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Campsite recommendation just North or South of Lyon



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United Kingdom
T6 Beach 150
Hello, I’m looking for a nice campsite for a 1-night stop over on the way to Provence. Ideally in a rural quiet area either north or south of Lyon (but avoiding Lyon itself of coruse). We will most likely be driving down the A6.

Our ideal campsite would be something simple and quiet, with minimal facilities, lack of electric hook up would be seen as a bonus.

I have all the various apps and familiar with using their search functions, so it’s personal recommendations I’m asking for

I’ve got one. Perfect with a great onsite restaurant. If only I could recall where it is? I’ll find it. Watch this space.
This is the one I had in mind. Poss a tad far if you’re heading from Prov, you’re almost there.

A better bet might be the site in Flurie, Beaujolis region near Macon. Really lovely site close to the village.
that looks wonderful - thanks - we will be coming from Laon so it would be reasonable. thank you ever so much