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Calling All Solo Campers

I disagree, I have been to meets and really enjoyed myself on my own, I think it would also be nice with other solo campers, if someone found love then surely that is not a bad thing.

Oh I'm not disagreeing with that, finding love would be great, but finding someone who goes along to meets to make a nuisance of themselves would not!
far to risky to even think of commenting .........

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Have found the forums in this group very open and friendly. Very occasionally however the input from other solo women travellers is helpful. Belong to VW Chicks and Women with Campervans but sometimes find the fact that don’t drive an old T2/T25/T4 etc conversion/self build marks you out a little as not a ‘proper Vdubber’. Since don’t really do garlands etc and love my Cali would like to share thoughts with like minded Cali women.
This has already been a useful topic for me as I didn't know about VW Chicks and Women with Campervans. I would welcome a forum for sharing thoughts, info and inspiration with like minded Cali women.
Everyone's experience is going to be different here & if it suits some people to meet up, no harm in them connecting.

Much as we like to think things have moved on, there are additional (or different) issues for women.
I often camp alone and to be with a group and know you are not going to be a gooseberry would be a bonus for me
Can I send my missus along? ;)
Oh I'm not disagreeing with that, finding love would be great, but finding someone who goes along to meets to make a nuisance of themselves would not!

My thoughts exactly - we want to enjoy our camping experience not have a prospective dating agency on the doorstep. If people want that they should set up a 'singles' group.
I was a ‘solo camper’ for 15 months solid over 23 countries every night, approx 80% wild camp.

I see no point in spitting the solo campers from the duo campers of whatever.....we are all travellers ......
To misquote Rudyard Kipling; down to Gehennum or up to the throne, one travels best who travels alone!
Change of title due to requests....

Call ALL solo Cali travellers both male and female.

We have had requests for solo campers meets? Anyone interested?
Very interested. Let’s get cracking before winter
Male from Yorkshire
I don't see it as splitting the group, I would still attend other meets. If you are the only singleton in a group of couples or families it can feel a bit awkward. So if there is a meet where you know everyone is on the same position its a good thing.

I don't think anyon is planning a breakaway group.
Totally agree
Just wanted to bump this post as I have had a couple of messages from people looking for other solo travellers to occasionally meet up with.
I've been travelling solo for years and never felt threatened or afraid. If someone wants to chat, they usually come over or chat in public areas.
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I'm a Solo Camper and happy with a mixed group in fact I would not be interested in a Male only group!
I've only just found out the significance of an upside down pineapple sticker on the van signifies
Change of title due to requests....

Call ALL solo Cali travellers both male and female.

We have had requests for solo campers meets? Anyone interested?
Late to this thread - asked Martin about Solo Cali travelling and events as am keen to find if other solos are around and also if any going Van Fest ?
Ohoh, thanks for the heads up. I will watch my language when i see those signs. And maybe get some distance in between. Things might get noisy ;)
Don't know about swingers but I was going to overnight in the Landguard Peninsula car park near the container port at Felixstowe as it had a view across to Harwich and out to sea which would be great to wake up to. Couldn't see any signs so I asked a fisherman if he knew whether it was OK to stay overnight. He said 'as long as it's not a campervan". When pressed for the reason he said it was a well known dogging site!
I parked by the Landguard Fort instead.
Don't know about swingers but I was going to overnight in the Landguard Peninsula car park near the container port at Felixstowe as it had a view across to Harwich and out to sea which would be great to wake up to. Couldn't see any signs so I asked a fisherman if he knew whether it was OK to stay overnight. He said 'as long as it's not a campervan". When pressed for the reason he said it was a well known dogging site!
I parked by the Landguard Fort instead.

Most of the spots advertised Park4night that are local to us are well known for nocturnal activities. The ‘no overnight parking’ sign on the entrance to the carpark should be taken as a warning!
Most of the spots advertised Park4night that are local to us are well known for nocturnal activities. The ‘no overnight parking’ sign on the entrance to the carpark should be taken as a warning!
At my age I wouldn't need to stay all night, fast asleep after 10 minutes

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