnected all 3 batteries?
Disconnected the CP and no change. Now left disconnected overnight as WelshGas suggested while I go to work.
Disconnected all the connectors to the Control panel or disconnected all 3 batteries?

As I thought I mentioned earlier, the unit looks for the 12volts coming from the charger input to bring up that symbol.
Having removed the plug out of the charger you have removed the charger from causing the problem that leaves the Control panel.
Removing all the plugs from the control panel itself (remove the control panel) you remove all power sources from the CP in case it is still getting power from a source. once reconnected if the problem still persists then the CP has developed an internal fault.
As I feared all along it does point to the CP being at fault. What options are there now apart from an expensive trip to VW? Is it repairable?
As I feared all along it does point to the CP being at fault. What options are there now apart from an expensive trip to VW? Is it repairable?
I'd a mooch on the auction sites to see if there is a secondhand one, get a quote from VW just to see how much the damage is going to be first.
As I feared all along it does point to the CP being at fault. What options are there now apart from an expensive trip to VW? Is it repairable?
If it still charges okay when plugged in, operates all the kit like roof, heater and fridge, then just ignore it?
If it still charges okay when plugged in, operates all the kit like roof, heater and fridge, then just ignore it?
Thanks for your help over the last couple of days. Everything does still work and having seen some prices for a new one I could get used to the warning beeping while driving!
Thanks for your help over the last couple of days. Everything does still work and having seen some prices for a new one I could get used to the warning beeping while driving!
Drill a hole in the sounder: that’ll silence it! You’ll lose the roof up warning but what the hell.
The Cali shop here did have some CP for sale, as is a fairly common problem. Also there is a place that does repairs. You'll need to do some searching here to find details.
The Cali shop here did have some CP for sale, as is a fairly common problem. Also there is a place that does repairs. You'll need to do some searching here to find details.
Normally the repairs are for the Button or the Screen. You could ask. The company is Vertronics in the Netherlands.
Thanks everyone. The shop lists reconditioned units but are showing out of stock, I’ve emailed Vertronics to ask if it’s repairable and foolishly got a quote from VW...£883.54. For the time being I’ll live with it while I look for a replacement.
Thanks everyone. The shop lists reconditioned units but are showing out of stock, I’ve emailed Vertronics to ask if it’s repairable and foolishly got a quote from VW...£883.54. For the time being I’ll live with it while I look for a replacement.
So leaving everything disconnected didn’t work?
I am asking a question. is there anything elsewhere in the socket that makes the van think the cable is plugged into the van ie a switch that could have stuck when the cable is removed.
Drill a hole in the sounder: that’ll silence it! You’ll lose the roof up warning but what the hell.
Good plan but possibly not quite so drastic, could one leg of the bleeper be disconnected temporarily until the solution/fix is found.
Good plan but possibly not quite so drastic, could one leg of the bleeper be disconnected temporarily until the solution/fix is found.

Yes: I only said that as it may be a surface mount sounder on the pcb with contacts that are difficult to desolder.
Yes: I only said that as it may be a surface mount sounder on the pcb with contacts that are difficult to desolder.
Sorry, I did not mean to pick fault.

I agree that a desolder on some of the modern pcb’s would not be an easy task without the correct soldering iron bit. Possibly cut the pin connection away from the board or wire whatever it is. Then when it comes to remaking the connection, it’s a matter of making good the cut rather than having to mess with the pc again.
An update.
Verotronics got back to me and suggested it might be a charger fault (but disconnecting the output from the charger has discounted this) and that they are unable to offer a repair.
The forum shop hasn't responded to when/if they will have reconditioned Control Panels again.
A search with hasn't given any options.
Has anyone dealt with this company not ideal but cheaper than the UK VW price...

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