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Dashboard compass



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Lifetime VIP Member
Kilcock, Kildare, Ireland
Grand California 600

Before we had the van I use to have a Tiguan for 5 years. There was a compass as part of the instrument board. Not very sophisticated but I liked it.

I would love to get a compass for the van, mounted either on the dashboard or the window, but max. with batteries, I don't want one that needs power. I googled it, but either there are very cheap (more than a toy), needed power or seems to be more for a boat than a car (it seems that within the car there can be negative influences to the compass).

I had a search on the forum, but couldn't find anything. Can somebody recommend a good (not to expensive, but not cheap either) compass that works work nicely and can be mounted on the window?

Thank you for your help.
Now and then I use Android Car, but I haven't seen a compass in the app.

I must admit it is a "gadget" nice to have, but not vital. I think it looks cool :). Have I said that I don't want to glue it on the dashboard either (I don't want to damage the dashboard, just in case I want to sell the van) nor should it be to "plastic" and not a toy. But it should not be too expensive either....

Ok, I know, I might be a bit "picky"...


Before we had the van I use to have a Tiguan for 5 years. There was a compass as part of the instrument board. Not very sophisticated but I liked it.

I would love to get a compass for the van, mounted either on the dashboard or the window, but max. with batteries, I don't want one that needs power. I googled it, but either there are very cheap (more than a toy), needed power or seems to be more for a boat than a car (it seems that within the car there can be negative influences to the compass).

I had a search on the forum, but couldn't find anything. Can somebody recommend a good (not to expensive, but not cheap either) compass that works work nicely and can be mounted on the window?

Thank you for your help.
I don't think you will find a " Magnetic " ie: non-electric compass will be that much use in the vehicle - a lot of metalwork around + electronics.
You will need some form of electronic compass probably utilising the SatNav satellites to get anything meaningful.
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Thank you for the links. It googled just for compass, but especially the "wikihow" is interesting. I will read it after work.

I believe I saw the first web page (yourmechanic), but I am not sure. The older I get the more my memory goes...
If you have a built in satnav it will be possible to display a compass on the MFD if not then Im not sure.

May be worth a try for 15 euros but my bet would be they'll be so inaccurate as to be practically useless. You need a proper device that can be calibrated once fitted to the vehicle. Something like the Silva C58. Anything below about £50 is probably not going to do it for you I suspect.
By the way, although it's true that there are many smartphone apps with 'digital compass' direction displays, you need to be aware that the heading is usually derived (as far as I know) by the app using the smartphone's magnetometer and accelerometer sensors.

The issue there is that the magnetometer sensor is, as with a conventional magnetic compass, likely to be grossly 'fooled' by being in a steel vehicle. I haven't tested by how much in practice, might in interesting to try.

However... when using GPS-enabled apps, like satnav, a direction heading displayed is normally generated by the software monitoring the relative movement of the device, by calculating a directional bearing between sampled points as the unit moves along. This is not therefore susceptible to distortion by the vehicle structure. BUT it only works when you are moving; when stationary, you may still see a direction of travel displayed but that is just due to the random variability of position sampling within the margin of error of GPS position fixes.

Much more fun however to rely on traditional indicators of direction... like waiting to see the position of the sun at midday, or looking for the moss on the north side of tree trunks (although that's rubbish apparently, it just grows on the moistest sie - which may or may not be north). :rolleyes:
My T6 (with satnav) shows the direction of travel in the top of the MFD window twixt the dials, quite subtle.
My T6 (with satnav) shows the direction of travel in the top of the MFD window twixt the dials, quite subtle.

That sounds like it was in my Tiguan. The direction of travel was displayed in the MFD. How accurate it was I haven not checked, but it was ok for me.

For real navigation we all use the information from Sat Nav, mobile Google app (or any other application) or the build in device.
May be worth a try for 15 euros but my bet would be they'll be so inaccurate as to be practically useless. You need a proper device that can be calibrated once fitted to the vehicle. Something like the Silva C58. Anything below about £50 is probably not going to do it for you I suspect.

Hello, I agree the question is which would be the most suitable. To lose 15 Euro not the end of the world, losing 50, 60 or even more Euro is annoying.

I will continue to look around to see what I can find.