Where to next?
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I would take the view of make it physically awkward as once they can see the obstacles, they're more likely to abandon it because even with a gun to the owner's head, it's still going to take time to get it out. Layers of different types of security will make life harder for a prospective thief. I'd say it's fairly unlikely for a Cali to be targeted by a random opportunist as unless you know about them, you'd probably not realise their value. They're not likely to appeal to joyriders either as they're hardly a hot hatch. That leaves the most likely thief profile to be a professional, probably part of a larger organised network, with the tools and attitude to take something . . . if they really want it, they'll take it. That's what insurance is for, it's best not to lose sleep over it.
Related; there are some hilarious videos on the 'tube from the US where a prankster deliberately rigs a car with various things to hinder/confuse a thief ("soiled" objects, intimate toys, little explosions of powder etc..) and then parks said vehicle in a dodgy place and monitors via secret cameras inside.
Related; there are some hilarious videos on the 'tube from the US where a prankster deliberately rigs a car with various things to hinder/confuse a thief ("soiled" objects, intimate toys, little explosions of powder etc..) and then parks said vehicle in a dodgy place and monitors via secret cameras inside.