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Sorry to post the 100th thread about the battery change, but I thought I will tell you my journey of the battery change.
Like so many others I learned quickly that the 92Ah AGM battery of the Grand California is not really sufficient. Campers who always stay at the campsite or aires with power there is no problem.
But I've learned that there are circumstances that onboard electricity is needed. For instance parking at places with no infrastructer, some aires are full and places only without power connections are free.
With the AGM battery In general I could say arriving at a site at 4 pm the battery is almost empty next day at 10 am (of course without solar or other means of charging the battery, e.g. in winter).
We tried to overcome this using an EcoFlow Delta 2. In general it works. But in May of this year we got stuck at the Northkapp in a storm for 36 hours. To connect the EcoFlow we had to open a window to get the cable out. Not so good. Also it will add another 12 kg to our load (and we fight with each kilogramm ((like in real life)).
So what was the alternative for us? To get the battery changed from AGM to LiFeP04. It should be save to use and not interfere with the VW warranty (I still have 2.5 years left).
The only solution who ticks all the boxes was the "Autarkiepaket" von Car Electrik, Reinbek (near Hamburg).
I contacted them to establish a communication line and we visited them on this years Caravan Show in Duesseldorf. After we got everything explained we decided to go for one 150Ah LiFeP04 battery and an inverter. The order was placed and within a few weeks I got an appointment for the installation.
The ferries were booked (Dublin - Holyhead and Harwich - Hoek van Holland) and I started my journey on Tuesday 26/09. I arrived in Reinbek on Wednesday 27/09 late afternoon. Thursday 28/09 the work was done. 29/09 I stayed in an aire 70 km away from Hamburg for a days rest. Saturday 30/09 I will start may way back.
Handover of the camper was quick and professional. Installation took a day. Pick-up of the GC took a bit longer because I got information of the setup, of what to do and how to use it. Today at the aire I am not on hook-up to test the installation. As it looks like there will be no problems parked-up from Thursday 6 pm to Saturday 9 am.
My VW dealer knows what I planned to do and is interested to see the installation. I bet he also will check the VW database to see if the changes are ok with Volkswagen.
I believe the setup will suite our needs and increases the value of the Grand California. I am sure my GC600 is the only one in Ireland with the change of the battery with in installation that is save (no problems with the car insurance), and authorised by Volkswagen. The life expectancy is far longer on a LiFeP04 than a AGM battery so I don't believe I have to change the battery before I have to give up the camper because I am to old.
Overall so far. The entire communication and learning process with Car Electric in Reinbek was very good. Installation is high quality and save. Authorised by Volkswagen. Improve our camping options.
Of course there is a downside, it is rather expensiv. I hope it will be an investment for the future.
If you are interested in this change please let me know. I will also update this thread during the next few weeks to see how it will work out.
Electrified Grand California,
Sorry to post the 100th thread about the battery change, but I thought I will tell you my journey of the battery change.
Like so many others I learned quickly that the 92Ah AGM battery of the Grand California is not really sufficient. Campers who always stay at the campsite or aires with power there is no problem.
But I've learned that there are circumstances that onboard electricity is needed. For instance parking at places with no infrastructer, some aires are full and places only without power connections are free.
With the AGM battery In general I could say arriving at a site at 4 pm the battery is almost empty next day at 10 am (of course without solar or other means of charging the battery, e.g. in winter).
We tried to overcome this using an EcoFlow Delta 2. In general it works. But in May of this year we got stuck at the Northkapp in a storm for 36 hours. To connect the EcoFlow we had to open a window to get the cable out. Not so good. Also it will add another 12 kg to our load (and we fight with each kilogramm ((like in real life)).
So what was the alternative for us? To get the battery changed from AGM to LiFeP04. It should be save to use and not interfere with the VW warranty (I still have 2.5 years left).
The only solution who ticks all the boxes was the "Autarkiepaket" von Car Electrik, Reinbek (near Hamburg).
I contacted them to establish a communication line and we visited them on this years Caravan Show in Duesseldorf. After we got everything explained we decided to go for one 150Ah LiFeP04 battery and an inverter. The order was placed and within a few weeks I got an appointment for the installation.
The ferries were booked (Dublin - Holyhead and Harwich - Hoek van Holland) and I started my journey on Tuesday 26/09. I arrived in Reinbek on Wednesday 27/09 late afternoon. Thursday 28/09 the work was done. 29/09 I stayed in an aire 70 km away from Hamburg for a days rest. Saturday 30/09 I will start may way back.
Handover of the camper was quick and professional. Installation took a day. Pick-up of the GC took a bit longer because I got information of the setup, of what to do and how to use it. Today at the aire I am not on hook-up to test the installation. As it looks like there will be no problems parked-up from Thursday 6 pm to Saturday 9 am.
My VW dealer knows what I planned to do and is interested to see the installation. I bet he also will check the VW database to see if the changes are ok with Volkswagen.
I believe the setup will suite our needs and increases the value of the Grand California. I am sure my GC600 is the only one in Ireland with the change of the battery with in installation that is save (no problems with the car insurance), and authorised by Volkswagen. The life expectancy is far longer on a LiFeP04 than a AGM battery so I don't believe I have to change the battery before I have to give up the camper because I am to old.
Overall so far. The entire communication and learning process with Car Electric in Reinbek was very good. Installation is high quality and save. Authorised by Volkswagen. Improve our camping options.
Of course there is a downside, it is rather expensiv. I hope it will be an investment for the future.
If you are interested in this change please let me know. I will also update this thread during the next few weeks to see how it will work out.
Electrified Grand California,