Cali Topper Fitting Accessory

By golly, I think, I hope, I've got it. I just didn't realise that the awning rail was standard on BOTH sides. Before I made a fool of myself I looked at many pictures of the Cali to confirm but nearly all were of the driver's side and the very few I saw of the left side were insufficiently detailed for me to be sure.The nearest dealer is 20 miles away. Anyway I know now thanks to you and hotel.
Sorry, there is a rail on both sides, but the awning attachment rail (that you pull a kador strip through) is only on the RHS...
The strip slides out quite easily, mines been in the garage, next to the child net, for 4 years.
Interesting as mine won't budge! But I usually use an awning so happy to leave it on

VW California Club
