Camping gaz



T4 PopTop
Campingaz is widely available in Western Europe and if you look at their website the impression is that bottles are available elsewhere. This is not the case, as if you travel to Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece it is not available. It seems the price they charge is too high for these countries.

In Romania & Bulgaria there is no solution unless you can get your 907 refilled but I think this problematic. However in Turkey ' Ipragaz ' is widely available in 2.5KG blue butane bottles with the same fitting on top as Campingaz. However these bottles are too wide to fit in the holder in the Cali. Lucky for me I have a Campingaz burner ' Super Carena R ' which will fit a 907 and hence Ipragaz as well. Similar bottles available in Greece.

Cost is amazingly low, £4 for the gas and only £3 for the bottle deposit. Bottle is as sturdy as the 907.
Update, some boats use 907 bottles and and change them in Turkey for Iprgaz who then refill and put back into circulation. I found a 907 in a chandlery today and grabbed it quick, got charged 25TL ( £9 ) but worth it to get the hob back in action.

So if in Turkey or Greece check the boat chandlers for 907 that have been filled locally.

If your brazen enough you can normally get a ' free ' shower at Marinas........

VW California Club
