Not sure if you have it figured yet. I have a 100w solar panel on the roof with a Victron MPPT controller in the rear cupboard. I simply made a pigtail coming out of the MPPT with a connector going to the solar panel. This can be unplugged and the solar panel can then be plugged into another connector going to a Solar Generator on the rear shelf. (I have one that cannot be charged from the Cali)
Eg. recently I went on a long drive. The Cali charged the Leisure batteries and starter battery while driving.
Solar was disconnected from Van MPPT and diverted to Solar Generator while driving.
When you arrive at your destination the Leisure and Starter batteries are all full. If its sunny you will have topped up your Solar Generator, if its not full no harm in leaving it charging for longer. When full then reconnect Solar Panel to Cali.
I can also plug my solar generator into my Cali EHU socket to give the Van a bit of a top up if I am not moving and not on EHU. Also I can take my CTEK charger plug that into the Solar Generator and top up the starter battery if necessary.
No point in driving with the Solar panel connected to the Van MPPT. May as well use it for charging your Solar Generator.
Well tried and tested been using it for 5 plus years. Gives me an extra 2 days if parked up with no sun or hook up

Saved us stacks of money while touring don't need electric. Also more options in a campsite on where you can park. Also perfect for wild camping.
We also have a lightweight 100w folding panel that we use when stopped to charge our Solar Generator if that's full we have made a lead that connects to our rooftop panel in series giving us 200w to charge either the van or Solar Generator.
Another advantage of the Solar Generator is we have no power in our garage so we can top off the Cali through EHU and keep the batteries in a good state.