Cadac Safari Chef Deluxe vs Cadac Safari Chef 2 (2016)

The wind shield can be used with the pan stand. The stand just sits on the base of the shield. It's not as designed, but works for us.
We have the original safari chef in both HP and LP form and functionally they operate the same with the same amount of adjustment . What I can say is although the knob turns several revolutions the adjustment is only at the beginning . Great piece of kit though. The HP is really flexible however when the canister is getting low it does not get as hot.
I found the adjustment the same LP to HP. 2mm sounds wrong. Mines more like half a turn.
Do you guys have the one that connects to a gas bottle or the one that uses gas cartridges?

I'm asking because I bought the cartridge version to be more flexible about where I grill, but I can't regulate the gas flow and so everything burns before cooking. Trying to determine if I have a faulty one or not!
If Swissian would be good enough to give me an update on how he got on with his problem I would be most grateful.
I have just purchased a HP Cadac Safari Chef 2 and I also cannot adjust the gas flow. The 2mm description is exactly the same as my findings.
Did you find a solution please ?
Many thanks in advance.
Hi @CHUB67,
After a long email exchange with Cadac, I finally got the HP unit swapped for the LP version at the end of last year. I then had to buy the adapter hose that fits the cartridge on the end, about 10 or 15 quid I think.

I must admit I've only tried it once quickly because family issues have kept me very busy, but initial tests looked good. I will try to test it again this week again.
Hi @CHUB67,
After a long email exchange with Cadac, I finally got the HP unit swapped for the LP version at the end of last year. I then had to buy the adapter hose that fits the cartridge on the end, about 10 or 15 quid I think.

I must admit I've only tried it once quickly because family issues have kept me very busy, but initial tests looked good. I will try to test it again this week again.

Hi Swissian

Thank you very much for the speedy reply. Much appreciated.
Please do not go to the trouble of trying your BBQ again on my account. The info you have provided is perfect for my needs.
Just looking to buy a Cadac what size camping gaz do people recommend to use with it or do you use the one from your van?
We use our 2nd 907, or the Cadac Dual Power Pak, depending on the trip. The advantage of the Power Pak is to take up less space but above all to use gas cartridges that can be found everywhere, even in the Nordic countries.
I have a new one and will be at the meet if you want a look. I was pondering a review of it. Does indeed have plastic legs.

I love everything about it except maybe one feature, the location of the gas connector. This has to be removed every time if you want to fold the legs away. Even the quick release valve gets in the way sadly.

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We have drilled small holes on the legs to allow the quick release connector to state in place and the legs to fold down for storage.

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