I have a blue, food grade, hose which I use to fill the fresh water tank. There are now some dark marks appearing on the inside of the hose. I assume this is due to the inside always remaining slightly damp.
My hose is currently strung up in my bathroom shower cubicle. I have poured in a whole bottle of Milton sterilising solution. Even with a funnel this wasn’t that easy to do and the hose is not full so after leaving it for a while I will have to move the hose about to move the sterilising solution to reach other inside parts. I think the hose is about 12-14M long.
Surely there is a better and easier way to keep the hose clean. What do others do? Or does a hose only have a very short useable life and I should expect to buy a new one every 12 months or so?
My hose is currently strung up in my bathroom shower cubicle. I have poured in a whole bottle of Milton sterilising solution. Even with a funnel this wasn’t that easy to do and the hose is not full so after leaving it for a while I will have to move the hose about to move the sterilising solution to reach other inside parts. I think the hose is about 12-14M long.
Surely there is a better and easier way to keep the hose clean. What do others do? Or does a hose only have a very short useable life and I should expect to buy a new one every 12 months or so?